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If Bored Do This...

Feb 25, 2003
Reaction score
was quite bored and seen this on another forum seemed quite amusing so howz about we all answer these questions and it'll be fun to c what ppl put..hey its summit to do lol

1) Starting time:

2) Your Name:

3) What are your nicknames:

4) School:

5) E-mail:

6) Eyes:

7) Hair:

8) Pets:

9) Siblings:


10) Been so drunk you blacked out:

11) Taken any illegal substances:

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas:

13) Missed school b/c it was raining:

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement:

15) Ever kept a secret from someone:

16) Who knows your deepest secrets:

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend:

18) Cried during a movie:

19) Had a crush on a teacher:

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot:

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff:

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide:

23) Prank called someone:


25) Shampoo:

26) Soap:

27) Color:

28) Day/Night:

29) Summer/Winter:

30) Online smile:

31) Lace or satin:

32) Cartoons/Anime:

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend:

34) Like anyone:

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends:

36) Who is the shyest:

37) Who do you go to for advice:

38) Who do you get the most surveys from:

39) Who do you cry with:


40) Cried:

41) Cut your hair:

42) Exercised:

43) Worn a skirt:

44) Been mean:

45) Been sarcastic:

46) Met someone new:

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on:

48) Missed someone:

49) Hugged someone:

50) Fought with your parents:

51) Wished upon a star:

52) Laughed until you cried:

53) Played Truth or Dare:

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset:

55) Went to the beach at night:

56) Spent quality time alone:

57) Read a book for fun:

58) Ate a great meal:

59) Are you lonely:

60) Are you happy:

61) Are you talking to someone online:


62) God/Devil:

64) The Closet Monster:

65) The Big Bang Theory:

66) Heaven/Underworld:

67) Superstitions:

68) What's a name you'd rather be called:

69) Who named you:

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync:

71) When was the last time you showered:

72) What color pants do you have on right now:

73) What song are you listening to right now:

74) What was the last thing you said:

75) What is right next to you:

76) What is your computer desk made of:

77) What is your phone number (optional):

78) What was the last thing you ate:

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon:

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with:

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list:

82) How's the weather right now:

83) Have you ever smoked pot:

84) What did you do last night:

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex:

86) How are you today:

87) How do you eat an Oreo:

88) Who makes you happy:

89) Fav cds:

90) Fav dream:

91) Have you ever won any special awards:

92) What do you want to be when you grow up:

93) End time:

ill do mine wen my eyes go norm again lol
Nov 30, 2003
Reaction score
WHEW BOY this is going to take awhile XD.

1) Starting time:
9:45 PM (EST) (GMT -5)

2) Your Name: Justin

3) What are your nicknames: don't have any

4) School: Marlboro High

5) E-mail: kidgoten@hotmail.com (you prank email, you die :p)

6) Eyes: black

7) Hair: chocolate-brown (pretty darn brown, real close to black)

8) Pets: none, used to have a dog.

9) Siblings: 1 sister and 1 brother


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: nope

11) Taken any illegal substances: nope

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: yes

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: nope

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: nope, though I would like to see someone do it :p

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: yes

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: no

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: yes

18) Cried during a movie: yes

19) Had a crush on a teacher: hell no

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: if video game characters count, yes

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: hell no

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: no, but I might in the future :p

23) Prank called someone: no, but maybe in the future :p


25) Shampoo: Dove

26) Soap: same

27) Color: red

28) Day/Night: night

29) Summer/Winter: winter

30) Online smile: :iamwithst

31) Lace or satin: tough choice, can't pick!

32) Cartoons/Anime: don't have a favorite

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no, but looking :good:

34) Like anyone: yes

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: won't say

36) Who is the shyest: uhh, not sure

37) Who do you go to for advice: no one really, other than my parents

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: uhh, n/a

39) Who do you cry with: no one


40) Cried: no

41) Cut your hair: no

42) Exercised: yes

43) Worn a skirt: rofl, no

44) Been mean: yes

45) Been sarcastic: yes (plenty of times :good: )

46) Met someone new: no

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: yes

48) Missed someone: yes

49) Hugged someone: yes

50) Fought with your parents: nah, surprisingly

51) Wished upon a star: no

52) Laughed until you cried: no, but came close :p

53) Played Truth or Dare: no

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: no

55) Went to the beach at night: no

56) Spent quality time alone: yes

57) Read a book for fun: yes

58) Ate a great meal: YES YES YES

59) Are you lonely: nah

60) Are you happy: yes

61) Are you talking to someone online: sort of


62) God/Devil: yes

64) The Closet Monster: of course :p

65) The Big Bang Theory: maybe

66) Heaven/Underworld: not really

67) Superstitions: nope

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: (my username maybe? :p)

69) Who named you: my mom I think

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: NSync, they are hot! XD

71) When was the last time you showered: well, 5 minutes ago? :p

72) What color pants do you have on right now: shorts, and they are black

73) What song are you listening to right now: none

74) What was the last thing you said: I'm typing on a computer, how the heck do I remember?

75) What is right next to you: a computer? :p

76) What is your computer desk made of: wood

77) What is your phone number (optional): won't say :p (no prank call for j00)

78) What was the last thing you ate: chicken

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: not sure

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: not sure

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: none, don't have a PM list

82) How's the weather right now: clear, dark

83) Have you ever smoked pot: nope

84) What did you do last night: uhh, played some games.

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: they look so amazing :good:

86) How are you today: good

87) How do you eat an Oreo: the usual, split them up, eat the cookie with the less cream first, then the one with more cream

88) Who makes you happy: umm, lots of things?

