How to Create a GM Account on AION 4.6 Retail

Could help me?
I can't set user as GM
On step 5 when i tried to search char, page answer - nothing to find
Char name is simple - Test and I see it in DB

in weblog.txt I see error:

2021-11-13 13:14:55,922 [13564] FATAL - communications.PacketSender : communications.PacketUtilCrypto CommonDecode error (allbuf.Length == 0 && rcv_len == 0)StackTrace : at communications.PacketUtilCrypto.CommonDecode(Byte[] msg, RequestPacketType request_packet_type, Byte marker, Int32 added_header_length, Int32 buffer_size, Boolean is_rcv) in G:\Work\Aion\_RESTORED\Common\communications\PacketUtilCrypto.cs:line 136 at communications.PacketSender.DecodeUSERLIST(Byte[] msg) in G:\Work\Aion\_RESTORED\Common\communications\PacketSender.cs:line 2630

But in GMserver side i see row like that
11/13/2021 1:14:55 PM : GRQ_GET_USER_LIST

in Gmserverlog
2021-11-13 13:14:55,688 [13176] INFO - ?AsyncSocketServer.AcceptCallback Add - count: : 1
2021-11-13 13:14:55,704 [13080] FATAL - ReadCallback Exception : Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
2021-11-13 13:14:55,704 [13080] INFO - ?AsyncSocketServer.ReleaseStateObject : connectedSocks.Count:0
2021-11-13 13:14:55,922 [13080] INFO - ?AsyncSocketServer.AcceptCallback Add - count: : 1
2021-11-13 13:14:55,922 [12408] FATAL - ReadCallback Exception : Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
2021-11-13 13:14:55,922 [12408] INFO - ?AsyncSocketServer.ReleaseStateObject : connectedSocks.Count:0

Any suggestions?

I'm having the same issue, when trying to do anything on AionGM, I'm getting this error:

2022-06-05 21:27:29,522 [18372] FATAL - communications.PacketSender : communications.PacketUtilCrypto CommonDecode error (allbuf.Length == 0 && rcv_len == 0)
StackTrace : at communications.PacketUtilCrypto.CommonDecode(Byte[] msg, RequestPacketType request_packet_type, Byte marker, Int32 added_header_length, Int32 buffer_size, Boolean is_rcv) in G:\Work\Aion\_RESTORED\Common\communications\PacketUtilCrypto.cs:line 136
at communications.PacketSender.DecodeMAILSEND(Byte[] msg) in G:\Work\Aion\_RESTORED\Common\communications\PacketSender.cs:line 6359

it seems to be a problem with communication between the website and gmserver
Should the string "World 1 > GMServer > BuilderLogDAO" appear when started GMServer?
have followed all the ways as shown. But there is still an error, why can't I login ??????????? error as below
how fix this error

View attachment 169889
I'm having the same problem, I need to change the character in the GM management panel, but when I try to do the process no results are displayed.

In GMServer it is possible to see the query in the database, but nothing is displayed on the page.

From what it seems is that no information is brought from the bank and displayed on the page.

Can anyone give me a hand?

1718876026029 - How to Create a GM Account on AION 4.6 Retail - RaGEZONE Forums

1718877610102 - How to Create a GM Account on AION 4.6 Retail - RaGEZONE Forums
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