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How to setup a WoTLK Trinity Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included. Mangos 

Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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This project has switched to Trinity core...

Ok. This is not my tutorial. I used this tutorial and added a few things Prydev forgot.....but all credits go to for the tutorial.

Hello All!

This server supports WOTLK 313 Client (9947).

Videos in HQ by Pryd

Secrets of Ulduar! WOTLK 3.1.3
IMPORTANT NOTICE: No media files are hosted on these forums. By clicking the link below you agree to view content from an external website. We can not be held responsible for the suitability or legality of this material.

Direct link to Youtube Vids = YouTube - PryDevServer's Channel
Xfire vids for reference at = PryDevServer (prydevserver)


100 % Working Vehicular combat and destructible objects!!
DK QUEST from start to Finish (no GM needed for regular players)
Full SQLs included for Easy Navicat "execution"
2 worlds, 1 purely blizzlike untouched except for me updating and minor fixes
1 Custom World full of goodies!! Such as over 40+ Custom Armor / Weapons!
Hundreds of Custom NPC vendors, teleporters, trainers ready to be spawned!
All T8 items, mobs, quests, practically 99 % working.
Custom Mounts such as the infamous "dead gryph" "turbo jetplanes"
2 FrostMournes: 1 is the supposed official and the other my personal stats!
Unique weapons / armor that you'll find nowhere else, crafted by me.
A Mangos-To-Trinity2 Character Converter now included!!

Basically this Repack is the first conversion of PryDevServer from Mangos to Trinity2, and a compilation of 50%+ of my previous 3.0.9 work.
NPC credits go to Me, Warren, and one other chap who helped make T8 Vends.

This is: PryDevServer Rev 3b CORE = Trinity2 x64/x32 4803
DATABASE = YTDB rev503 & ACID3/Heisei111

I have also included the extractor tools & mang admin.

These servers sport Northrend Instances and Raids such as Ulduar & Naxx.
Bosses, Mobs, Quests, Game Events spawned and scripted.
Working BGs, achievments, glyphs, professions, & added a few special mounts!
I have also added extra class set items made by me, useful for a GM staff or T9..

If you find that you don't like any part of it, feel free to change it as you see fit.

Please note, I am including 2 YTDB worlds. One is a YTDB Blizzlike
The second world is a YTDB FunServer which has been manipulated by me.

That way if you like one aspect from one world you can compare the
two databases and steal pieces from each.

All vendors that you need are in the database. No world has a mall spawned.
It's all ready for you to make your Mall, hundreds of valuable NPC vendors, Teleporter Helpers, Skill Trainers, Ulduar Portal helpers and more.

Credits go to:
Mangos, Trinity, YTDB, and script teams such as ACID / Heisei
ME for compiling cores, updating and adding goodies to the dbc. Making the DK beginner quest work w/out GM intervention. And a few other minor additions.

New Trinity core 3.1.3 Server Repack done by Pyrd!!!

Pryd said:
Hello All

I only have a few days off so here's a repack that I think is seriously worthy and made by me.
Course I couldn't have done it without the dev teams and the community from this forum.
I'm just a middle man.

Included you will find my personal SQL Dumps and compiled core with extras added by me.
Unlike using YTDB's method of install ( SQLyog )

I prefer that you install my database using NAVICAT.

In fact this is a Must!!

One partially customized database that has lots of vendors, a few custom mounts, and a few DK starter quest workarounds so that they can complete the series. Also included are my teleporter quest helpers and other odd helpers.., do take a look around in the creature_template. The Ulduar helpers can be great if the portals aren't working right. Skill Master in there as well.

The other one has no fixes or vendors done by me, but.. I did do the DK work around for the pure blizzlike dbc. Other than those few
minor fixes, nothing of myne has been added, besides their updates, and all the necessary Trin scripts needed for this Trin version.

Included now is a Mangos To Trinity2 Character Converter!

Thank you Borogtech!

This is:

Trinity2 64/32 bit Core Version 4804:
YTDB Version 503 ( The latest )[/b] ( 2 world dbcs, 1 char dbc )

Use your same Realmd!. Or use the one from Trinity2 / Mangos Sources .
Tools for extracting are included but if you were previously using Mangos, keep using the SAME DATA..

Check the videos of my work on Youtube, search for PryDevServer.




Please Note
Due to Time constraints
The Official Guide for this Repack is located on MMowned.com

Rev 5b

Guide to follow on next post.
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Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server. All Downloads Included.

