If you had a company, network, corporation or gaming community what will you call it?

Jamies wonderland. Filled with joy and happiness and old men.
Guys thanks for your suggestion, but if you have more post post!!

Seriously give us more info on what you are wanting to do. Personally I think the initials are one of the most important things, unless you have a very short name. It's very easy to think up names, it's harder to make them relavant to your company.
Euh thanks again keep looking ...

Fuzion and Zeon which will win

Post for more suggestion
How about Сool Сommunity for Сomputer Рerfomance or just CCCP for short...
Союз Советских Социалистических Республик

I even got a small logo for you pre-made:
iMikeez - If you had a company, network, corporation or gaming community what will you call it? - RaGEZONE Forums

I have a small indie Game Design group called Mad Game Design, or just MGD. However many think of MGD as Miller Genuine Draft :drinks_no
I haven't thought it through, but certainly I wouldn't give out the name before I've taken it to use myself. Fortunate to me, names never were a problem.

Can't help you there, buddy, because I think names should be personal and a little more than a cheap but cool tag.