89) Fav cds: none

90) Fav dream: I barely remember my dreams :p

91) Have you ever won any special awards: yes

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: not sure, possibly a lawyer

93) End time: 9:55 PM, damn, 10 minutes XD

whew that was long
Feb 25, 2003
Reaction score
1) Starting time: 2:51am

2) Your Name: Aaron Hussain

3) What are your nicknames: Azz

4) School: Macmillan Collge

5) E-mail: Thuglife_230@hotmail.com

6) Eyes: Brown/Green

7) Hair: Black

8) Pets: Dogg - Rotweiller

9) Siblings: None


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: yea a few times lol well i donno if i blacked out just cant remember poop lol

11) Taken any illegal substances: nah im not like dat lol

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: yea >.< lol was embarrising

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: nah me mam kicks me butt 2 skool

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: yea hairs on me arm lol

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: yea lol

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: no 1, closest person prob sarah me g/f

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: yea and did lol

18) Cried during a movie: yea lol ano im a girl lol >.<

19) Had a crush on a teacher: nope they all ugly lol

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: yea lol

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: nah im not dat sad :p

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: nope well was in every day 4 some show like a few years ago but thats it

23) Prank called someone: yea lol was fun


25) Shampoo: erm head and shoulders lol

26) Soap: Dove 4 silky smooth skin lol

27) Color: baby blue

28) Day/Night: Night

29) Summer/Winter:Summer used to like winter more but duck that now lol

30) Online smile: :smileysex

31) Lace or satin: lace

32) Cartoons/Anime: erm Akira

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: yea both ;) lol sarah and masterd :)

34) Like anyone: yea

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: all about the same length prob baring or hydra first, we was m8s from da start of secondary skool lol

36) Who is the shyest: prob steely or me m8 tony

37) Who do you go to for advice: me m8s on ragezone

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: erm donno

39) Who do you cry with: erm...me g.f? lol


40) Cried: maybe lol

41) Cut your hair: yea

42) Exercised: yea

43) Worn a skirt: WHO TOLD U!!!

44) Been mean: yea to me g/f tonite lol :( im sorry sarah lol

45) Been sarcastic: yea all the time lol

46) Met someone new: erm new ppl on rz lol

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: i always do me girl sarah and steely ;)

48) Missed someone: Sarah

49) Hugged someone: Sarah, and gilly

50) Fought with your parents: yea me mam the witch ate all my mini eggs and my easter egg from sarah didnt even ask pshhh she was drunk like lol

51) Wished upon a star: used to...alot

52) Laughed until you cried: not in a long time

53) Played Truth or Dare: lol as kids yea

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: nor i plan 2 lol its in my 2do list

55) Went to the beach at night: 2 do list

56) Spent quality time alone: always do, id ratha be with some 1 then be alone

57) Read a book for fun: nahhhhhhhhhhh

58) Ate a great meal: yea had spare ribs the other day

59) Are you lonely: wen im alone, wen im wiv sarah im not

60) Are you happy: i like to think i am, im quite sure i am :) hardly eva depressed ne more

61) Are you talking to someone online: nope every 1s sleepin lol


62) God/Devil: God maybe im so confused

64) The Closet Monster: yea ahhh always must go to sleep wiv the lights on or he'll get me lol

65) The Big Bang Theory: yea man makes sense

66) Heaven/Underworld: nahhhh bull*beep*

67) Superstitions: lol i say no but ya wouldnt catch me walkin under a ladder

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: Tyrese

69) Who named you: me mam

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: Backsteet boys lol both gay but these dont have gay boi just in

71) When was the last time you showered: showered erm... like a year ago.... im a bath guy :D

72) What color pants do you have on right now: i dont have ne on o_O

73) What song are you listening to right now:

74) What was the last thing you said: Joe - Ghetto Child

75) What is right next to you: me imaginary friend bob

76) What is your computer desk made of: wood lol

77) What is your phone number (optional): 01642 _ _ _ _ _ _ Guess :p

78) What was the last thing you ate: chilli toasty things from the microwave lol

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Eygpt

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: The Special person who loves u as much as u love them

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: 2 many lol

82) How's the weather right now: Dark lol

83) Have you ever smoked pot: nah

84) What did you do last night: watched crappy sailor moon to make my g/f happy

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: Personality - how funny they are, Looks - butt

86) How are you today: ok i guess lol

87) How do you eat an Oreo: erm i donno wht 1 is

88) Who makes you happy: Sarah

89) Fav cds: dont own many cd's download songs lol prob willenium lol

90) Fav dream: were im like as hard as superman and i kick like 100 ppls butt and i get the girls lol

91) Have you ever won any special awards: i cant remeber lol

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: Alien lol

93) End time: 3:09
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
I'll do anything for my hulkamanicas, and I love being in the spotlight; hollywood style, so heres my info:

1) Starting time: 12:20AM EST

2) Your Name: Alex

3) What are your nicknames: Al

4) School: Done High School, at Cittone Institute now

5) E-mail: hulkrules9094@yahoo.com (msn one)

6) Eyes: Black

7) Hair: Black

8) Pets: None (parents wont allow) (Had 2 pet canary's once)

9) Siblings: 3 brothers


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: no

11) Taken any illegal substances: no

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: no

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: hmmm, nah

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: no

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: yes

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: no one

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: yes, few girls known for long time

18) Cried during a movie: never

19) Had a crush on a teacher: yes, in 3rd grade. Nice Ducking face and body, whew

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: yes, Yuna from FFX, hehe

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: duck no!

