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In the name of Dialsoft

Initiate Mage
Jan 8, 2005
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I highly suggest you stop production of illegal t4c material, The page has been reported and US copy right laws forbids this activity, Action will be taken shortly against any who violate this.

Igos Du Inka
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2006
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read the disclaimer in the rules moron, Ragezone is not responsible for any of the content posted on these forums. it is the responsibility of the poster and solely their opinion. sorry to rain on your parade but you can tell the president of the united states and even he can't do anything about it. "in the name of dialsoft" sorry you have no clue how dialsof works lol. you come here like a jesus-crusadetrying to stop illegal servers.want to know something? Olympia t4c illegal french server,reported to mark 43 times, open since 2002 and still open. tell marc if you want cause he can't do poop.

Have a Nice Day :)
Sep 24, 2006
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read the disclaimer in the rules moron, Ragezone is not responsible for any of the content posted on these forums. it is the responsibility of the poster and solely their opinion. sorry to rain on your parade but you can tell the president of the united states and even he can't do anything about it. "in the name of dialsoft" sorry you have no clue how dialsof works lol. you come here like a jesus-crusadetrying to stop illegal servers.want to know something? Olympia t4c illegal french server,reported to mark 43 times, open since 2002 and still open. tell marc if you want cause he can't do poop.

Have a Nice Day :)

Hell Yeah!
Initiate Mage
Feb 28, 2007
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i'm surprised of this post. My nickname may sound familiar to some of you.
I think if Dialsoft were to warn here the people of the 'underground', it would be Marc himself who would have posted.
I don't know Igos du Inka, and i think he should introduce himself a bit more.
I'm not aware of laws, but it's true, the content of most of the posts are outlaws.
About the "chasing the illegal servers", it's not my job.
And yes, some 'official' developpers watch you from time to time ;)

Junior Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2006
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yes desboys, the content posted here is illegal most of the time, but Ragezone cannot be held responsible for what is posted, so you and whoever the hell you want, can report this site to whoever the hell you want and they can't do anything about it. and don't think we don't know that official developpers stop by here too. Jeska, Monolith, Zen, Venus, Mouse, Reorx, and even Marc himself all check this site. we are not stupid. and your name is familiar, if i remember correctly you're apart of the v2 team correct? trust me honey, you can call the FBI or the Army and they can't do a damn thing about what is being posted here (even if it's illegal).

Have a nice day :)
Sep 24, 2006
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Lol He Was "Part" of The Team, He Probably Sucked So Bad They Didn't Want Him Nomore or He Quit Because The V2 Team Doesn't Do poop TO Stop People From Useing Their Software Oh And Guess What Desboys I Know Many v2Team Members That Give Out T4C Software!
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 26, 2007
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Dialsoft ? hacking software ?
Nice ^^

Dialsoft give an version of office Xp with his crack ;)

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 17, 2006
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Check this out:

Password: lemmingiscool

Another reason Dialsoft won't do poop about Illegal servers. They're watching a few and cant do anything about it. Panseys.
Initiate Mage
Feb 28, 2007
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Chakra123> Did i mention something about Ragezone? no. You'd better re-read my post. Thank you.
And there's no FBI in France, and i'm not an employee of Dialsoft.
Goku > The website is far from being up-to-date. You'll probably see my "work" on the next releases. Maybe not, since it's just Server side.
Splash > Trilogy isn't Dialsoft. It's a matter of how Trilogy is managed. It's out of order.
John_Kane > Yes, that's funny. It comes from T4C bible admin boards. Maybe you should ask BL about the goal of this?

Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Chakra123> Did i mention something about Ragezone? no. You'd better re-read my post. Thank you.
And there's no FBI in France, and i'm not an employee of Dialsoft.
Goku > The website is far from being up-to-date. You'll probably see my "work" on the next releases. Maybe not, since it's just Server side.
Splash > Trilogy isn't Dialsoft. It's a matter of how Trilogy is managed. It's out of order.
John_Kane > Yes, that's funny. It comes from T4C bible admin boards. Maybe you should ask BL about the goal of this?


