If Bored Do This...

Feb 25, 2003
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There --->
was quite bored and seen this on another forum seemed quite amusing so howz about we all answer these questions and it'll be fun to c what ppl put..hey its summit to do lol

1) Starting time:

2) Your Name:

3) What are your nicknames:

4) School:

5) E-mail:

6) Eyes:

7) Hair:

8) Pets:

9) Siblings:


10) Been so drunk you blacked out:

11) Taken any illegal substances:

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas:

13) Missed school b/c it was raining:

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement:

15) Ever kept a secret from someone:

16) Who knows your deepest secrets:

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend:

18) Cried during a movie:

19) Had a crush on a teacher:

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot:

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff:

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide:

23) Prank called someone:


25) Shampoo:

26) Soap:

27) Color:

28) Day/Night:

29) Summer/Winter:

30) Online smile:

31) Lace or satin:

32) Cartoons/Anime:

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend:

34) Like anyone:

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends:

36) Who is the shyest:

37) Who do you go to for advice:

38) Who do you get the most surveys from:

39) Who do you cry with:


40) Cried:

41) Cut your hair:

42) Exercised:

43) Worn a skirt:

44) Been mean:

45) Been sarcastic:

46) Met someone new:

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on:

48) Missed someone:

49) Hugged someone:

50) Fought with your parents:

51) Wished upon a star:

52) Laughed until you cried:

53) Played Truth or Dare:

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset:

55) Went to the beach at night:

56) Spent quality time alone:

57) Read a book for fun:

58) Ate a great meal:

59) Are you lonely:

60) Are you happy:

61) Are you talking to someone online:


62) God/Devil:

64) The Closet Monster:

65) The Big Bang Theory:

66) Heaven/Underworld:

67) Superstitions:

68) What's a name you'd rather be called:

69) Who named you:

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync:

71) When was the last time you showered:

72) What color pants do you have on right now:

73) What song are you listening to right now:

74) What was the last thing you said:

75) What is right next to you:

76) What is your computer desk made of:

77) What is your phone number (optional):

78) What was the last thing you ate:

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon:

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with:

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list:

82) How's the weather right now:

83) Have you ever smoked pot:

84) What did you do last night:

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex:

86) How are you today:

87) How do you eat an Oreo:

88) Who makes you happy:

89) Fav cds:

90) Fav dream:

91) Have you ever won any special awards:

92) What do you want to be when you grow up:

93) End time:

ill do mine wen my eyes go norm again lol
WHEW BOY this is going to take awhile XD.

1) Starting time:
9:45 PM (EST) (GMT -5)

2) Your Name: Justin

3) What are your nicknames: don't have any

4) School: Marlboro High

5) E-mail: [email protected] (you prank email, you die :P)

6) Eyes: black

7) Hair: chocolate-brown (pretty darn brown, real close to black)

8) Pets: none, used to have a dog.

9) Siblings: 1 sister and 1 brother


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: nope

11) Taken any illegal substances: nope

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: yes

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: nope

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: nope, though I would like to see someone do it :P

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: yes

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: no

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: yes

18) Cried during a movie: yes

19) Had a crush on a teacher: hell no

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: if video game characters count, yes

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: hell no

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: no, but I might in the future :P

23) Prank called someone: no, but maybe in the future :P


25) Shampoo: Dove

26) Soap: same

27) Color: red

28) Day/Night: night

29) Summer/Winter: winter

30) Online smile: :iamwithst

31) Lace or satin: tough choice, can't pick!

32) Cartoons/Anime: don't have a favorite

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no, but looking :good:

34) Like anyone: yes

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: won't say

36) Who is the shyest: uhh, not sure

37) Who do you go to for advice: no one really, other than my parents

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: uhh, n/a

39) Who do you cry with: no one


40) Cried: no

41) Cut your hair: no

42) Exercised: yes

43) Worn a skirt: rofl, no

44) Been mean: yes

45) Been sarcastic: yes (plenty of times :good: )

46) Met someone new: no

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: yes

48) Missed someone: yes

49) Hugged someone: yes

50) Fought with your parents: nah, surprisingly

51) Wished upon a star: no

52) Laughed until you cried: no, but came close :P

53) Played Truth or Dare: no

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: no

55) Went to the beach at night: no

56) Spent quality time alone: yes

57) Read a book for fun: yes

58) Ate a great meal: YES YES YES

59) Are you lonely: nah

60) Are you happy: yes

61) Are you talking to someone online: sort of


62) God/Devil: yes

64) The Closet Monster: of course :P

65) The Big Bang Theory: maybe

66) Heaven/Underworld: not really

67) Superstitions: nope

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: (my username maybe? :P)

69) Who named you: my mom I think

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: NSync, they are hot! XD

71) When was the last time you showered: well, 5 minutes ago? :P

72) What color pants do you have on right now: shorts, and they are black

73) What song are you listening to right now: none

74) What was the last thing you said: I'm typing on a computer, how the heck do I remember?

75) What is right next to you: a computer? :P

76) What is your computer desk made of: wood

77) What is your phone number (optional): won't say :P (no prank call for j00)

78) What was the last thing you ate: chicken

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: not sure

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: not sure

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: none, don't have a PM list

82) How's the weather right now: clear, dark

83) Have you ever smoked pot: nope

84) What did you do last night: uhh, played some games.

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: they look so amazing :good:

86) How are you today: good

87) How do you eat an Oreo: the usual, split them up, eat the cookie with the less cream first, then the one with more cream

88) Who makes you happy: umm, lots of things?