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: never

23) Prank called someone: yes, donut shop


25) Shampoo: Herbal Essence

26) Soap: Dove

27) Color: Green

28) Day/Night: Night

29) Summer/Winter: Winter

30) Online smile: you mean, smilie? Its the one with middle finger

31) Lace or satin: satin

32) Cartoons/Anime: cartoons

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: not yet, alot on shy side

34) Like anyone: yes, my RZ friends and famil

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: my friend mike

36) Who is the shyest: me

37) Who do you go to for advice: myself

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: my hulkamaniacs

39) Who do you cry with: no one, you faggot


40) Cried: no

41) Cut your hair: yes

42) Exercised: yes, get tired easily, endurance sucks, but my strength is awesome

43) Worn a skirt: duck no

44) Been mean: yes, hollywood style brother!

45) Been sarcastic: dont know what it means although i heard it

46) Met someone new: yes, a few assholes here and there

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: been long time, since was in high school

48) Missed someone: my grandmother

49) Hugged someone: yes, mother

50) Fought with your parents: not really, only sometimes with stupid poop

51) Wished upon a star: no faggot!

52) Laughed until you cried: omfg, you mother Ducking duck, NO

53) Played Truth or Dare: none

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: sunset

55) Went to the beach at night: never

56) Spent quality time alone: yes, but gets boring

57) Read a book for fun: sometimes

58) Ate a great meal: yes

59) Are you lonely: sometimes

60) Are you happy: not usually

61) Are you talking to someone online: yes, my MSN maniacs


62) God/Devil: God

64) The Closet Monster: no

65) The Big Bang Theory: hmmm, maybe

66) Heaven/Underworld: Heaven

67) Superstitions: spilling oil is bad luck, salt brings back good luck

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: Auron

69) Who named you: maybe Mom

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: NStink

71) When was the last time you showered: this morning

72) What color pants do you have on right now: Blue

73) What song are you listening to right now: Christina Aguilera (dont laugh)

74) What was the last thing you said: Goodnight, ppl came over for easter

75) What is right next to you: no

76) What is your computer desk made of: dont have one

77) What is your phone number (optional): 215-I-FUCKED-BECKY HAHAHAH

78) What was the last thing you ate: Octopus (Yummy)

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Cancun!

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: my future girlfriend

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: none

82) How's the weather right now: Rain

83) Have you ever smoked pot: no

84) What did you do last night: nothing, spammed on RZ and fucked around

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: body!

86) How are you today: pleasent

87) How do you eat an Oreo: I open the top, lick the cream, and eat the cookie

88) Who makes you happy: life

89) Fav cds: jessica simpson (dont Ducking laugh), jay-Z feat/ashanti, Eminem

90) Fav dream: Flying around with Saiyan powers doing destruction just like Brolly does

91) Have you ever won any special awards: yes

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: Store Manager

93) End time: 12:43AM (been chatting on MSN while doing this about A3 servers)
Feb 20, 2003
Reaction score
1) Starting time: 12:41pm GMT

2) Your Name: Daniel Casey

3) What are your nicknames:Casey,Big D :p

4) School:MANCAT College

5) E-mail: dannycasey321@hotmail.com

6) Eyes: green

7) Hair: brown

8) Pets: Dog - Tara Jack russell

9) Siblings: Brother


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: No

11) Taken any illegal substances: No

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: No

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: Yes

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: No

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: Yes

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: Ermm no1 =P

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: No

18) Cried during a movie: No

19) Had a crush on a teacher: Yes lol

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: No

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: No lmao :p

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: Yes

23) Prank called someone: yes


25) Shampoo: VO5

26) Soap: Dove

27) Color: Purple

28) Day/Night: Night

29) Summer/Winter: Summer

30) Online smile: : )

31) Lace or satin: Lace (On some1 else lol)

32) Cartoons/Anime: erm Simpsons and Southpark

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: I have many boyfriends cause im a Bangkok chick boy nah jk no g/f atm

34) Like anyone: No

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: Best m8 Chris 14 years

36) Who is the shyest: erm dunno

37) Who do you go to for advice: Dad or brother

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: No1 lol

39) Who do you cry with: Not cryed in ages


40) Cried: no

41) Cut your hair: no cause its closed ffs need to get it done lol

42) Exercised: erm walked about :p

43) Worn a skirt: No lol

44) Been mean: Yes

45) Been sarcastic: To much lol

46) Met someone new: No

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: No

48) Missed someone: No

49) Hugged someone: Yes

50) Fought with your parents: Probably cant remember lol

51) Wished upon a star: no

52) Laughed until you cried: Yes

53) Played Truth or Dare: No

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: Yes

55) Went to the beach at night: No

56) Spent quality time alone: Yes

57) Read a book for fun: No

58) Ate a great meal: Yes

59) Are you lonely: No

60) Are you happy: Yes

61) Are you talking to someone online: Not atm


62) God/Devil: Both

64) The Closet Monster: No

65) The Big Bang Theory: Yes

66) Heaven/Underworld: Yes

67) Superstitions: Some

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: Casey

69) Who named you: Mum and Dad lol

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: Nsync lol

71) When was the last time you showered: Last night

72) What color pants do you have on right now: Navy Blue

73) What song are you listening to right now: Tupac - Staring at the world through my rear view (Phil collins mix)

74) What was the last thing you said: The dog needed to go out for a sh!t to my dad lmao

75) What is right next to you: a Driving test theory practise CD

76) What is your computer desk made of: Wood

77) What is your phone number (optional): fk off lol

78) What was the last thing you ate: Coco pops

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Australlia

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: no1 yet lol

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: 52

82) How's the weather right now: Crap raining

83) Have you ever smoked pot: No

84) What did you do last night: Went to a house gathering/party with SIC

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: Personallity or Bum

86) How are you today: Good

87) How do you eat an Oreo: wtf is that lol

88) Who makes you happy: mates

89) Fav cds: Xzibit- Restless / Clubland 3

90) Fav dream: When i know im dreaming and do mint poop lol

91) Have you ever won any special awards: Swimming honours thats it that was ages ago lol

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: Dunno lol

93) End time: 12:49pm
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
1) Starting time: 12:51pm

2) Your Name: Gareth Taylor

3) What are your nicknames: ;) lol

4) School: Newcastle College

5) E-mail: I don't tell no foo'!

6) Eyes: Brown

7) Hair: Brown

8) Pets: Pedigree Yorkshire Terrier

9) Siblings: 2 brothers, 1 sister


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: No

11) Taken any illegal substances: Kinda

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: Yeah lol to next door

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: No

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: Yes... Gary Ahmed you bastard lol

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: Yup

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: Hmmm... no-one

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yup in Year 8 lol :(

18) Cried during a movie: Probs

19) Had a crush on a teacher: Nope

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: Yah lol

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: God no

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: Nope

23) Prank called someone: Yup (Leam Taxis hate me)


25) Shampoo: Head and Shoulders

26) Soap: Dove

27) Color: Orange

28) Day/Night: Night

29) Summer/Winter: Winter

30) Online smile: :D

31) Lace or satin: Hmmm Satin

32) Cartoons/Anime: Cartoons

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No :(

34) Like anyone: Not really

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: Tough one, probs Micheal

36) Who is the shyest: Dunno lol

37) Who do you go to for advice: RZ buddehs

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: Quite a few from Chris lol

39) Who do you cry with: No-one


40) Cried: No

41) Cut your hair: No

42) Exercised: God no

43) Worn a skirt: No

44) Been mean: Yup

45) Been sarcastic: Yup

46) Met someone new: Yes I think I have

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: Nope

48) Missed someone: No

49) Hugged someone: No

50) Fought with your parents: Yup

51) Wished upon a star: No

52) Laughed until you cried: lol yes

53) Played Truth or Dare: No (not in the last 2 weeks anyways)

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: No

55) Went to the beach at night: No

56) Spent quality time alone: Yes

57) Read a book for fun: No

58) Ate a great meal: Yes

59) Are you lonely: Yes

60) Are you happy: Not really

61) Are you talking to someone online: Yes


62) God/Devil: No

64) The Closet Monster: No

65) The Big Bang Theory: No

66) Heaven/Underworld: No

67) Superstitions: No

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: Hmmm I always liked Stuart. :D

69) Who named you: My sister

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: Backstreet Boys lol

71) When was the last time you showered: Last night

72) What color pants do you have on right now: None :tp: lol

73) What song are you listening to right now: The Darkness - Love is only a feeling

74) What was the last thing you said: duck

75) What is right next to you: Cup of tea

76) What is your computer desk made of: Wood? lol

77) What is your phone number (optional): 0191 SuckMyBalls

78) What was the last thing you ate: Gummie Bears :D

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Switzerland

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: I don't know yet

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: Loads lol

82) How's the weather right now: Overcast

83) Have you ever smoked pot: Not really

84) What did you do last night: Watched Event Horizon/Planned what I'm gonna do today

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: Smile

86) How are you today: OK I guess

87) How do you eat an Oreo: Stuff it in my mouth and go "Mmmmm"

88) Who makes you happy: No-one

89) Fav cds: None lol download

90) Fav dream: Sex

91) Have you ever won any special awards: I won a handwriting competition once lol :D

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: Not a clue

93) End time: 1:01pm
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
1) Starting time: 13.05

2) Your Name: dan

3) What are your nicknames: dan

4) School: none

5) E-mail: dan@ragezone.com , h4x3r@h4x3r.us

6) Eyes: brown

7) Hair: blond , red highlights

8) Pets: 2dogs, cat

9) Siblings: non


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: yes

11) Taken any illegal substances: yes

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: yes

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: yes

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: yes

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: yes

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: friends

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: yes

18) Cried during a movie: no

19) Had a crush on a teacher: no

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: yes

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: no

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: no

23) Prank called someone: yes


25) Shampoo: dove

26) Soap: dove

27) Color: blue

28) Day/Night:night

29) Summer/Winter: winter

30) Online smile: o_0

31) Lace or satin: satin

32) Cartoons/Anime: cartoon

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no

34) Like anyone: yes

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends:to many

36) Who is the shyest: none

37) Who do you go to for advice: any

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: huh

39) Who do you cry with: hyh


40) Cried: no

41) Cut your hair: no

42) Exercised: yes

43) Worn a skirt: yes

44) Been mean: yes

45) Been sarcastic: yes

46) Met someone new: yes

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: yes

48) Missed someone: yes

49) Hugged someone: yes

50) Fought with your parents: yes

51) Wished upon a star: no

52) Laughed until you cried: no

53) Played Truth or Dare: no

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: no

55) Went to the beach at night: no

56) Spent quality time alone: yes

57) Read a book for fun: no

58) Ate a great meal: yes

59) Are you lonely: 50/50

60) Are you happy: yes

61) Are you talking to someone online: yes


62) God/Devil: no

64) The Closet Monster: no

65) The Big Bang Theory: yes

66) Heaven/Underworld: no

67) Superstitions: yes

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: piss head

69) Who named you: mam

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: neither

71) When was the last time you showered: yestuday, havin one after i finish this actually

72) What color pants do you have on right now: blue

73) What song are you listening to right now: was listening to queen

74) What was the last thing you said: give it 10 minutes

75) What is right next to you: a pc

76) What is your computer desk made of: wood

77) What is your phone number (optional): 999

78) What was the last thing you ate: easter egg

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: anywere

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: my hand

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list:

82) How's the weather right now: 99

83) Have you ever smoked pot: yes

84) What did you do last night: no

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: butt

86) How are you today: im ok how about yourself

87) How do you eat an Oreo: no

88) Who makes you happy: anyone f unny

89) Fav cds: .. cds? mp3s man..

