Re: [Guide]How add a skill to a class
- Open Navicat and run this code
INSERT INTO skill_trees VALUES (0,150,2,'Weight Limit',0,1);Explain:
0 - Class ID (Human Fighter have class ID = 0)
150 - Skill ID (Weight Limit have skill ID = 150)
2 - level of skill
'Weight Limit' - name of skill
0 - number of SP need to learn skill
1 - level of player need to learn skill
-- Some usefull guides like these you can find in Hero's server files - readme -
i try to do that...but with my doomcryer...they dont have two skills...the earth chant and war chant...i put the values like your example...only i change the id of the class(116 for doomcryer)..the lvl(76)..and the sp and exp ...but they dont learn the skills...i create another char from 0 lvl....and lvl it...but...the same the 3r class change nothing happend...the skills exist in the database and the client..i learn them with my gm manual...and they pack is the hero 191 rev....please help me..and sorry for my bad english.
Like look at the BOLD'ed words... What do you see ? What kind of change?
I'll tell you:::
You wrote the level of your char, which is not what the code needs, it needs the level of the skill, in your CASE 1...
There is no level 76 war chant / earth chant... So therefore it simply doesn't add in... Well use this, instead of what you wrote::: (Warcryer ID...)
INSERT INTO skill_trees VALUES (52,1390,3,'War Chant',1350000,74);
This is for WARCRYER War Chant, i cant remember the id's of the 3rd classes...
INSERT INTO skill_trees VALUES (52,1391,1,'Earth Chant',138000,58);
This is earth chant....
WarCryer has them? And i think DoomCryer is the 3rd proof. of warcyer... Like so how can he don't have those buffs? Like i think you messed up a bit... ?
Nvm... Just edit the ID of the char you want to add the buffs and do it