ID of Items/Mobs/ Bosses ..etc

Experienced Elementalist
Feb 25, 2007
Reaction score
hello every1... well im new here..and i make the mangos server whit the tuto posted here and works perfect!!.. so all ok.. but i need if it posible id of bosses and items and u know all cool stuff in wow.. i have the commands now but i dont know the Id
. ID is in the URL...
Open SQLlog or navicat, drop down mangos_bc, select either item_template / creature_template, show the table, then the names and ID's of everything is there, make sure you click 'show all' too see the whole table.
thx my friends... u help me a loooooooooooooot!!
i h ave one last question.... how i put the tier3 and those tier vendors in the game??...

:) thx
DUDe no wonder bad spelling was in the news the other day its because you mispronounce the words to change the english language and personally RAPPER talk is ANGERING me to the hilt whit is a rappers word u is lazy spelling its spelled WITH and YOU Im sorry for grading your spelling but it just aggrevates me that the kids these days spell words like love as LUV and the words they say like whats up are now said as wassup. Guess what people cant spell WHATS anymore. Now Words like dawg are really spelled DOG. OK I can see Phat not being spelled Fat because it means pretty hot and tempting BUT for words that have always had a spelling PLEASE FOR THE SAKE OF OUR KIDS EDUCATON FIX IT. I know you say the word with like wit because it sounds cool and all but when its ruining education it needs to stop. OK an answere for monsters type .lookupcreature and the name like this .lookupcreature dragon with the period before the words like all other commands and as you probably already know where the word dragon just type whatever other creature you want. I think it also works for objects like lookupobject. but as far as lookupcreature it works on guards and stuff with names also. When you use this command a list will come up with creatures with the word you typed.then to add them to your world permenantly type addspw and number of creature.After that type update.Sam after you decide to delete somthing type update so it will stay deleted. Again sorry for the B^^^tching over your spelling.
No for the love of whoever DO NOT USE NAVICAT IT BLOWS. It took 7 to 8 hours to restore an sql for me.QUIT RECOMMANDING NAVICAT I HOPE THE CREATOR GOES BANKRUPT LOL.
One of my GMs sent me this a while back. It has all object, creature, spell, item, tp, and skill IDs. Hope this helps:
