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HuggoST CMS - Atom CMS Edit by Cyb3rBlu3

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 7, 2023
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

Since I am finally leaving the scene and a very good friend of mine is also leaving, we have decided to publish the CMS.

The download file is very large 3.6GB, but everything is included HK, DB, Emulator, CMS, SWF etc


More Images:

Originally the CMS should not be released at all but only for personal use, so you will also find CSS codes in some blade files, etc. I was too lazy to create a separate CSS for everything, so if you are up for it, you are welcome to do so.

The CMS contains the following:

- Price list
(If the Rare only costs Thaler then only Thaler will be displayed if it only costs Diamonds then Diamonds will be displayed and if both then both. If it is an LTD, the LTD logo appears as shown in the pictures, where you can see how many are still there etc., just test it yourself ^^. And you can create subcategories

And you can create subcategories, which will then be displayed as a drop down that you can open. A rare can also be divided into several categories. You have to enter the ID in the respective column, for example: 1,2,3,4 then the rare will be displayed in categories 1-4. Please no spaces in between otherwise it will not be displayed)
- Badge Creator
(Badges have to be approved in HK, after approval the badge will be inserted in c_images automatically

You can also simply drag badges that have already been created into the Badge Creator and the badge will then be adopted by the Creator)

- Change design of CMS
- Change username
- A staff page from the old years

(If a staff is online then the avatar is displayed correctly. If he is offline then transparent. If you hover over it with the mouse, there is information about the respective employee)

- Contributors page (where staff and former staff are listed)
- and much more
Events can be created via the HK. The CMS then displays the date and time as well as other information. As soon as the event starts, it says "currently running" (see picture)

The price list runs via the catalog_items table. A function for the housekeeping was not programmed by me, because I had no time.

To add employees to the staff page you also have to do it via the database, there is a table for this.

The MySQL data must be entered in the following files:



Have fun, test it out, take what you need :)

So that the CSS design can be displayed correctly open Notepad++ and search for the domain "huggo.st" in the whole folder and change it to yours.

Since I am now officially out I only give limited support. Turn on debug mode if you get errors then you know where the problem is :)

Best regards.


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Initiate Mage
Apr 28, 2024
Reaction score
What files should I modify to make it work locally? Thanks

If, for example, I want to translate the cms into Spanish, what files should I edit?
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