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Hosting SWFs on Web Host

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
So I have been trying to host my swfs on my paid web host instead of hosting on the same vps as my emu. Using the same working swfs on my vps, I can't get it to work when I use the swfs hosted on my web host.

I've edited rs4.php like follows: (I have an ip for "myiphere")
/* ***************** * @author capos * ******************/
$width = 100;$height = 114;
function buildimg($bytes, $width, $height){	$img=imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);imagealphablending($img, false);imagesavealpha($img, true);$x=0;$y=0;	$colors=unpack("N*", $bytes);	foreach($colors as $color)	{		imagesetpixel($img, $x, $y, (0x7f-($color>>25)<<24)|($color&0xffffff));		if(++$x==$width)		{$x=0;$y++;}	}	header('Content-Type: image/png');	imagepng($img);}
$pixels = file_get_contents('./banner.txt'); // the banner pixels
if($_GET){	$token = trim($_GET["token"]);	if(strlen($token) >= 10)	{			// Stuff to connect to mus and get banner data.. (prime and generator)		$fp = fsockopen("myserverip", 30001, $errno, $errstr, 1);		if (!is_resource($fp))		{			exit("LE FAIL...");		}				$packet = '0'.chr(1).$token;
		fwrite($fp, $packet); 		fflush($fp);				stream_set_timeout($fp, 1);		$data = fgets($fp, 512);		list($prime, $generator) = explode(':', $data);		fclose($fp);				$prime = '114670925920269957593299136150366957983142588366300079186349531';		$generator = '1589935137502239924254699078669119674538324391752663931735947';
		$insert = chr(strlen($prime)).$prime.chr(strlen($generator)).$generator;		$Length = strlen($token);$Length2 = strlen($insert);		$p = 0;$bitsnum = "";		for($i=0;$i<$Length2;$i++)		{			$bits = base_convert(ord($insert[$i]) ^ ord($token[$p]),10,2);			$need = 8 - strlen($bits);			for($o=0;$o<$need;$o++)$bits = "0".$bits;			$bitsnum .= $bits;			if (++$p == $Length) $p = 0;		}		$insertpos = 0;$Length = strlen($bitsnum);		for ($y = 39; $y < 69; $y++)		{			$a = 0;			for ($r = 4; $r < 84; $r++)			{				$pos = (($y + $a) * $width + $r) * 4;				$b = 1;				while ($b < 4)				{					if($insertpos < $Length)					{						$binaryData = base_convert(ord($pixels[$pos + $b]),10,2);						$need = 8 - strlen($binaryData);						for($o=0;$o<$need;$o++) $binaryData = "0".$binaryData;						$binaryData[7] = $bitsnum[$insertpos];						$pixels[$pos + $b] = chr(base_convert($binaryData,2,10));						$insertpos++;$b++;						continue;					}					break 3;				}				if ($r % 2 == 0) $a++;			}		}			}}buildimg($pixels, $width, $height);?>

When I use dev tools, it can't get pass rs4.php. The client loads till 87% then gets redirected to the game directory. Not sure if it would help but I also edited crossdomain.xml to allow access from my vps.

Any help? Thanks in advance.