89) Fav cds: none

90) Fav dream: I barely remember my dreams :P

91) Have you ever won any special awards: yes

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: not sure, possibly a lawyer

93) End time: 9:55 PM, damn, 10 minutes XD

whew that was long
1) Starting time: 2:51am

2) Your Name: Aaron Hussain

3) What are your nicknames: Azz

4) School: Macmillan Collge

5) E-mail: [email protected]

6) Eyes: Brown/Green

7) Hair: Black

8) Pets: Dogg - Rotweiller

9) Siblings: None


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: yea a few times lol well i donno if i blacked out just cant remember shit lol

11) Taken any illegal substances: nah im not like dat lol

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: yea >.< lol was embarrising

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: nah me mam kicks me ass 2 skool

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: yea hairs on me arm lol

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: yea lol

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: no 1, closest person prob sarah me g/f

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: yea and did lol

18) Cried during a movie: yea lol ano im a girl lol >.<

19) Had a crush on a teacher: nope they all ugly lol

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: yea lol

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: nah im not dat sad :p

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: nope well was in every day 4 some show like a few years ago but thats it

23) Prank called someone: yea lol was fun


25) Shampoo: erm head and shoulders lol

26) Soap: Dove 4 silky smooth skin lol

27) Color: baby blue

28) Day/Night: Night

29) Summer/Winter:Summer used to like winter more but fuck that now lol

30) Online smile: :smileysex

31) Lace or satin: lace

32) Cartoons/Anime: erm Akira

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: yea both ;) lol sarah and masterd :)

34) Like anyone: yea

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: all about the same length prob baring or hydra first, we was m8s from da start of secondary skool lol

36) Who is the shyest: prob steely or me m8 tony

37) Who do you go to for advice: me m8s on ragezone

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: erm donno

39) Who do you cry with: erm...me g.f? lol


40) Cried: maybe lol

41) Cut your hair: yea

42) Exercised: yea

43) Worn a skirt: WHO TOLD U!!!

44) Been mean: yea to me g/f tonite lol :( im sorry sarah lol

45) Been sarcastic: yea all the time lol

46) Met someone new: erm new ppl on rz lol

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: i always do me girl sarah and steely ;)

48) Missed someone: Sarah

49) Hugged someone: Sarah, and gilly

50) Fought with your parents: yea me mam the bitch ate all my mini eggs and my easter egg from sarah didnt even ask pshhh she was drunk like lol

51) Wished upon a star: used to...alot

52) Laughed until you cried: not in a long time

53) Played Truth or Dare: lol as kids yea

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: nor i plan 2 lol its in my 2do list

55) Went to the beach at night: 2 do list

56) Spent quality time alone: always do, id ratha be with some 1 then be alone

57) Read a book for fun: nahhhhhhhhhhh

58) Ate a great meal: yea had spare ribs the other day

59) Are you lonely: wen im alone, wen im wiv sarah im not

60) Are you happy: i like to think i am, im quite sure i am :) hardly eva depressed ne more

61) Are you talking to someone online: nope every 1s sleepin lol


62) God/Devil: God maybe im so confused

64) The Closet Monster: yea ahhh always must go to sleep wiv the lights on or he'll get me lol

65) The Big Bang Theory: yea man makes sense

66) Heaven/Underworld: nahhhh bull*beep*

67) Superstitions: lol i say no but ya wouldnt catch me walkin under a ladder

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: Tyrese

69) Who named you: me mam

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: Backsteet boys lol both gay but these dont have gay boi just in

71) When was the last time you showered: showered erm... like a year ago.... im a bath guy :D

72) What color pants do you have on right now: i dont have ne on o.O

73) What song are you listening to right now:

74) What was the last thing you said: Joe - Ghetto Child

75) What is right next to you: me imaginary friend bob

76) What is your computer desk made of: wood lol

77) What is your phone number (optional): 01642 _ _ _ _ _ _ Guess :p

78) What was the last thing you ate: chilli toasty things from the microwave lol

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Eygpt

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: The Special person who loves u as much as u love them

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: 2 many lol

82) How's the weather right now: Dark lol

83) Have you ever smoked pot: nah

84) What did you do last night: watched crappy sailor moon to make my g/f happy

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: Personality - how funny they are, Looks - Ass

86) How are you today: ok i guess lol

87) How do you eat an Oreo: erm i donno wht 1 is

88) Who makes you happy: Sarah

89) Fav cds: dont own many cd's download songs lol prob willenium lol

90) Fav dream: were im like as hard as superman and i kick like 100 ppls ass and i get the girls lol

91) Have you ever won any special awards: i cant remeber lol

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: Alien lol

93) End time: 3:09
I'll do anything for my hulkamanicas, and I love being in the spotlight; hollywood style, so heres my info:

1) Starting time: 12:20AM EST

2) Your Name: Alex

3) What are your nicknames: Al

4) School: Done High School, at Cittone Institute now

5) E-mail: [email protected] (msn one)

6) Eyes: Black

7) Hair: Black

8) Pets: None (parents wont allow) (Had 2 pet canary's once)

9) Siblings: 3 brothers


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: no

11) Taken any illegal substances: no

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: no

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: hmmm, nah

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: no

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: yes

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: no one

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: yes, few girls known for long time

18) Cried during a movie: never

19) Had a crush on a teacher: yes, in 3rd grade. Nice fucking face and body, whew

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: yes, Yuna from FFX, hehe

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: fuck no!