90) Fav dream: sexo

91) Have you ever won any special awards: yep

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: technician

93) End time:
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Nov 19, 2003
Reaction score
1) Starting time: 14:31

2) Your Name: me

3) What are your nicknames: me

4) School: no ty

5) E-mail: :moon:

6) Eyes: two

7) Hair: some

8) Pets: two

9) Siblings: 1 brother


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: yep

11) Taken any illegal substances: ehmm ehmm

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: not that i can rememeber

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: i call it skipping college

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: no

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: who hasnt

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: me ;)

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: hmm... yes?

18) Cried during a movie: yes

19) Had a crush on a teacher: no

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: nicely drawn yes

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: eh?

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: no lol

23) Prank called someone: dont think i have


25) Shampoo: green palmolive thingy

26) Soap: dove

27) Color: blue black

28) Day/Night: evening

29) Summer/Winter: summer

30) Online smile: o_O ~ o_O ~ o_O ~ o_o ~ o.o etc

31) Lace or satin: satin

32) Cartoons/Anime: anime

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no

34) Like anyone: i'm not like anyone you've ever met :p

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: nobody you know :p

36) Who is the shyest: me

37) Who do you go to for advice: depends

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: moomoo

39) Who do you cry with: whoever's available?


40) Cried: yes

41) Cut your hair: yes

42) Exercised: does moving count?

43) Worn a skirt: no

44) Been mean: whenever i can be

45) Been sarcastic: me? nooo. never. whaaat??

46) Met someone new: not properly

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on:

48) Missed someone: yeah

49) Hugged someone: surprisingly, no o_O

50) Fought with your parents: no *angelface*

51) Wished upon a star: no

52) Laughed until you cried: no

53) Played Truth or Dare: no

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: no

55) Went to the beach at night: no

56) Spent quality time alone: yes

57) Read a book for fun: yes

58) Ate a great meal: yes

59) Are you lonely: yes ;(

60) Are you happy: at the moment i'm so so

61) Are you talking to someone online: yes


62) God/Devil: i believe in right and wrong

64) The Closet Monster: no i don't believe in capricorn

65) The Big Bang Theory: only adam and eve... o_O

66) Heaven/Underworld: i believe in the perfect place and time

67) Superstitions: not very superstitious myself

68) What's a name you'd rather be called:

69) Who named you: my parents

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: or

71) When was the last time you showered: yesterday night

72) What color pants do you have on right now: jeans

73) What song are you listening to right now: dj tiesto - forbidden paradise

74) What was the last thing you said: "ok"

75) What is right next to you: air

76) What is your computer desk made of: wood

77) What is your phone number (optional): nice try :D

78) What was the last thing you ate: a chocolate cookie thingy

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: exotic place

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: yet to find out

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: too many o_O

82) How's the weather right now: sunny but not quite good enough yet

83) Have you ever smoked pot: no

84) What did you do last night: watched a movie with a friend

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: they're the opposite sex.

86) How are you today: so so

87) How do you eat an Oreo: opening my mouth and cramming it in? what the hell is an oreo anyway...

88) Who makes you happy: friends

89) Fav cds: dvd atm, tiesto in concert o_O

90) Fav dream: hehe :)

91) Have you ever won any special awards: nutter of the century... nah havent

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: bigger?

93) End time:14:51
Last edited:
Everybody loves DTB
Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
1) Starting time: 14:32

2) Your Name: Joe Horan

3) What are your nicknames: Boggle, Don, Kiefer Etc

4) School: Preston College

5) E-mail: Kiefer@tonberry.co.uk

6) Eyes: Misty Blue

7) Hair: Blonde/Brown

8) Pets: 2 Dogs, 28 Fish, 1 Goose, 6 Ducks And A Parrot

9) Siblings: 2 Sisters 1 Brother


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: Indeed

11) Taken any illegal substances: Yup

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: In My Boxers As Well :cool:

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: Yeah

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: My Arm

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: Yah

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: I Dunno Been Telling Everyone Them Lately Me Thinks

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: Indeed I Do

18) Cried during a movie: Lion King :cry:

19) Had a crush on a teacher: Nope

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: Nah

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: Did I duck

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: Nope

23) Prank called someone: Yeah, All The Time


25) Shampoo: Head And Shoulders

26) Soap: Clearasil

27) Color: Blue

28) Day/Night: Day

29) Summer/Winter: Summer

30) Online smile: ;)

31) Lace or satin: Would Have To Be Satin :drool:

32) Cartoons/Anime: Anime

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No I Don't :(

34) Like anyone: Aye I Do

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: Tommy

36) Who is the shyest: Me Probs, But Not Much

37) Who do you go to for advice: Myself, I Sit And Ponder

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: Spam Mail Lol

39) Who do you cry with: Meself If I Do


40) Cried: Yup

41) Cut your hair: Indeed

42) Exercised: Yah

43) Worn a skirt: ..... Nooo

44) Been mean: Yes, Only Just Now To My Brother

45) Been sarcastic: All The Time

46) Met someone new: Yup

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: Yes Infact

48) Missed someone: Aye

49) Hugged someone: No

50) Fought with your parents: Not Really

51) Wished upon a star: No

52) Laughed until you cried: Yes

53) Played Truth or Dare: Nope

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: Yes

55) Went to the beach at night: No

56) Spent quality time alone: Yes

57) Read a book for fun: Loads

58) Ate a great meal: Yup

59) Are you lonely: Not Really, Sometimes

60) Are you happy: Aye I Am

61) Are you talking to someone online: Not ATM


62) God/Devil: Yes

64) The Closet Monster: No

65) The Big Bang Theory: No, Because What Was There To Create The Big Rock?

