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I Got The Job!!!!

*still exists*
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
As some of you may have noticed from a while back.... Ive been going to interviews for a web-design job. I dident post about the most recent interview i had... coz i started to loose hope. But anyway. Today i got a phonecall from them saying that they want me :D.

So finally after 3 interviews spanning over a few months ive got myself a job as a web-designer :). Only down side is that my starting pay is totally poop... but its a hell of alot more than what i used to get paid. Ive also been told that as soon as i pass my driving test and have a car im going to get a pay rise of 1k on top of what im getting paid at the moment. I then also get pay reviews every 3 months for the first year. So eventually i should be earning a decent amount of money :). (no im not gona say how much im getting).

Just wanted you all to know how happy i am right now :D. Now all ive got to do is learn how to make websites again HAHA..... Especially when the only reason they took me on is coz they needed me to do allot of the internet scripting and HTML writing for them *dies from scaredness*. I start next monday and i hope its gona be great :D.
*still exists*
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks people :). Im just worried there gona expect 2 much from me :'(. I mean i totally lied my butt off about what i could do in the interview.... That was only so i could get the job. Now im gona go into work on monday n there gona give me a poop load of work to do that i wont know how to do... *dies*

Oh well..... all good fun lol
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
hey good job man.. oh and how old are u and u dont have your drivers license? oh well hope you get a good chuck of change.
(like 40k ) best wishes
*still exists*
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
Im 18. Havent got my license yet coz i kinda stoped lessons from not being able to afford them. Back on track now tho. And lol @ 40k a year. This is my first full time job ever and its the exact thing i want to do. I almost dident get the job coz they couldent afford to higher me. So im just thankfull with what ive got at the moment. + more experience = better prospects. Next job i will have all this under my belt HaR :)