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: never

23) Prank called someone: yes, donut shop


25) Shampoo: Herbal Essence

26) Soap: Dove

27) Color: Green

28) Day/Night: Night

29) Summer/Winter: Winter

30) Online smile: you mean, smilie? Its the one with middle finger

31) Lace or satin: satin

32) Cartoons/Anime: cartoons

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: not yet, alot on shy side

34) Like anyone: yes, my RZ friends and famil

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: my friend mike

36) Who is the shyest: me

37) Who do you go to for advice: myself

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: my hulkamaniacs

39) Who do you cry with: no one, you faggot


40) Cried: no

41) Cut your hair: yes

42) Exercised: yes, get tired easily, endurance sucks, but my strength is awesome

43) Worn a skirt: fuck no

44) Been mean: yes, hollywood style brother!

45) Been sarcastic: dont know what it means although i heard it

46) Met someone new: yes, a few assholes here and there

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: been long time, since was in high school

48) Missed someone: my grandmother

49) Hugged someone: yes, mother

50) Fought with your parents: not really, only sometimes with stupid shit

51) Wished upon a star: no faggot!

52) Laughed until you cried: omfg, you mother fucking fuck, NO

53) Played Truth or Dare: none

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: sunset

55) Went to the beach at night: never

56) Spent quality time alone: yes, but gets boring

57) Read a book for fun: sometimes

58) Ate a great meal: yes

59) Are you lonely: sometimes

60) Are you happy: not usually

61) Are you talking to someone online: yes, my MSN maniacs


62) God/Devil: God

64) The Closet Monster: no

65) The Big Bang Theory: hmmm, maybe

66) Heaven/Underworld: Heaven

67) Superstitions: spilling oil is bad luck, salt brings back good luck

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: Auron

69) Who named you: maybe Mom

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: NStink

71) When was the last time you showered: this morning

72) What color pants do you have on right now: Blue

73) What song are you listening to right now: Christina Aguilera (dont laugh)

74) What was the last thing you said: Goodnight, ppl came over for easter

75) What is right next to you: no

76) What is your computer desk made of: dont have one

77) What is your phone number (optional): 215-I-FUCKED-BECKY HAHAHAH

78) What was the last thing you ate: Octopus (Yummy)

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Cancun!

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: my future girlfriend

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: none

82) How's the weather right now: Rain

83) Have you ever smoked pot: no

84) What did you do last night: nothing, spammed on RZ and fucked around

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: body!

86) How are you today: pleasent

87) How do you eat an Oreo: I open the top, lick the cream, and eat the cookie

88) Who makes you happy: life

89) Fav cds: jessica simpson (dont fucking laugh), jay-Z feat/ashanti, Eminem

90) Fav dream: Flying around with Saiyan powers doing destruction just like Brolly does

91) Have you ever won any special awards: yes

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: Store Manager

93) End time: 12:43AM (been chatting on MSN while doing this about A3 servers)
1) Starting time: 12:41pm GMT

2) Your Name: Daniel Casey

3) What are your nicknames:Casey,Big D :p

4) School:MANCAT College

5) E-mail: [email protected]

6) Eyes: green

7) Hair: brown

8) Pets: Dog - Tara Jack russell

9) Siblings: Brother


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: No

11) Taken any illegal substances: No

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: No

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: Yes

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: No

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: Yes

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: Ermm no1 =P

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: No

18) Cried during a movie: No

19) Had a crush on a teacher: Yes lol

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: No

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: No lmao :p

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: Yes

23) Prank called someone: yes


25) Shampoo: VO5

26) Soap: Dove

27) Color: Purple

28) Day/Night: Night

29) Summer/Winter: Summer

30) Online smile: : )

31) Lace or satin: Lace (On some1 else lol)

32) Cartoons/Anime: erm Simpsons and Southpark

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: I have many boyfriends cause im a Bangkok chick boy nah jk no g/f atm

34) Like anyone: No

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: Best m8 Chris 14 years

36) Who is the shyest: erm dunno

37) Who do you go to for advice: Dad or brother

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: No1 lol

39) Who do you cry with: Not cryed in ages


40) Cried: no

41) Cut your hair: no cause its closed ffs need to get it done lol

42) Exercised: erm walked about :P

43) Worn a skirt: No lol

44) Been mean: Yes

45) Been sarcastic: To much lol

46) Met someone new: No

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: No

48) Missed someone: No

49) Hugged someone: Yes

50) Fought with your parents: Probably cant remember lol

51) Wished upon a star: no

52) Laughed until you cried: Yes

53) Played Truth or Dare: No

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: Yes

55) Went to the beach at night: No

56) Spent quality time alone: Yes

57) Read a book for fun: No

58) Ate a great meal: Yes

59) Are you lonely: No

60) Are you happy: Yes

61) Are you talking to someone online: Not atm


62) God/Devil: Both

64) The Closet Monster: No

65) The Big Bang Theory: Yes

66) Heaven/Underworld: Yes

67) Superstitions: Some

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: Casey

69) Who named you: Mum and Dad lol

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: Nsync lol

71) When was the last time you showered: Last night

72) What color pants do you have on right now: Navy Blue

73) What song are you listening to right now: Tupac - Staring at the world through my rear view (Phil collins mix)

74) What was the last thing you said: The dog needed to go out for a sh!t to my dad lmao

75) What is right next to you: a Driving test theory practise CD

76) What is your computer desk made of: Wood

77) What is your phone number (optional): fk off lol

78) What was the last thing you ate: Coco pops

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Australlia

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: no1 yet lol

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: 52

82) How's the weather right now: Crap raining

83) Have you ever smoked pot: No

84) What did you do last night: Went to a house gathering/party with SIC

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: Personallity or Bum

86) How are you today: Good

87) How do you eat an Oreo: wtf is that lol

88) Who makes you happy: mates

89) Fav cds: Xzibit- Restless / Clubland 3

90) Fav dream: When i know im dreaming and do mint shit lol

91) Have you ever won any special awards: Swimming honours thats it that was ages ago lol

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: Dunno lol

93) End time: 12:49pm
1) Starting time: 12:51pm

2) Your Name: Gareth Taylor

3) What are your nicknames: ;) lol

4) School: Newcastle College

5) E-mail: I don't tell no foo'!

