how do i know my crush likes me(without telling)

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 25, 2017
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i tried asking google all of the tests says yes she :ott: u
shall i ask her cause she is kinda famus and a friend i may ruin the friendship:junglejane:
or i get into a amazing mutual thing :love::ott:
You can "hope" she likes you, and grow until you are 50 and your balls are saggy enough to actually man up and ask -OR- you can increase your testie size in a major way by asking her next time you see her :X

Oh come on, saggy balls?

There are plenty of natural, and artificial remedies for that!
I'm dense af and don't know how to pick up if anyone likes me but I'm also dumb enough to ask the girl I liked out to dinner on a random day and then a month later after that we got together and now we've been together for 4 months. So I say just go for it dude. Better to be an "oh well" than a "what if".
I'm dense af and don't know how to pick up if anyone likes me but I'm also dumb enough to ask the girl I liked out to dinner on a random day and then a month later after that we got together and now we've been together for 4 months. So I say just go for it dude. Better to be an "oh well" than a "what if".

okay but how do i tell her without sounding creepy or nervius

also she is a profesional singer and last time i seen her she became very touchy
and i seen some "x steps to see if ur crush likes u" vids thay all tell me its a big sign also she shows like 99% of the other signs(exept the hair playing nerver looked at her and spotted that:junglejane:)
i think i am gona ask her tomoro cause she will be at the dinner table of the place i am eating in my vacation one thing if she wants a relationship she propley has to move out of her country since my goverment doesnt allow me to leave mine yet:mad:

also when she singed she came like rly close to me i wish i understanded her singing but its portugese and i dont speak a word portugese(exept thank you)
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from my own experience...
1. you will never know untill you go for it and find out
2. never ask her a girl out, instead just INVITE her to some activity you both like and be specific when,what, time etc. (be leading!)
3. smile smile smile and be relaxed. There is no perfect time into asking out, kissing a girl etc, whenever u feel like it u should go for it.

at the end of the day, leav her better than you found her and thats all that matters :)
Unless she's taken, tell her. You got nothing to lose. If she says she doesn't like you, that sucks but you know what you're up to. If she does like you, then you're the luckiest man alive.

If she's taken, then you already know what you're up to; you got to let go and continue your life.
i told her but idk if she understood since she might have misunderstood "i like u"
i told her but idk if she understood since she might have misunderstood "i like u"

personally ‘i like u’ is weak, u have to be specific.

Ex: I’m starting to develop some feelings about you. I’d love to take you out for X activity and find out :) then set a plan and invite her. but if u already just told her u like her thats ok, did u followed up with talking or what happened then ?!

C.O.N.F.I.D.E.N.C.E! Is all you ever need...Go and try, it won't kill you. Go up to her and just be like: Hi! Wanna go out someday? I will buy you a(enter text here), if you are like 25+ you usually just go straight to the:"Hi, wanna f****". And then go from there.

Confidence my friend. Worst what can happen is a no.
Bro ask her out and if she denies you call her a bitch. #NiceGuys #IncelStyle
i aint a whomanizer also calling a well-known portugese singer a bitch in her own country is a nono
heck if i want to hurt her or her image i culd use another way but i dont do it i aint a idoit shes kind and nice and a good friend

personally ‘i like u’ is weak, u have to be specific.

Ex: I’m starting to develop some feelings about you. I’d love to take you out for X activity and find out :) then set a plan and invite her. but if u already just told her u like her thats ok, did u followed up with talking or what happened then ?!

i will when i see her again propley soon she is planning on visiting my country:love:
In hopes to not ruin a friendship, you can still do some things to get answers, you can start with taking her out to coffee or lunch/dinner and just spending more time with her and when the time feels right making a move, but if you sense that things are not going that way then maybe she's only just interested in friendship.

Key things to pay attention to is flirting and certain conversational topics, lots of eye contact and laughing, pay attention to any nervousness and like her being paranoid about the way she looks (poor self esteem, mentioning she doesn't look good etc) you'll notice that these are all things she wouldn't do around someone that she sees as just a friend and has no attraction with.

I should of read the thread, anyway if you told her you liked her I must assume you're young and that you think just mentioning your feelings to someone is the only way to get them feelings back lol, you need to spend time with someone to get attachment, you also need confidence and show many good traits to help sell yourself as an ideal man to be with.

I have no trouble with women due to my ability to just go up to them and talk to them, there's other methods involved to get interest out of women, but ahh that's not really what you're after in this thread haha.
guys shes some foreign girl that doesn't even speak his language. And he should come together with her? don't think you have a chance.
Try asking her this
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