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How to remove all buff effects without waiting for their expiry?

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 31, 2023
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Is there an item that allows you to remove all buff effects (such as those pictured below) on your character without waiting for their expiry? I'm looking to make such an item available in the merchant shop. I think I've combed through pretty much every Consumable (Arcane and Combat Supplies) over at but I don't seem to find one that gives this effect, or I might have missed it somehow...

1697098704406 - How to remove all buff effects without waiting for their expiry? - RaGEZONE Forums


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For each of the applied abnormalities ( Prime Battle Solution, Noctenium, Bravery, Canephora, .... )
You need to create a dummy Abnormality
Abnormality id="xxx" kind="PrimeBattleSolutionKind" level="PrimeBattleSolutionLevel+1" duration="1000"
Abnormality id="xxy" kind="NocteniumKind" level="NocteniumLevel+1" duration="1000"
Abnormality id="xxz" kind="BraveryKind" level="BraveryLevel+1" duration="1000"
Abnormality id="xyx" kind="CanephoraKind" level="CanephoraLevel+1" duration="1000"
Now you need an item that will cast a skill and a skill that applies abnormalities ( Check how Prime Battle Solution does it )
Now apply all of the dummy abnormalities you created above, they will override the abnormalities and "remove" them.

( Written...
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 18, 2023
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Currently have no solution for you but sharing my thoughts because, I believe, it's something similar I was looking into a while ago when I wanted to add skill resets. This is most likely done with abnormalities. The problem here is, I have no idea how to do that... abnormalities have many parameters that are just numbers which I've no idea what they do.

I don't think there is an already existing item that does this.
In this case we could look at abnormalities you get when entering a BG that should remove all those you have in the screenshot if I'm not mistaken. It should then be possible to link that abnormality (or a new one with the same parameters) to an item.

I had planned to look at server binaries to maybe find some clues how these work. These hopefully would include a mapping of type, method and variation properties of AbnormalityEffect in Abnormality.xml
There is probably more than just that, the Abnormality element has many unknown values too (kind, property, category).
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 31, 2023
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Thanks for this. I figured it might be a tough one. I wanted to partly emulate what Menma is presently able to do with their "Unstable Bomb of cooling", wherein it says one of the things it can do is remove certain effects.

In the meantime, my present workaround is to let my character die (by falling for instance), that is, by making sure that the buffs are indicated as notCareDeath="False" in Abnormality.xml. Not a pretty way to prematurely end them buffs but it's one way to make it happen.

1697460242730 - How to remove all buff effects without waiting for their expiry? - RaGEZONE Forums


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Mar 29, 2019
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Thanks for this. I figured it might be a tough one. I wanted to partly emulate what Menma is presently able to do with their "Unstable Bomb of cooling", wherein it says one of the things it can do is remove certain effects.

In the meantime, my present workaround is to let my character die (by falling for instance), that is, by making sure that the buffs are indicated as notCareDeath="False" in Abnormality.xml. Not a pretty way to prematurely end them buffs but it's one way to make it happen.

View attachment 243471


If you know that entering an instance/bg clear all buffs/debuffs, then check which abnormality is applying from DungeonData or FieldData, then create an item that applyes that abnormality and should clean all buffs/debuffs like you are looking for.

Other idea is check which abnormality is using that item from menma then try to replicate.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 6, 2022
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For each of the applied abnormalities ( Prime Battle Solution, Noctenium, Bravery, Canephora, .... )
You need to create a dummy Abnormality
Abnormality id="xxx" kind="PrimeBattleSolutionKind" level="PrimeBattleSolutionLevel+1" duration="1000"
Abnormality id="xxy" kind="NocteniumKind" level="NocteniumLevel+1" duration="1000"
Abnormality id="xxz" kind="BraveryKind" level="BraveryLevel+1" duration="1000"
Abnormality id="xyx" kind="CanephoraKind" level="CanephoraLevel+1" duration="1000"
Now you need an item that will cast a skill and a skill that applies abnormalities ( Check how Prime Battle Solution does it )
Now apply all of the dummy abnormalities you created above, they will override the abnormalities and "remove" them.