6) Eyes: Brown

7) Hair: Brown

8) Pets: Pedigree Yorkshire Terrier

9) Siblings: 2 brothers, 1 sister


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: No

11) Taken any illegal substances: Kinda

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: Yeah lol to next door

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: No

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: Yes... Gary Ahmed you bastard lol

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: Yup

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: Hmmm... no-one

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yup in Year 8 lol :(

18) Cried during a movie: Probs

19) Had a crush on a teacher: Nope

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: Yah lol

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: God no

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: Nope

23) Prank called someone: Yup (Leam Taxis hate me)


25) Shampoo: Head and Shoulders

26) Soap: Dove

27) Color: Orange

28) Day/Night: Night

29) Summer/Winter: Winter

30) Online smile: :D

31) Lace or satin: Hmmm Satin

32) Cartoons/Anime: Cartoons

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No :(

34) Like anyone: Not really

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: Tough one, probs Micheal

36) Who is the shyest: Dunno lol

37) Who do you go to for advice: RZ buddehs

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: Quite a few from Chris lol

39) Who do you cry with: No-one


40) Cried: No

41) Cut your hair: No

42) Exercised: God no

43) Worn a skirt: No

44) Been mean: Yup

45) Been sarcastic: Yup

46) Met someone new: Yes I think I have

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: Nope

48) Missed someone: No

49) Hugged someone: No

50) Fought with your parents: Yup

51) Wished upon a star: No

52) Laughed until you cried: lol yes

53) Played Truth or Dare: No (not in the last 2 weeks anyways)

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: No

55) Went to the beach at night: No

56) Spent quality time alone: Yes

57) Read a book for fun: No

58) Ate a great meal: Yes

59) Are you lonely: Yes

60) Are you happy: Not really

61) Are you talking to someone online: Yes


62) God/Devil: No

64) The Closet Monster: No

65) The Big Bang Theory: No

66) Heaven/Underworld: No

67) Superstitions: No

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: Hmmm I always liked Stuart. :D

69) Who named you: My sister

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: Backstreet Boys lol

71) When was the last time you showered: Last night

72) What color pants do you have on right now: None :tp: lol

73) What song are you listening to right now: The Darkness - Love is only a feeling

74) What was the last thing you said: Fuck

75) What is right next to you: Cup of tea

76) What is your computer desk made of: Wood? lol

77) What is your phone number (optional): 0191 SuckMyBalls

78) What was the last thing you ate: Gummie Bears :D

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Switzerland

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: I don't know yet

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: Loads lol

82) How's the weather right now: Overcast

83) Have you ever smoked pot: Not really

84) What did you do last night: Watched Event Horizon/Planned what I'm gonna do today

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: Smile

86) How are you today: OK I guess

87) How do you eat an Oreo: Stuff it in my mouth and go "Mmmmm"

88) Who makes you happy: No-one

89) Fav cds: None lol download

90) Fav dream: Sex

91) Have you ever won any special awards: I won a handwriting competition once lol :D

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: Not a clue

93) End time: 1:01pm
1) Starting time: 13.05

2) Your Name: dan

3) What are your nicknames: dan

4) School: none

5) E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected]

6) Eyes: brown

7) Hair: blond , red highlights

8) Pets: 2dogs, cat

9) Siblings: non


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: yes

11) Taken any illegal substances: yes

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: yes

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: yes

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: yes

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: yes

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: friends

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: yes

18) Cried during a movie: no

19) Had a crush on a teacher: no

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: yes

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: no

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: no

23) Prank called someone: yes


25) Shampoo: dove

26) Soap: dove

27) Color: blue

28) Day/Night:night

29) Summer/Winter: winter

30) Online smile: o_0

31) Lace or satin: satin

32) Cartoons/Anime: cartoon

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no

34) Like anyone: yes

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends:to many

36) Who is the shyest: none

37) Who do you go to for advice: any

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: huh

39) Who do you cry with: hyh


40) Cried: no

41) Cut your hair: no

42) Exercised: yes

43) Worn a skirt: yes

44) Been mean: yes

45) Been sarcastic: yes

46) Met someone new: yes

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: yes

48) Missed someone: yes

49) Hugged someone: yes

50) Fought with your parents: yes

51) Wished upon a star: no

52) Laughed until you cried: no

53) Played Truth or Dare: no

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: no

55) Went to the beach at night: no

56) Spent quality time alone: yes

57) Read a book for fun: no

58) Ate a great meal: yes

59) Are you lonely: 50/50

60) Are you happy: yes

61) Are you talking to someone online: yes


62) God/Devil: no

64) The Closet Monster: no

65) The Big Bang Theory: yes

66) Heaven/Underworld: no

67) Superstitions: yes

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: piss head

69) Who named you: mam

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: neither

71) When was the last time you showered: yestuday, havin one after i finish this actually

72) What color pants do you have on right now: blue

73) What song are you listening to right now: was listening to queen

74) What was the last thing you said: give it 10 minutes

75) What is right next to you: a pc

76) What is your computer desk made of: wood

77) What is your phone number (optional): 999

78) What was the last thing you ate: easter egg

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: anywere

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: my hand

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list:

82) How's the weather right now: 99

83) Have you ever smoked pot: yes

84) What did you do last night: no

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: ass

86) How are you today: im ok how about yourself

87) How do you eat an Oreo: no

88) Who makes you happy: anyone f unny

89) Fav cds: .. cds? mp3s man..

