I finaly got the new Machine head :D

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Loyal Member
Sep 28, 2004
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I finally got it after waiting a while to listen to it and ... they got better again hehe.
I can't believe how Robert Flynn is just getting so much better you can feel that they got the influences from ideas that they had in there last album Throught The Ashes Of Empires except that they bettered it.
So much more technique you really wonder how does robert play guitar and sing in the same time.

Anyways there new album was really cool in my opinion.

What do you guys think about it?

My favorite song is Halo. What is yours?
Experienced Elementalist
Apr 5, 2006
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don't have it yet :( and i really like machine head. gonna edit this psot after i hear the album :p
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Loyal Member
May 25, 2005
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It's okay. I don't agree with you on the fact that they've gotten better though. I think their old stuff is the best. But, that's just my opinion.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 28, 2004
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the new machine head album is amazing and pure genius on 2 levels
1st level - They have shown they can take any riff from a band and just rip the poop out of it
2nd level - They know how to bring out an album that can just say "we dont care"

The new machine head album does not have influences from there last album it has influences, from iron maiden, slayer, pantera, judas priest. I could go on, but they took nere enough every idea and just changed it, listen closly.

Also if you listen closely to the lyrical conten in aesthtics of hate - it is clearly about dimebag darrel. A book was writen called aesthetics of hate, and it was all about some bloke saying dimebag was poop, blar blar, the lyrics in the song are basically telling that write to duck off.
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Loyal Member
May 25, 2005
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the new machine head album is amazing and pure genius on 2 levels
1st level - They have shown they can take any riff from a band and just rip the poop out of it
2nd level - They know how to bring out an album that can just say "we dont care"

The new machine head album does not have influences from there last album it has influences, from iron maiden, slayer, pantera, judas priest. I could go on, but they took nere enough every idea and just changed it, listen closly.

Also if you listen closely to the lyrical conten in aesthtics of hate - it is clearly about dimebag darrel. A book was writen called aesthetics of hate, and it was all about some bloke saying dimebag was poop, blar blar, the lyrics in the song are basically telling that write to duck off.
Just because the lyrics are telling the writer to duck off doesn't make it genius.

And also, both of your levels of genius describe just about every underground metal's levels of genius. And the influences are always going to be the 4 greats of Thrash (Megadeth, Anthrax, Slayer, and Pantera) along with Priest and Maiden. That's just the way metal bands style their music, except for Black/Death Metal.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 28, 2004
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Just because the lyrics are telling the writer to duck off doesn't make it genius.

And also, both of your levels of genius describe just about every underground metal's levels of genius. And the influences are always going to be the 4 greats of Thrash (Megadeth, Anthrax, Slayer, and Pantera) along with Priest and Maiden. That's just the way metal bands style their music, except for Black/Death Metal.

indeed you are correct, but the way i was trying to explain it, was they have taken every catchy and amazing riff from bands such as those and put it into there songs. They have basically sat there and wrote there whole album based on the last 50 years of music
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Loyal Member
May 25, 2005
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indeed you are correct, but the way i was trying to explain it, was they have taken every catchy and amazing riff from bands such as those and put it into there songs. They have basically sat there and wrote there whole album based on the last 50 years of music

Once again. What band doesn't do that? I mean, ffs everyone takes riffs from influential groups such as Maiden and Priest. It's the way they put the music together and exploit their own style that makes them truly great. And IMHO I don't think Machine Head did it with this CD. I like their older stuff better.
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Loyal Member
Sep 28, 2004
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Well I wont be arguing I like it xD
Well the bands that don't copy other groups are often the ones that make it out. Because we are all looking for new.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 28, 2004
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but what do you define as new, nothing can ever be new, its just re-invented :p
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Loyal Member
Sep 28, 2004
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Well in the 60 metal didn't exist.
That is new. When the punk movement came out after all the old school bands then the heavy metal movement came after and that is what started now days metal but there are forms that are starting to change. But I can admit that we are having a hard time to get out of metal ^^