( Written off the top of my head, been a few months since I did XML editing, might need tweaking )
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 31, 2023
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For each of the applied abnormalities ( Prime Battle Solution, Noctenium, Bravery, Canephora, .... )
You need to create a dummy Abnormality
Abnormality id="xxx" kind="PrimeBattleSolutionKind" level="PrimeBattleSolutionLevel+1" duration="1000"
Abnormality id="xxy" kind="NocteniumKind" level="NocteniumLevel+1" duration="1000"
Abnormality id="xxz" kind="BraveryKind" level="BraveryLevel+1" duration="1000"
Abnormality id="xyx" kind="CanephoraKind" level="CanephoraLevel+1" duration="1000"
Now you need an item that will cast a skill and a skill that applies abnormalities ( Check how Prime Battle Solution does it )
Now apply all of the dummy abnormalities you created above, they will override the abnormalities and "remove" them.

( Written off the top of my head, been a few months since I did XML editing, might need tweaking )
Thanks for this. It works. And here's an example of what I did...

I assigned 80079 Shevranberry Wine to be the item that would cancel the buff effects of 202015 Bravery Potion.


80079 Shevranberry Wine has these ids:
In ItemTemplate.xml > Item id="80079" linkSkillId="60950535"
In UserSkillData_Common.xml > id="60950535", AbnormalityOnCommon id="70252"
In Abnormality.xml > Abnormal id="70252"

202015 Bravery Potion has these ids:
In ItemTemplate.xml >Item id="202015" linkSkillId="60410203"
In UserSkillData_Common.xml > id="60410203", AbnormalityOnCommon id="4830"
In Abnormality.xml > Abnormal id="4830"


I made the following edits in Abnormality.xml:

1. Created (copy/paste) a new Abnormal id from Abnormal id="4830" (Bravery Potion).

2. Gave it a new id number by renaming Abnormal id="4830" to Abnormal id="12344830".

3. Increased level="95" to level="96".

4. Changed time="1800000" to time="1000".

5. The new entry looks like this:

<Abnormal id="12344830" name="게임방_버프_용맹의 물약" kind="44802" level="96" property="4" category="4" time="1000" cancelCondition="0" cancelConditionValue="0" cancelConditionProb="1" mobSize="all" bySkillCategory="0" priority="7" maxStackCount="1" clearStack="False" noRefresh="False" maintainTime="False" judgmentOnce="False" levelOver="1" levelUnder="127" balancedByTargetCount="False" infinity="False" realTime="False" isBuff="True" notCareDeath="True" peaceOnly="False" skipByReaction="False" isShow="True" isHideOnRefresh="False" hideBuffFailMessage="False" isStance="False" notCareBattleField="False" saveImmediate="False" group="doping">
<AbnormalityEffect type="24" tickInterval="0" value="1.04" method="3" variation="0" min="0" max="0" defenceBonusRate="1" />
<AbnormalityEffect type="162" tickInterval="0" value="1.1" method="3" variation="0" min="0" max="0" defenceBonusRate="1" appearEffectId="3266" disappearEffectId="3269" effectPart="FXCenter17" />
<AbnormalityEffect type="104" tickInterval="0" value="0.9" method="3" variation="0" min="0" max="0" defenceBonusRate="1" />


I made the following edits in UserSkillData_Common.xml:

1. Searched for id="60410203" (Bravery Potion), which has the AbnormalityOnCommon id="4830".

2. Copied the entire line of code with AbnormalityOnCommon id="4830", specifically:
<AbnormalityOnCommon id="4830" timeOverrideLarge="1" timeOverrideMedium="1" timeOverrideSmall="1" timeOverrideUser="1" abnormalityRate="1.000000" abnormalityRateForPvp="0.000000" />

3. Searched for id="60950535" (Shevranberry Wine), which has the AbnormalityOnCommon id="70252".

4. Pasted the line of code with AbnormalityOnCommon id="4830" (Bravery Potion) right under AbnormalityOnCommon id="70252" (Shevranberry Wine), and edited "4830" to "12344830", specifically:
<AbnormalityOnCommon id="70252" timeOverrideLarge="1" timeOverrideMedium="1" timeOverrideSmall="1" timeOverrideUser="1" abnormalityRate="1.000000" abnormalityRateForPvp="0.000000" />
<AbnormalityOnCommon id="12344030" classes="lancer,slayer,warrior,berserker,archer,fighter,engineer,soulless,glaiver" timeOverrideLarge="1" timeOverrideMedium="1" timeOverrideSmall="1" timeOverrideUser="1" abnormalityRate="1.000000" abnormalityRateForPvp="1.000000" />


And that's it. Now, whenever I use a Shevranberry Wine, it will reduce the effects duration of Bravery Potion to just 1 second.
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