90) Fav dream: sexo

91) Have you ever won any special awards: yep

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: technician

93) End time:
1) Starting time: 14:31

2) Your Name: me

3) What are your nicknames: me

4) School: no ty

5) E-mail: :moon:

6) Eyes: two

7) Hair: some

8) Pets: two

9) Siblings: 1 brother


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: yep

11) Taken any illegal substances: ehmm ehmm

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: not that i can rememeber

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: i call it skipping college

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: no

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: who hasnt

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: me ;)

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: hmm... yes?

18) Cried during a movie: yes

19) Had a crush on a teacher: no

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: nicely drawn yes

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: eh?

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: no lol

23) Prank called someone: dont think i have


25) Shampoo: green palmolive thingy

26) Soap: dove

27) Color: blue black

28) Day/Night: evening

29) Summer/Winter: summer

30) Online smile: O.o ~ o.O ~ O_o ~ o_o ~ o.o etc

31) Lace or satin: satin

32) Cartoons/Anime: anime

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no

34) Like anyone: i'm not like anyone you've ever met :P

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: nobody you know :P

36) Who is the shyest: me

37) Who do you go to for advice: depends

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: moomoo

39) Who do you cry with: whoever's available?


40) Cried: yes

41) Cut your hair: yes

42) Exercised: does moving count?

43) Worn a skirt: no

44) Been mean: whenever i can be

45) Been sarcastic: me? nooo. never. whaaat??

46) Met someone new: not properly

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on:

48) Missed someone: yeah

49) Hugged someone: surprisingly, no O_o

50) Fought with your parents: no *angelface*

51) Wished upon a star: no

52) Laughed until you cried: no

53) Played Truth or Dare: no

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: no

55) Went to the beach at night: no

56) Spent quality time alone: yes

57) Read a book for fun: yes

58) Ate a great meal: yes

59) Are you lonely: yes ;(

60) Are you happy: at the moment i'm so so

61) Are you talking to someone online: yes


62) God/Devil: i believe in right and wrong

64) The Closet Monster: no i don't believe in capricorn

65) The Big Bang Theory: only adam and eve... O_o

66) Heaven/Underworld: i believe in the perfect place and time

67) Superstitions: not very superstitious myself

68) What's a name you'd rather be called:

69) Who named you: my parents

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: or

71) When was the last time you showered: yesterday night

72) What color pants do you have on right now: jeans

73) What song are you listening to right now: dj tiesto - forbidden paradise

74) What was the last thing you said: "ok"

75) What is right next to you: air

76) What is your computer desk made of: wood

77) What is your phone number (optional): nice try :D

78) What was the last thing you ate: a chocolate cookie thingy

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: exotic place

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: yet to find out

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: too many O_o

82) How's the weather right now: sunny but not quite good enough yet

83) Have you ever smoked pot: no

84) What did you do last night: watched a movie with a friend

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: they're the opposite sex.

86) How are you today: so so

87) How do you eat an Oreo: opening my mouth and cramming it in? what the hell is an oreo anyway...

88) Who makes you happy: friends

89) Fav cds: dvd atm, tiesto in concert O_o

90) Fav dream: hehe :)

91) Have you ever won any special awards: nutter of the century... nah havent

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: bigger?

93) End time:14:51
Last edited:
1) Starting time: 14:32

2) Your Name: Joe Horan

3) What are your nicknames: Boggle, Don, Kiefer Etc

4) School: Preston College

5) E-mail: [email protected]

6) Eyes: Misty Blue

7) Hair: Blonde/Brown

8) Pets: 2 Dogs, 28 Fish, 1 Goose, 6 Ducks And A Parrot

9) Siblings: 2 Sisters 1 Brother


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: Indeed

11) Taken any illegal substances: Yup

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: In My Boxers As Well :cool:

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: Yeah

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: My Arm

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: Yah

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: I Dunno Been Telling Everyone Them Lately Me Thinks

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: Indeed I Do

18) Cried during a movie: Lion King :cry:

19) Had a crush on a teacher: Nope

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: Nah

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: Did I Fuck

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: Nope

23) Prank called someone: Yeah, All The Time


25) Shampoo: Head And Shoulders

26) Soap: Clearasil

27) Color: Blue

28) Day/Night: Day

29) Summer/Winter: Summer

30) Online smile: ;)

31) Lace or satin: Would Have To Be Satin :drool:

32) Cartoons/Anime: Anime

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No I Don't :(

34) Like anyone: Aye I Do

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: Tommy

36) Who is the shyest: Me Probs, But Not Much

37) Who do you go to for advice: Myself, I Sit And Ponder

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: Spam Mail Lol

39) Who do you cry with: Meself If I Do


40) Cried: Yup

41) Cut your hair: Indeed

42) Exercised: Yah

43) Worn a skirt: ..... Nooo

44) Been mean: Yes, Only Just Now To My Brother

45) Been sarcastic: All The Time

46) Met someone new: Yup

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: Yes Infact

48) Missed someone: Aye

49) Hugged someone: No

50) Fought with your parents: Not Really

51) Wished upon a star: No

52) Laughed until you cried: Yes

53) Played Truth or Dare: Nope

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: Yes

55) Went to the beach at night: No

56) Spent quality time alone: Yes

57) Read a book for fun: Loads

58) Ate a great meal: Yup

59) Are you lonely: Not Really, Sometimes

60) Are you happy: Aye I Am

61) Are you talking to someone online: Not ATM


62) God/Devil: Yes

64) The Closet Monster: No

65) The Big Bang Theory: No, Because What Was There To Create The Big Rock?