Quick & Dirty Install Guide-

Prior Setup Needed but not included in this guide:

[Monolith]My Addition: Due to the size of the databases...I would recommend using SQLyog rather then Navicat....

Navicat took nearly an hour to install the mangos db while SQLyog took about 15 minutes.

Download that here:

There are plenty of guides out there for the criteria mentioned above
therefore make sure to have those three working plus .net framework 3.5. You will know if you
are ready to continue my guide if you can connect to your mysql server through Navicat.

[Monolith]My additions:

Setting up Navicat and SQLyog:

Upon running the applications...you get connection set up boxes.....

Monolith - How to setup a WoTLK Trinity Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included. - RaGEZONE Forums

Monolith - How to setup a WoTLK Trinity Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included. - RaGEZONE Forums

Just fill in the information you inserted when you installed MySQL.....

Security Tip: Make sure you change at the least the password from the default "root" to something else in MySQL.

Quick & Dirty Install Guide

There are plenty of guides out there for the criteria mentioned above therefore make sure to have mysql, working, your cpu up to date and 3.5 .net framework.
You will know if you are ready to continue my guide if you can connect to your mysql server through Navicat.

Create a Folder called C:\Trinity

Unzip all the files from my repack into a folder on your desktop, then go into that folder
and copy everything inside the folder "PDS3\WOTLK9947\TRIN4803_SD1295_ACID3_Heisei111" to "C:\Trinity"

Create a folder called "data" in Trinity so that you have C:\Trinity\data

Go into the map extractor tools folder and take Ad.exe and place it in your Main WoW Folder.
Example C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft or C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft.
Once you run Ad.exe you will get 2 new folders, DBC and MAPS.
Copy these two folders back into C:\Trinity\data

Go back into Map extractor tools folder in C:\Trinity and copy

make vmaps.bat

into C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Data\enUS or C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Data\enUS.
Now run makevmaps_simple.bat and let that run until it is finished which will take some time.
Don't close it too early because it extracts the buildings first.. then makes the vmaps afterward.
You will get VMAPS folder which needs to be copied back into C:\Trinity\data

While that is extracting let us now open up Navicat and create 3 new databases.
The 3 databases should be Characters, Trinity, Realmd.
Now import/restore/execute batch each of the databases that is supplied in the database folder
inside C:\Mangos\YTDB_503 to its respective counterpart inside your MySQL server.

Please note that you can import PDS_Pure_Blizz, or PDS_Custom_FUN, it's completely your choice.
If you would like to use your old Mangos 313 Character Tables, I have provided a Mangos to Trin2 Character Converter.
Special Thanks to Borgotech at PryDevServer Forums for this.

Now all that you must do is edit your config files within C:\Trinity.

First be sure to RENAME trinitycore.conf.dist and trinityrealm.conf.dist to just trinitycore.conf, trinityrealm.conf!

First open up trinityrealm.config. Find the line:

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;password;realmd"
And change your username, password, and database to match your MySQL Server setup.

Lastly go into trinitycore.config and edit these 4 important lines.

DataDir = "C:\trinity\data"

LoginDatabaseInfo     = ";3306;root;password;realmd"
WorldDatabaseInfo     = ";3306;root;password;trinity"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;password;characters"

Open up Navicat and go into your Realmd database.
Find the table realmlist and look at the data entries.

Make sure the ID is number 1.
Change the Name to whatever name you want people to see.
Change the address to your external IP example: myserver.dyndns.org
Port should be 8085

This last action is to make the server live to the world,
assuming you have Xampp properly setup and your router ports
are forwarded correctly when you run realmd.exe the program will
connect to your realmd database. If this information is set to
then you must set your realmlist.wtf file in WoW to match this.
But if your setup is myserver.dyndns.org then inside realmlist.wtf in WOW
you would use myserver.dyndns.org to connect.

Step9 -- Run TrinityCore.exe
If you did it right prepare to be one happy camper.

Anyhow once the Trinity server loads completely, now is your time to create
a username and password for server access.

If you have the trinity.exe selected you should be able to type commands. Type ? or command / help to see the available commands.


account create user 123456

Now open up your favorite SQL program and go back into the Realmd database.
Look for the table accounts. You should see under data the new account that you just created.
Find the spot that says GM level and put this at 3.
Now this account is a GM and you will have access to GM commands ingame.

Time to log in.

But before we log in, there is still Mang Admin
That folder belongs in the WOW Interface Addons folder.

Please make sure to Thank or Donate to the Respective Dev Teams for all their continued hard work because without them my repacks would not be possible.

I do not offer official support for my repacks literally: because if you know what you are doing, my repacks run flawlessly.
Though that doesn't mean I won't help, just make sure your issue has been thoroughly researched before posting here.

If you like my repack and want to ask questions related to the dbc, core, etc, or even if you want to help improve the repack;
Feel free to join my forums where PryDevServer repacks originate.

Thank You Dev Teams for All your hard work!!
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Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server. All Downloads Included.

For a good webpage:

I would recommend using a better looking webpage....

I myself use ReggAcc...which you can find here:

It has nice logging, a very nice admin panel and just looks more professional.

For good database editing and adding of custom content

I would recommend you use this link to better understand the database rows and tables and what they require.

I have found this to be an indispensable tool for adding custom content.

Guild House Master

Guild Housing and Guild security is a patch written by some very nice people from Script Dev's forums.

The NPC can be found by searching your creature_template for "Pryds Guild" House / Master ( and guild guard )
These things should have been in the last 3.0.9 repack., along w/ tons of other features.

The Guild House NPC currently holds up to about 20 guild houses.

Here's how it works.

The first person to buy a guild house has a ton of choices, once 1 guild buy a guild house that choice is taken off the list
or reserved for only that guild. The houses are varied from GM island to hidden places around Azeroth.

The guild houses cost 100k gold., and only the guild master can buy or sell it.
The feature is to support guild houses that can then be customized, ( by GMs ) for rewards / donations etc.
In the end though it's only as good as you the Owner of the Server intend to make it.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 4, 2007
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server. All Downloads Included.

i ave an error.
when i click on mangos.exe or on realmd.exe, it doesn't even start , what's the cause ?
Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server. All Downloads Included.

Do you have Microsoft .net 3.5 installed?

What OS are you using?
Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included

Added link to 64 bit Manogs Core!!!!
Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included

Updated to latest release.
Junior Spellweaver
Feb 8, 2009
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included

Can I do it all in folder D:\Mangos\ ?
Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included

You mean put the entire server there?

Well yes..I guess...why not?
Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included

Added link to newest release....

Rev 20.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 15, 2005
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included

thank for nice guide :D
can help me to setup server easy.
Initiate Mage
Jun 7, 2008
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included

I got everything setup and it all connects. I run the client and I can log in but when I select the realm it tries to connect to the game server for a couple of seconds then bumps me back to the "select realm" screen.

I'm running Vista Premium 32bit (yes I'm using the 32 bit mangos core).
Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included

I got everything setup and it all connects. I run the client and I can log in but when I select the realm it tries to connect to the game server for a couple of seconds then bumps me back to the "select realm" screen.

I'm running Vista Premium 32bit (yes I'm using the 32 bit mangos core).

In the realmd database did you setup the realmlist table with your IP and server name?
Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included

Updated downloads with newest release.

Containing over 50 vendors!
Initiate Mage
Jun 7, 2008
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included

In the realmd database did you setup the realmlist table with your IP and server name?

I'm just connecting on my local computer so i changed the name but left the ip as all the configs are the same.

* Edit: The link to rev.21 isn't working. *

The key you provided for file download was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on Mediafire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or Mediafire.

** Edit: Got it working...my data folder didn't extract properly...a re-extraction fixed it **
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Initiate Mage
Jun 7, 2008
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included

I didn't say it before so I'm saying it now. Great job Monolith, this is an excellent repack.

Thank You
Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included

I didn't say it before so I'm saying it now. Great job Monolith, this is an excellent repack.

Thank You

Not mine...just releasing to the RZ public what I found and use on my server....

All credits go to PryDev.....

I agree though...it is the best repack I've found to date.

So you did get it working though?


Added Rev. 22 download site...some bugs fixed.
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Initiate Mage
Jun 7, 2008
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included

Not mine...just releasing to the RZ public what I found and use on my server....

All credits go to PryDev.....

I agree though...it is the best repack I've found to date.

So you did get it working though?


Added Rev. 22 download site...some bugs fixed.

Yeah, got mine working.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 27, 2008
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included

Hi friends ,

When I create new character , my inventory has full items Epic . Would you show me why so ? where does them come from ( event , setting in mongos server , script ....)

Thanks all for support
Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Re: [Tutorial] How to setup a WoTLK Mangos Server 32 & 64 Bit. All Downloads Included

There are 2 SQL dumps included....

One is Blizz like where you start with no items and one is Fun Server...where you start with a bag full of items....

Use the Blizz like SQL dump if you want a regular server....