66) Heaven/Underworld: Yes, Only Heaven

67) Superstitions: No

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: Joe

69) Who named you: My Dad

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: Shoot Them

71) When was the last time you showered: About 20 Mins Ago

72) What color pants do you have on right now: Blue Trackies

73) What song are you listening to right now: Not

74) What was the last thing you said: Big Gay Puff (My Bro)

75) What is right next to you: Easter Egg

76) What is your computer desk made of: Wood And Metal

77) What is your phone number (optional): I Can't Remember

78) What was the last thing you ate: Easter Egg

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Blackpool :tp: I Mean Somewhere Exotic

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: The Right Person

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: A Few

82) How's the weather right now: Gorgeous

83) Have you ever smoked pot: Yes

84) What did you do last night: Drink With My Family Around A Fire In The BackGarden

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: Personality

86) How are you today: Im Fine And Dandy

87) How do you eat an Oreo: Don't There poop

88) Who makes you happy: Everyone

89) Fav cds: Bon Jovi's All

90) Fav dream: Wet Ones

91) Have you ever won any special awards: Not Really

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: Police Officer Or Games Designer

93) End time: 14:42
Experienced Elementalist
Feb 20, 2003
Reaction score
1) Starting time: 2:33 pm

2) Your Name: Jonathan

3) What are your nicknames: Jonny, Jon

4) School: Whitmore

5) E-mail: Jdd321@hotmail.com

6) Eyes: blue

7) Hair: blonde

8) Pets: Rabbit

9) Siblings: 2 sis 1 bro


10) Been so drunk you blacked out:no

11) Taken any illegal substances: yes

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas:lol no

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: no

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement:singed off all my arm hair and made my m8s house smell

15) Ever kept a secret from someone:dont think so

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: dunno

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: yes, a girl called Bonnie

18) Cried during a movie: no

19) Had a crush on a teacher:no

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot:no

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff:dunno what that is

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: no lol

23) Prank called someone:yes i called a phone bos and pretend i was the killer from Scream and the girl screamed and hung up


25) Shampoo: any, i have really short hair

26) Soap: DOVE!

27) Color: red

28) Day/Night:night

29) Summer/Winter:Summer

30) Online smile: HUH

31) Lace or satin: shoo lace lol

32) Cartoons/Anime: anime

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: not atm

34) Like anyone: Bonnie

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends:a boy called Karel for 9 years

36) Who is the shyest: dunno

37) Who do you go to for advice: myself or my bro

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: noone only this one

39) Who do you cry with: my pillow and my teddy bears


40) Cried: no

41) Cut your hair:no

42) Exercised: on left arm cos rights broken but i can type with ease

43) Worn a skirt: no

44) Been mean: yes

45) Been sarcastic: yep all the time

46) Met someone new: no

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on:no

48) Missed someone: my grandma

49) Hugged someone: no

50) Fought with your parents: yes i want a new comp god dammit ill comtribute
Last edited:
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jun 25, 2003
Reaction score
1) Starting time: 14:53

2) Your Name: Joseph

3) What are your nicknames: Joe, Morph.... on net

4) School: Newcastle College

5) E-mail: morphixuk@hotmail.com

6) Eyes: Blue

7) Hair: Black

8) Pets: none

9) Siblings: brother and sister (both younger)


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: no

11) Taken any illegal substances: maybe :p

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: no

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: no

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: no

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: ye

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: me

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: no

18) Cried during a movie: no

19) Had a crush on a teacher: no!

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: no

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: wtf???

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: no

23) Prank called someone: no


25) Shampoo: i don't really care shampoo is shampoo

26) Soap: as above

27) Color: blue

28) Day/Night: night

29) Summer/Winter:summer

30) Online smile: :)

31) Lace or satin: errr satin

32) Cartoons/Anime: niether

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no :(

34) Like anyone: no i h8 every1 :p

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: Simon

36) Who is the shyest: Cap

37) Who do you go to for advice: no1

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: dunno

39) Who do you cry with: no1


40) Cried: no

41) Cut your hair: no

42) Exercised: yes

43) Worn a skirt: no

44) Been mean: yes

45) Been sarcastic: yes

46) Met someone new: no

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: yes

48) Missed someone: no

49) Hugged someone: no

50) Fought with your parents: yes

51) Wished upon a star: no

52) Laughed until you cried: might of

53) Played Truth or Dare: no

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: no

55) Went to the beach at night: no

56) Spent quality time alone: no

57) Read a book for fun: no

58) Ate a great meal: yes

59) Are you lonely: nah

60) Are you happy: im alright...

61) Are you talking to someone online: yes


62) God/Devil: dunno

64) The Closet Monster: no

65) The Big Bang Theory: no

66) Heaven/Underworld: dunno

67) Superstitions: no

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: Morphix :p

69) Who named you: my mam

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: rofl erm backstreet boys

71) When was the last time you showered: just got out the shower now

72) What color pants do you have on right now: blue jeans

73) What song are you listening to right now: hey yaaaaaa

74) What was the last thing you said: wot?

75) What is right next to you: my PC :)

76) What is your computer desk made of: wood and metal

77) What is your phone number (optional): no.....