66) Heaven/Underworld: Yes, Only Heaven

67) Superstitions: No

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: Joe

69) Who named you: My Dad

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: Shoot Them

71) When was the last time you showered: About 20 Mins Ago

72) What color pants do you have on right now: Blue Trackies

73) What song are you listening to right now: Not

74) What was the last thing you said: Big Gay Puff (My Bro)

75) What is right next to you: Easter Egg

76) What is your computer desk made of: Wood And Metal

77) What is your phone number (optional): I Can't Remember

78) What was the last thing you ate: Easter Egg

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Blackpool :tp: I Mean Somewhere Exotic

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: The Right Person

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: A Few

82) How's the weather right now: Gorgeous

83) Have you ever smoked pot: Yes

84) What did you do last night: Drink With My Family Around A Fire In The BackGarden

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: Personality

86) How are you today: Im Fine And Dandy

87) How do you eat an Oreo: Don't There Shit

88) Who makes you happy: Everyone

89) Fav cds: Bon Jovi's All

90) Fav dream: Wet Ones

91) Have you ever won any special awards: Not Really

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: Police Officer Or Games Designer

93) End time: 14:42
1) Starting time: 2:33 pm

2) Your Name: Jonathan

3) What are your nicknames: Jonny, Jon

4) School: Whitmore

5) E-mail: [email protected]

6) Eyes: blue

7) Hair: blonde

8) Pets: Rabbit

9) Siblings: 2 sis 1 bro


10) Been so drunk you blacked out:no

11) Taken any illegal substances: yes

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas:lol no

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: no

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement:singed off all my arm hair and made my m8s house smell

15) Ever kept a secret from someone:dont think so

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: dunno

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: yes, a girl called Bonnie

18) Cried during a movie: no

19) Had a crush on a teacher:no

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot:no

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff:dunno what that is

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: no lol

23) Prank called someone:yes i called a phone bos and pretend i was the killer from Scream and the girl screamed and hung up


25) Shampoo: any, i have really short hair

26) Soap: DOVE!

27) Color: red

28) Day/Night:night

29) Summer/Winter:Summer

30) Online smile: HUH

31) Lace or satin: shoo lace lol

32) Cartoons/Anime: anime

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: not atm

34) Like anyone: Bonnie

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends:a boy called Karel for 9 years

36) Who is the shyest: dunno

37) Who do you go to for advice: myself or my bro

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: noone only this one

39) Who do you cry with: my pillow and my teddy bears


40) Cried: no

41) Cut your hair:no

42) Exercised: on left arm cos rights broken but i can type with ease

43) Worn a skirt: no

44) Been mean: yes

45) Been sarcastic: yep all the time

46) Met someone new: no

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on:no

48) Missed someone: my grandma

49) Hugged someone: no

50) Fought with your parents: yes i want a new comp god dammit ill comtribute
Last edited:
1) Starting time: 14:53

2) Your Name: Joseph

3) What are your nicknames: Joe, Morph.... on net

4) School: Newcastle College

5) E-mail: [email protected]

6) Eyes: Blue

7) Hair: Black

8) Pets: none

9) Siblings: brother and sister (both younger)


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: no

11) Taken any illegal substances: maybe :p

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: no

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: no

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: no

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: ye

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: me

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: no

18) Cried during a movie: no

19) Had a crush on a teacher: no!

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: no

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: wtf???

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: no

23) Prank called someone: no


25) Shampoo: i don't really care shampoo is shampoo

26) Soap: as above

27) Color: blue

28) Day/Night: night

29) Summer/Winter:summer

30) Online smile: :)

31) Lace or satin: errr satin

32) Cartoons/Anime: niether

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no :(

34) Like anyone: no i h8 every1 :p

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: Simon

36) Who is the shyest: Cap

37) Who do you go to for advice: no1

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: dunno

39) Who do you cry with: no1


40) Cried: no

41) Cut your hair: no

42) Exercised: yes

43) Worn a skirt: no

44) Been mean: yes

45) Been sarcastic: yes

46) Met someone new: no

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: yes

48) Missed someone: no

49) Hugged someone: no

50) Fought with your parents: yes

51) Wished upon a star: no

52) Laughed until you cried: might of

53) Played Truth or Dare: no

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: no

55) Went to the beach at night: no

56) Spent quality time alone: no

57) Read a book for fun: no

58) Ate a great meal: yes

59) Are you lonely: nah

60) Are you happy: im alright...

61) Are you talking to someone online: yes


62) God/Devil: dunno

64) The Closet Monster: no

65) The Big Bang Theory: no

66) Heaven/Underworld: dunno

67) Superstitions: no

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: Morphix :p

69) Who named you: my mam

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: rofl erm backstreet boys

71) When was the last time you showered: just got out the shower now

72) What color pants do you have on right now: blue jeans

73) What song are you listening to right now: hey yaaaaaa

74) What was the last thing you said: wot?

75) What is right next to you: my PC :)

76) What is your computer desk made of: wood and metal

77) What is your phone number (optional): no.....

