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How to set up Aura Kingdom Server on CentOS

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 17, 2016
Reaction score
Rewrite this tutorial, merge client files from new to old.

Woah Thanks to you genz, This is..amazing. I shocked, your client data even support almost Aeria's latest content. With your previous and this tutorial finally I can learn how to merge content to Eperty123's Client after many times trying and fail (especially on merging 'data/' conf files)

Regarding the merged class, it's also work on me (testing atm). But i don't get their respective skills sound effect and their mechanics. In Debug window, it says failed to load (wav files) though the files exist, i still trying to figure what happend with this things.
I've tried some of the new equipments, maps, and dungeons, they are working. Dunno about the new quests (even if the quest are working, i guess there will be some issue on Port Morton and Higher Maps quest cuz they use Animated Cutscene). Little issue though, but there are some bosses that appear without their form (I noticed this in Twilight Forest).

Oh btw, your Housing System is actually exist and working, even the Sky Realm too lol. It just not giving the Housing Decoration UI because the client still using old UI. (Remember you have GM Access where you can travel to any maps in game :D)
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
@theDomo your pm box is full.
@genz nice work:)

now its just getting the client to respond to the server with the latest client. it is unpacked just shuts off as soon as the login splash appears.

could be OAUTH or not sending the login data or the streams in the .ini.

i have not had alot of time to work on it so for me it is just here and there.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2011
Reaction score
Regarding the merged class, it's also work on me (testing atm). But i don't get their respective skills sound effect and their mechanics. In Debug window, it says failed to load (wav files) though the files exist, i still trying to figure what happend with this things.

This is sound bug, remember to extract & copy files in SOUND.7z to your client folder.
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 7, 2016
Reaction score
HELP ME PLEASE!!! Not connected to rosgreSQL

Eperty123 - How to set up Aura Kingdom Server on CentOS - RaGEZONE Forums

Eperty123 - How to set up Aura Kingdom Server on CentOS - RaGEZONE Forums
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 17, 2016
Reaction score
HELP ME PLEASE!!! Not connected to rosgreSQL

Make sure you set-up your VM Networking correctly,
1. Set your VM to use NAT then open Virtual Network Editor (Edit -> Virtual Network Editor), disable the DHCP Function on NAT Interface.
2. Enable the VMware NAT Interface on Windows (Default is VMWare Nat 8) and set the interface IP to 192.168.1.xx and Subnet Mask, change xx to whatever IP address except the one used by VM (99)
you should can connect now
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 7, 2016
Reaction score
Does anyone make a video tutorial on the server installation and attach all the files and programs. You'll help a lot of people
Initiate Mage
Jul 9, 2012
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170,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_Level.ini
171,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_WeaponSkill.ini
172,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_AdventureRoad.ini
173,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_Ai.ini
174,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_DropItem.ini
175,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_GrowEquip.ini
176,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_SpellFormula.ini
177,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_ItemMallEnchant.ini
178,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_Store.ini
179,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_Parameter.ini
180,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_StateDependence.ini
181,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData] Open ..//Data//db//S_RootCmds.ini is fail.
182,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_Transport.ini
183,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_SysSetup.ini
184,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_TextLimit.ini
185,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_CharColor.ini
186,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_Reward.ini
187,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_Schedule.ini
188,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_PartnerMemories.ini
189,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_PartnerGrow.ini
190,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_PartnerCombo.ini
191,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_PartnerTalk.ini
192,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_RankAward.ini
193,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_Activity.ini
194,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_RecommendEvents.ini
195,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_DyeingItems.ini
196,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_Produce.ini
197,2016/08/10 01:00:09, [ERROR] [LoadData][ERROR]Can't Open File : ..//Data//db//T_Goods.ini
where to get these files?
Newbie Spellweaver
May 8, 2016
Reaction score
Did who know? What's file name for edit all random boxes item?
all item in this box are not match with details.
I want to try fix this problem.

Thank you.
for future answer.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 6, 2013
Reaction score
hi i been looking all over the place@_@ on where to put ip address if i wanted to make it online so friend can join Atm i can only know how to setup for offline and for the online i'm a bit confused all he get was login waiting be awesome if someone can get me on to the right path
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 13, 2014
Reaction score
Rewrite this tutorial, merge client files from new to old.

View this tutorial first if you don't know how to setup the server.
This bug will take a lot of working time...!!! >.<

@genz I have followed your guide here, game faulty:
QqnCfAr - How to set up Aura Kingdom Server on CentOS - RaGEZONE Forums

Some pictures of my game folder:
zeiHha8 - How to set up Aura Kingdom Server on CentOS - RaGEZONE Forums

And I've wondered, reaching 15GB capacities game???
we2A3Pc - How to set up Aura Kingdom Server on CentOS - RaGEZONE Forums

Thank you so much


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Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2011
Reaction score
@genz I have followed your guide here, game faulty

Some pictures of my game folder:

And I've wondered, reaching 15GB capacities game???

Thank you so much
Without pkg folder, the game will take ~ 13GB, there is PKG repacker somewhere in this forum, it allows you to repack the game to the smaller size.

About the bugs, you can view the logs that you can find in LoginServer, MissionServer,... in server folder, and view error.log in client folder.

BTW, I think you're missing some files in ui or uidata.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys! I think I will stop fixing bugs at this time, I will give you guys the link of my merged client & server.

Here are the links: &

- To use client: copy all .7z to your folder (~ Aura Kingdom), and extract them there.

- To use server: view my tutorial if you've not setup them yet. If you already have the server, just upload Data folder to your server.

There are still some major bugs in the game that I've not fixed yet. I'm only interested in Offline Server, all those bugs did not affect my enjoyment, so I'm too lazy to fix them. :blushing:

Hope you enjoy it!
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 6, 2013
Reaction score
not sure what i'm doing wrong but i can login to the game select a character and play but on my friend side she can also login and make a character but can't get in the the world can anyone help me with that is it the zoneserver i need to hax or something.

i have reread like 10 time take me like maybe 3-4 day trying to get it to work on Wanip did some research here and there thanks to @genz tutorial that i get this far and @evestu @[URL="http://forum.ragezone.com/members/2000040892.html"]Eperty123 tool that make it happen xD
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 13, 2014
Reaction score
Who can help me this problem?
1 - Not change the password
Last login: Tue Sep  6 11:11:40 2016 from
[root@localhost ~][B]# sudo -u postgres psql -c 'nmhnmh' ;[/B]
[B]ERROR:  syntax error at or near "nmhnmh"[/B]
[B]LINE 1: nmhnmh[/B]
[root@localhost ~]#

2- Navicat
uNVgx2r - How to set up Aura Kingdom Server on CentOS - RaGEZONE Forums

2JAeAqW - How to set up Aura Kingdom Server on CentOS - RaGEZONE Forums

Thank :): :eek:tt:


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