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How to get off college early .... IT Class only :P

Feb 20, 2003
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was in college on friday was chattin to peeps on the Messenger service thingy (the annoying pop ups u first get b4 u disable them in services tab) some bird dared me to press the button on the back of the Power supply i was like fak off i had no idea what it did some geek in the class told her it switchs the power supply to american settings (230 volts when english is only 130 so 230 through a 130 volt power supply = ... well u know lol)

i said we will both do it on 2 seperate p.cs -.- w8ed for a coffee break then did it and well u can imagine sparks, smell of burning and well 12 dead p.c's we shorted out the hole IT Base lol :/ neway we finished at 1pm and didnt get in poop for it :D soooo moral of the story play with buttons at the back of p.cs it will get u off class early =P
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Mar 16, 2003
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MasterD said:
was in college on friday was chattin to peeps on the Messenger service thingy (the annoying pop ups u first get b4 u disable them in services tab) some bird dared me to press the button on the back of the Power supply i was like fak off i had no idea what it did some geek in the class told her it switchs the power supply to american settings (230 volts when english is only 130 so 230 through a 130 volt power supply = ... well u know lol)

i said we will both do it on 2 seperate p.cs -.- w8ed for a coffee break then did it and well u can imagine sparks, smell of burning and well 12 dead p.c's we shorted out the hole IT Base lol :/ neway we finished at 1pm and didnt get in poop for it :D soooo moral of the story play with buttons at the back of p.cs it will get u off class early =P

230volts=uk power
130=french and poop
*still exists*
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
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lmfao! nice one :D.

I once nuked my entire collage n that was over 300 PC's. Was funny as duck. Told it to nuke every internal IP from - . Every room was systimaticly getting blue screen of death hahahaha. Only downsied was that i told it to miss my PC so mine was the only PC in the whole school that didnt get nuked..... kinda blew my cover :(. A week of after school detentions for that lol.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 24, 2003
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Solares said:
lmfao! nice one :D.

I once nuked my entire collage n that was over 300 PC's. Was funny as duck. Told it to nuke every internal IP from - . Every room was systimaticly getting blue screen of death hahahaha. Only downsied was that i told it to miss my PC so mine was the only PC in the whole school that didnt get nuked..... kinda blew my cover :(. A week of after school detentions for that lol.

How do u nuke? i wanna do it xD
Feb 20, 2003
Reaction score
Solares said:
lmfao! nice one :D.

I once nuked my entire collage n that was over 300 PC's. Was funny as duck. Told it to nuke every internal IP from - . Every room was systimaticly getting blue screen of death hahahaha. Only downsied was that i told it to miss my PC so mine was the only PC in the whole school that didnt get nuked..... kinda blew my cover :(. A week of after school detentions for that lol.

me wanna know how to do that tell ^^ :p
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
u guys are lucky, they wont even allow us to right click on the screen, they disabled it lol,

they so safe with it, sucks
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
mark123 said:
u guys are lucky, they wont even allow us to right click on the screen, they disabled it lol
lol our high school did that but it was funny as duck coz the disablin thing was so poop. Ifu were fast enuf u could still click nethin b4 it disabled
Feb 20, 2003
Reaction score
speedhorn666 said:
Our IT teacher was such a tard+ he had a square chin that was THIS BIG

lmaooooo vincent i some times see him out in mollies on thursday nights looool still cocky as fuk but we just shout VINCE and he's like what zie fuk

btw he had a fukin cocky arrogent snot nosed witch as IT teacher (sic knows who >.>) who i got a U in both subjects :p Tech and IT lool
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
MasterD said:
lmaooooo vincent i some times see him out in mollies on thursday nights looool still cocky as fuk but we just shout VINCE and he's like what zie fuk

btw he had a fukin cocky arrogent snot nosed witch as IT teacher (sic knows who >.>) who i got a U in both subjects :p Tech and IT lool
lololol ye
Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
Oh man i remember the idiot i had for 1 class, it was like the only thing i didn't really got, many didn't, but this was purely because of that waffle, if you didn't got something then he would just tell you to read it again, he did explained stuff, but if you wouldn't get it right away, then your history.

Lots of people had complaints about him, it even got so far that we even put in a complaint about him, he just wasn't capable...

But we got to here that we wouldn't get him the next year because he would be retiring, so we happy and all... guess what, the next year we still had the waffle.

We discussed this with a other teacher, and he went to check things out, well the average of the classes he gave was about 2,5 points lower then from the classes who had other a other teacher for it...

Man i hate that waffle...