78) What was the last thing you ate: a chrunchie

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Sumwhere sunny

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: myself :)

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: dont think i have any, dont use the PM thingy

82) How's the weather right now: sunny

83) Have you ever smoked pot: yes

84) What did you do last night: sat and pld on PC lol

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: everything

86) How are you today: fine

87) How do you eat an Oreo: I don't

88) Who makes you happy: me

89) Fav cds: meteora is 1 of my favs dunno about the rest

90) Fav dream: dunno

91) Have you ever won any special awards: won computer games tournaments and 5 a side football things

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: i wanna win the lotterry (altho i dont play it)

93) End time: 15:02
Last edited:
1) Starting time: 17:09 GMT

2) Your Name: Joni Vandenberghe

3) What are your nicknames:DeadlyEagle

4) School:RuG

5) E-mail: [email protected]

6) Eyes: brown

7) Hair: brown

8) Pets: Dog, cat, rabit

9) Siblings: 2 sisters


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: No

11) Taken any illegal substances: No

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: No

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: No

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: No

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: Cource

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: me

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: No

18) Cried during a movie: No

19) Had a crush on a teacher: No

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: No

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: No

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: No

23) Prank called someone: No


25) Shampoo: Head&Shoulders

26) Soap: Nowt special, something cheap =P

27) Color: Blue

28) Day/Night: Night

29) Summer/Winter: Summer, altough I do like snow

30) Online smile: =)

31) Lace or satin: dunno what lace is o.O

32) Cartoons/Anime: Simsons and that cartoon by creators of simpsons cant remember its same =/

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No

34) Like anyone: Yes

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: probably my neigboors lol

36) Who is the shyest: eh?

37) Who do you go to for advice: hmm Idd say sister or friends from uni

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: forums

39) Who do you cry with: ne1


40) Cried: No

41) Cut your hair: yes

42) Exercised: yes(just jogged a couple of times, cuz its easter, I try to go to the fitness every 2/3 weeks to tough)

43) Worn a skirt: no

44) Been mean: cant remember but I probably have

45) Been sarcastic: thats my life

46) Met someone new: probably have both irl and online

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: Yes

48) Missed someone: Yes

49) Hugged someone: No

50) Fought with your parents: surprisingly no

51) Wished upon a star: no

52) Laughed until you cried: yes

53) Played Truth or Dare: no

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: no

55) Went to the beach at night: no

56) Spent quality time alone ===>Hmm does any1 else thinks this question is made up by a pervert or is it just me????

57) Read a book for fun: comic books only =P

58) Ate a great meal: no

59) Are you lonely: mayb a litlle, because its easter holyday, I rather spend time on my student home 24/7 people to hang out with and talk to, at home I only got my parents, sisters to hang out with and talk to, and a the occasional friend who drops by =/

60) Are you happy: I have my moments, but Im worrieing alot, usually about uni.

61) Are you talking to someone online: Yes


62) God/Devil: God mayb, devil not really


65) The Big Bang Theory: Yes

66) Heaven/Underworld: heaven only no underworld =P

67) Superstitions: some

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: fine with my current 1 ty =P

69) Who named you: my mom

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: Nsync

71) When was the last time you showered: from before easter, we only got a bath in my parents home no shower =(

72) What color pants do you have on right now: brown

73) What song are you listening to right now: D12 - My band

74) What was the last thing you said: "jaja"

75) What is right next to you: lots and lots of junk, and beneath that..my room

76) What is your computer desk made of: Wood

77) What is your phone number (optional)

78) What was the last thing you ate: Spagetti

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: no idea lol

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: dunno

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: none I have no buddies :(

82) How's the weather right now: Sunny

83) Have you ever smoked pot: No

84) What did you do last night: slept, its holyday damnit ur not supposed to go out then lol

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: dunno that they are different? lol

86) How are you today: ok considering the circomstances

87) How do you eat an Oreo: ore..what?

88) Who makes you happy: friends

89) Fav cds: cds? I have a hard disc man I dont need cds lol

90) Fav dream: probably love dreams o.O

91) Have you ever won any special awards: dunno if this is what you mean but when I used to sail I won lots of cups and at the european championship splash I won as only Belg a botlle of champagne, was pretty proud on that to o.O

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: rich would b nice ;=)

93) End time: 17.30 GMT
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Ne1 even gonna read this? lol

1) Starting time: 18:29 GMT

2) Your Name: Michael Hallam

3) What are your nicknames: Mike

4) School: College -.- Ashton 6th Form

5) E-mail: [email protected]

6) Eyes: Green

7) Hair: Dirty Blonde

8) Pets: Cat

9) Siblings: Older Sis


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: Suprisingly enuf, no lol

11) Taken any illegal substances: Don't think so

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: Erm :/

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: Yeah lol

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: Yep

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: Yep

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: Think Cap does tbh lol

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: Nope

18) Cried during a movie: Not that I can remember, must've happened at a younger age

19) Had a crush on a teacher: Never has a crush as such but I've had a couple of fine teachers b4

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: Nope

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: lol nope

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: Probably at sum point

23) Prank called someone: Yeah


25) Shampoo: No idea, I use wot's there

26) Soap: Same as above (Dove)

27) Color: Dark Green/Black

28) Day/Night: Day

29) Summer/Winter: Summer

30) Online smile: >.<

31) Lace or satin: Erm satin o_O

32) Cartoons/Anime: Don't watch ne unless there's nowt else 2 do (which is very rarely). Suppose South Park, Simpsons, Family Guy etc if ur countin them

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Ye, a girlfriend -.-

34) Like anyone: Do I hav a favourite like anyone? Man, the retard that made this needs sum lessons on layout.

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: Ryan (that helps coz u all know him -.-)

36) Who is the shyest: Besides myself, my gf lol

37) Who do you go to for advice: Lee or Neo lol

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: Dunno

39) Who do you cry with: Don't o_O


40) Cried: Nope

41) Cut your hair: Think it was 3 weeks ago now so no

42) Exercised: LOL I'd laff if sum1 sed no 2 that. Yes

43) Worn a skirt: Not that I can remember, drunken states make u do daft things so I wouldn't b suprised :/

44) Been mean: Yeah a little nowt bad tho

45) Been sarcastic: Yep

46) Met someone new: Yep a few

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: Nope

48) Missed someone: Not really, seein enuf of my gf so nope

49) Hugged someone: Yep loads o_O

50) Fought with your parents: Yep

51) Wished upon a star: Nay

52) Laughed until you cried: Nearly

53) Played Truth or Dare: Lol I'm not 13

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: Nope

55) Went to the beach at night: LOL wish I could

56) Spent quality time alone: H8 time alone in large doses but yeah I suppose

57) Read a book for fun: Reading ain't fun!!!!! :P

58) Ate a great meal: Yeah loads

59) Are you lonely: Not really no

60) Are you happy: Yeah, gettin impatient w8in 4 then next day tho and I worry about things 2 much

61) Are you talking to someone online: I was until I started doin this


62) God/Devil: No lol

64) The Closet Monster: No

65) The Big Bang Theory: Kind of

66) Heaven/Underworld: No

67) Superstitions: No

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: SIC? Maybe o_O

69) Who named you: Parents I hope

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: SHOOT THEM ALL

71) When was the last time you showered: Months ago, had a bath this morning tho :P

72) What color pants do you have on right now: Black as alwayz

73) What song are you listening to right now: I'm not 4 once coz I'm about 2 play guitar

74) What was the last thing you said: 'Whatever' to my mum

75) What is right next to you: Pantera - Cowboys From Hell CD

76) What is your computer desk made of: Wood o_O

77) What is your phone number (optional): Ye rite lol

78) What was the last thing you ate: Chocolate moose

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Sumwhere hot

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: Gf and best m8s

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: 83 bah and this account was supposed 2 b cut short. 'Buddies' tho, I'd say only about 20 of em could b considered m8s

82) How's the weather right now: Bright, tiny bit windy quite warm

83) Have you ever smoked pot: Nope

84) What did you do last night: Went 2 a m8s house, had a laff ^^

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: Argh, dunno face, ass, pus.... nm

86) How are you today: Impatient, want the day 2 end coz I got cool plans 4 2moro

87) How do you eat an Oreo: U tell me o_O

88) Who makes you happy: M8s+gf

89) Fav cds: OMFG FUCK OFF. 2 many lol. ATM tho In Flames - Clayman, In Flames - Reroute To Remain, Damage Plan - New Found Power

90) Fav dream: Dunno

91) Have you ever won any special awards: Nah only faggot school stuff when I was younger

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: Guitarist in a decent band

93) End time: 18:48 GMT
Last edited:
1) Starting time: 18:51

2) Your Name: Catherine

3) What are your nicknames: kitten

4) School: Park Lane college

5) E-mail: aint giving it

6) Eyes: blue

7) Hair: blonde

8) Pets: none ='(

9) Siblings: 1


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: nope

11) Taken any illegal substances: yup

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: none

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: yes

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: nope

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: yes

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: dunno

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: no

18) Cried during a movie: yup

19) Had a crush on a teacher: nope

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: no

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: not sure what u mean here

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: nope

23) Prank called someone: yes lol


25) Shampoo: i like shampoo which smell of apples

26) Soap: which type of soap tv or bath? Oo

27) Colour: Purple

28) Day/Night: night

29) Summer/Winter: winter

30) Online smile: my duck which no1 thinks is a duck >.<

31) Lace or satin: satin

32) Cartoons/Anime: haven't got a fave

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: both lol =P

34) Like anyone: nope, i h8 every1 =P

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: Louise

36) Who is the shyest: me >.<

37) Who do you go to for advice: GriffinHeart

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: no1 in particular

39) Who do you cry with: i dont really cry in front of any1 =/


40) Cried: yes

41) Cut your hair: nope

42) Exercised: yes

43) Worn a skirt: yes

44) Been mean: yes

45) Been sarcastic: yes

46) Met someone new: yes

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: yes

48) Missed someone: yes

49) Hugged someone: yes

50) Fought with your parents: yes

51) Wished upon a star: nope

52) Laughed until you cried: no

53) Played Truth or Dare: no

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: no

55) Went to the beach at night: no

56) Spent quality time alone: no

57) Read a book for fun: yes

58) Ate a great meal: yes

59) Are you lonely: no

60) Are you happy: yes

61) Are you talking to someone online: no


62) God/Devil: yes

64) The Closet Monster: no

65) The Big Bang Theory: not sure

66) Heaven/Underworld: yes

67) Superstitions: sum

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: kitten

69) Who named you: parents

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: neither

71) When was the last time you showered: yesterday

72) What color pants do you have on right now: black

73) What song are you listening to right now: nothing

74) What was the last thing you said: i dont remember

75) What is right next to you: GriffinHeart

76) What is your computer desk made of: wood

77) What is your phone number (optional): not gonna say

78) What was the last thing you ate: sandwich

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: bed

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: myself

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: 70ish

82) How's the weather right now: sunny

83) Have you ever smoked pot: once

84) What did you do last night: slept

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: smiles

86) How are you today: fine^^

87) How do you eat an Oreo: thru mouth

88) Who makes you happy: griffinheart

89) Fav cds: haven't got 1

90) Fav dream: not sure

91) Have you ever won any special awards: nope

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: Midwife

93) End time:19:09