78) What was the last thing you ate: a chrunchie

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Sumwhere sunny

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: myself :)

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: dont think i have any, dont use the PM thingy

82) How's the weather right now: sunny

83) Have you ever smoked pot: yes

84) What did you do last night: sat and pld on PC lol

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: everything

86) How are you today: fine

87) How do you eat an Oreo: I don't

88) Who makes you happy: me

89) Fav cds: meteora is 1 of my favs dunno about the rest

90) Fav dream: dunno

91) Have you ever won any special awards: won computer games tournaments and 5 a side football things

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: i wanna win the lotterry (altho i dont play it)

93) End time: 15:02
Last edited:
Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
1) Starting time: 17:09 GMT

2) Your Name: Joni Vandenberghe

3) What are your nicknames:DeadlyEagle

4) School:RuG

5) E-mail: deadlyeagle@hotmail.com

6) Eyes: brown

7) Hair: brown

8) Pets: Dog, cat, rabit

9) Siblings: 2 sisters


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: No

11) Taken any illegal substances: No

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: No

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: No

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: No

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: Cource

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: me

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: No

18) Cried during a movie: No

19) Had a crush on a teacher: No

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: No

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: No

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: No

23) Prank called someone: No


25) Shampoo: Head&Shoulders

26) Soap: Nowt special, something cheap =P

27) Color: Blue

28) Day/Night: Night

29) Summer/Winter: Summer, altough I do like snow

30) Online smile: =)

31) Lace or satin: dunno what lace is o_O

32) Cartoons/Anime: Simsons and that cartoon by creators of simpsons cant remember its same =/

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No

34) Like anyone: Yes

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: probably my neigboors lol

36) Who is the shyest: eh?

37) Who do you go to for advice: hmm Idd say sister or friends from uni

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: forums

39) Who do you cry with: ne1


40) Cried: No

41) Cut your hair: yes

42) Exercised: yes(just jogged a couple of times, cuz its easter, I try to go to the fitness every 2/3 weeks to tough)

43) Worn a skirt: no

44) Been mean: cant remember but I probably have

45) Been sarcastic: thats my life

46) Met someone new: probably have both irl and online

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: Yes

48) Missed someone: Yes

49) Hugged someone: No

50) Fought with your parents: surprisingly no

51) Wished upon a star: no

52) Laughed until you cried: yes

53) Played Truth or Dare: no

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: no

55) Went to the beach at night: no

56) Spent quality time alone ===>Hmm does any1 else thinks this question is made up by a pervert or is it just me????

57) Read a book for fun: comic books only =P

58) Ate a great meal: no

59) Are you lonely: mayb a litlle, because its easter holyday, I rather spend time on my student home 24/7 people to hang out with and talk to, at home I only got my parents, sisters to hang out with and talk to, and a the occasional friend who drops by =/

60) Are you happy: I have my moments, but Im worrieing alot, usually about uni.

61) Are you talking to someone online: Yes


62) God/Devil: God mayb, devil not really


65) The Big Bang Theory: Yes

66) Heaven/Underworld: heaven only no underworld =P

67) Superstitions: some

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: fine with my current 1 ty =P

69) Who named you: my mom

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: Nsync

71) When was the last time you showered: from before easter, we only got a bath in my parents home no shower =(

72) What color pants do you have on right now: brown

73) What song are you listening to right now: D12 - My band

74) What was the last thing you said: "jaja"

75) What is right next to you: lots and lots of junk, and beneath that..my room

76) What is your computer desk made of: Wood

77) What is your phone number (optional)

78) What was the last thing you ate: Spagetti

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: no idea lol

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: dunno

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: none I have no buddies :(

82) How's the weather right now: Sunny

83) Have you ever smoked pot: No

84) What did you do last night: slept, its holyday damnit ur not supposed to go out then lol

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: dunno that they are different? lol

86) How are you today: ok considering the circomstances

87) How do you eat an Oreo: ore..what?

88) Who makes you happy: friends

89) Fav cds: cds? I have a hard disc man I dont need cds lol

90) Fav dream: probably love dreams o_O

91) Have you ever won any special awards: dunno if this is what you mean but when I used to sail I won lots of cups and at the european championship splash I won as only Belg a botlle of champagne, was pretty proud on that to o_O

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: rich would b nice ;=)

93) End time: 17.30 GMT
Last edited:
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Ne1 even gonna read this? lol

1) Starting time: 18:29 GMT

2) Your Name: Michael Hallam

3) What are your nicknames: Mike

4) School: College -.- Ashton 6th Form

5) E-mail: sic_speedhorn666@hotmail.com

6) Eyes: Green

7) Hair: Dirty Blonde

8) Pets: Cat

9) Siblings: Older Sis


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: Suprisingly enuf, no lol

11) Taken any illegal substances: Don't think so

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: Erm :/

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: Yeah lol

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: Yep

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: Yep

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: Think Cap does tbh lol

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: Nope

18) Cried during a movie: Not that I can remember, must've happened at a younger age

19) Had a crush on a teacher: Never has a crush as such but I've had a couple of fine teachers b4

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: Nope

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: lol nope

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: Probably at sum point

23) Prank called someone: Yeah


25) Shampoo: No idea, I use wot's there

26) Soap: Same as above (Dove)

27) Color: Dark Green/Black

28) Day/Night: Day

29) Summer/Winter: Summer

30) Online smile: >.<

31) Lace or satin: Erm satin o_O

32) Cartoons/Anime: Don't watch ne unless there's nowt else 2 do (which is very rarely). Suppose South Park, Simpsons, Family Guy etc if ur countin them

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Ye, a girlfriend -.-

34) Like anyone: Do I hav a favourite like anyone? Man, the Special person that made this needs sum lessons on layout.