You're Stupid If You Think Dialsoft Will Shutdown Servers, Dialsoft Hasn't Shutdown Any Servers Yet, The Only Servers That Were Shutdown Were The People Who Were Afraid To Keep Them Up, There Have Been Pirated Private Servers Since 2002 And Not One Has Been Shutdown By Dialsoft, In Fact Some Are Still Running This Very Moment.
Last edited:
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2006
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Your Stupid If You Think Dialsoft Will Shutdown Servers, Dialsoft Hasn't Shutdown Any Servers Yet, The Only Servers That Were Shutdown Were The People Who Were Afraid To Keep Them Up, There Have Been Pirated Private Servers Since 2002 And Have Not Been Shutdown In Fact Some Are Still Running This Very Moment.

Couldn't have said it better myself Goku. not one illegal server has been shut down by effort of Marc, like goku said, if they did shutdown it was out of fear. Marc can do nothing about it desboys. try asking some other devs that came here trying to do what you're doing. go to bible and ask Jeska, Monolith, Mouse, Aedus, Kitten and Venus. they all came here talking poop and all left crying to Marc. site still up and all illegal servers that have been reported are still running

Have a nice day :)
Initiate Mage
Feb 28, 2007
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have i said " I come here to threaten you, close your illegal servers or Dialsoft will enforce you to do it" ?
NO, i haven't. And I'm not, since it's not my job. I don't care how Dialsoft manage this, i have other goals. So instead of telling "Your Stupid ..." , you should read my posts carefully next time. And stop bashing me!
I've just come to say " Who's Igos du Inka that says to speak in the name of Dialsoft?".
He have not even replied to me.
But maybe you can tell me more about him ?

Junior Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2006
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of course I can: Igos Du Inka is an noob kingdom connection player who loves nothing more than to suck up to Jeska. and if you keep posting here Desboys than you are stupid, after all you're one of the programmers for the version that killed t4c.

Have a Nice day :)
Sep 24, 2006
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of course I can: Igos Du Inka is an noob kingdom connection player who loves nothing more than to suck up to Jeska. and if you keep posting here Desboys than you are stupid, after all, you're one of the programmers for the version that killed t4c.

Have a Nice day :)

Nice One, And Its So True
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
Wow, lots of talks going on there.

- I would look anything about T4C private servers with a different eye if they didn't use some hacked server software (which is clearly illegal) but rather used open source emulators written from scratch (legality here is kinda foggy, mostly country law dependant). But even today, T4C emulators would be only copy pasted code from the hacked software, which is pointless. So there is nothing comparable with other game's private servers running emulators, some of them being bugged enough to not drain lots of players out from official servers.

- I don't support Igos' post, I think it's not his task to do so (so do GM staff from official servers), making warnings this way. You don't know me, Mr chakra123, I would never ask a player to post in some private server niche telling them what you are doing is illegal, I think (and hope) you guys already know that.

- You guys says 1.60 is baaad, killing T4C and so on... So why would you care for some 1.60 emulator (intended to work with the hacked 1.25 software) ? If you really disliked it, I wouldn't have seen any 1.60 related topic on this board.

- I've already taken a look in some of private T4C servers as a player, and I have to tell I'm not a fan of high rates, as they ruin the original game's gameplay and blows up balance, even worse than doing very broken new content. Well that's my opinion, but unless you enjoy playing it with lots of help and assistance or you don't mind about balance, you won't enjoy gaming experience in private servers.

Happy bashings :)
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Wow, lots of talks going on there.

But even today, T4C emulators would be only copy pasted code from the hacked software, which is pointless. So there is nothing comparable with other game's private servers running emulators, some of them being bugged enough to not drain lots of players out from official servers.

- You guys says 1.60 is baaad, killing T4C and so on... So why would you care for some 1.60 emulator (intended to work with the hacked 1.25 software) ? If you really disliked it, I wouldn't have seen any 1.60 related topic on this board.

Happy bashings :)

There is an emu under way that uses 0 lines of copied code from the original server, it does not use any of the original server files, it uses it's own. The lack of support / organisation is why it'll be finished or possibly even in open beta way after the original T4C has been buried :p

btw, the emu in question is currently ~4% done, estimated progress is 1%/month so you do the math ;p
Sep 24, 2006
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It Doesn't Take 8 Years To Make An Emulator Though, Why Are You Taking Your Time Lol
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
actually its Ms Chakra123. and I never said you sent him here, I said he was posting in an effort to suck up to you. and there are not many people here that want a 1.6 emulator, if you looked through the forums long enough you'd know that. you can say that ppl don't enjoy private servers all you want, but look at the facts: Olympia T4c running since 2002, has 74 players online atm. if they didn't enjoy it would there be that many people? I don't think so. Go back to bible and harrass people there, you're not welcome here jeska.