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: Ryan (that helps coz u all know him -.-)

36) Who is the shyest: Besides myself, my gf lol

37) Who do you go to for advice: Lee or Neo lol

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: Dunno

39) Who do you cry with: Don't o_O


40) Cried: Nope

41) Cut your hair: Think it was 3 weeks ago now so no

42) Exercised: LOL I'd laff if sum1 sed no 2 that. Yes

43) Worn a skirt: Not that I can remember, drunken states make u do daft things so I wouldn't b suprised :/

44) Been mean: Yeah a little nowt bad tho

45) Been sarcastic: Yep

46) Met someone new: Yep a few

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: Nope

48) Missed someone: Not really, seein enuf of my gf so nope

49) Hugged someone: Yep loads o_O

50) Fought with your parents: Yep

51) Wished upon a star: Nay

52) Laughed until you cried: Nearly

53) Played Truth or Dare: Lol I'm not 13

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: Nope

55) Went to the beach at night: LOL wish I could

56) Spent quality time alone: H8 time alone in large doses but yeah I suppose

57) Read a book for fun: Reading ain't fun!!!!! :p

58) Ate a great meal: Yeah loads

59) Are you lonely: Not really no

60) Are you happy: Yeah, gettin impatient w8in 4 then next day tho and I worry about things 2 much

61) Are you talking to someone online: I was until I started doin this


62) God/Devil: No lol

64) The Closet Monster: No

65) The Big Bang Theory: Kind of

66) Heaven/Underworld: No

67) Superstitions: No

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: SIC? Maybe o_O

69) Who named you: Parents I hope

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: SHOOT THEM ALL

71) When was the last time you showered: Months ago, had a bath this morning tho :p

72) What color pants do you have on right now: Black as alwayz

73) What song are you listening to right now: I'm not 4 once coz I'm about 2 play guitar

74) What was the last thing you said: 'Whatever' to my mum

75) What is right next to you: Pantera - Cowboys From Hell CD

76) What is your computer desk made of: Wood o_O

77) What is your phone number (optional): Ye rite lol

78) What was the last thing you ate: Chocolate moose

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Sumwhere hot

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: Gf and best m8s

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: 83 bah and this account was supposed 2 b cut short. 'Buddies' tho, I'd say only about 20 of em could b considered m8s

82) How's the weather right now: Bright, tiny bit windy quite warm

83) Have you ever smoked pot: Nope

84) What did you do last night: Went 2 a m8s house, had a laff ^^

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: Argh, dunno face, butt, pus.... nm

86) How are you today: Impatient, want the day 2 end coz I got cool plans 4 2moro

87) How do you eat an Oreo: U tell me o_O

88) Who makes you happy: M8s+gf

89) Fav cds: OMFG duck OFF. 2 many lol. ATM tho In Flames - Clayman, In Flames - Reroute To Remain, Damage Plan - New Found Power

90) Fav dream: Dunno

91) Have you ever won any special awards: Nah only faggot school stuff when I was younger

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: Guitarist in a decent band

93) End time: 18:48 GMT
Last edited:
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
1) Starting time: 18:51

2) Your Name: Catherine

3) What are your nicknames: kitten

4) School: Park Lane college

5) E-mail: aint giving it

6) Eyes: blue

7) Hair: blonde

8) Pets: none ='(

9) Siblings: 1


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: nope

11) Taken any illegal substances: yup

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: none

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: yes

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: nope

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: yes

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: dunno

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: no

18) Cried during a movie: yup

19) Had a crush on a teacher: nope

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: no

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: not sure what u mean here

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: nope

23) Prank called someone: yes lol


25) Shampoo: i like shampoo which smell of apples

26) Soap: which type of soap tv or bath? Oo

27) Colour: Purple

28) Day/Night: night

29) Summer/Winter: winter

30) Online smile: my duck which no1 thinks is a duck >.<

31) Lace or satin: satin

32) Cartoons/Anime: haven't got a fave

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: both lol =P

34) Like anyone: nope, i h8 every1 =P

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: Louise

36) Who is the shyest: me >.<

37) Who do you go to for advice: GriffinHeart

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: no1 in particular

39) Who do you cry with: i dont really cry in front of any1 =/


40) Cried: yes

41) Cut your hair: nope

42) Exercised: yes

43) Worn a skirt: yes

44) Been mean: yes

45) Been sarcastic: yes

46) Met someone new: yes

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: yes

48) Missed someone: yes

49) Hugged someone: yes

50) Fought with your parents: yes

51) Wished upon a star: nope

52) Laughed until you cried: no

53) Played Truth or Dare: no

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: no

55) Went to the beach at night: no

56) Spent quality time alone: no

57) Read a book for fun: yes

58) Ate a great meal: yes

59) Are you lonely: no

60) Are you happy: yes

61) Are you talking to someone online: no


62) God/Devil: yes

64) The Closet Monster: no

65) The Big Bang Theory: not sure

66) Heaven/Underworld: yes

67) Superstitions: sum

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: kitten

69) Who named you: parents

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: neither

71) When was the last time you showered: yesterday

72) What color pants do you have on right now: black

73) What song are you listening to right now: nothing

74) What was the last thing you said: i dont remember

75) What is right next to you: GriffinHeart

76) What is your computer desk made of: wood

77) What is your phone number (optional): not gonna say

78) What was the last thing you ate: sandwich

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: bed

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: myself

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: 70ish

82) How's the weather right now: sunny

83) Have you ever smoked pot: once

84) What did you do last night: slept

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: smiles

86) How are you today: fine^^

87) How do you eat an Oreo: thru mouth

88) Who makes you happy: griffinheart

89) Fav cds: haven't got 1

90) Fav dream: not sure

91) Have you ever won any special awards: nope

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: Midwife

93) End time:19:09