Is this right?

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Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score
Me and a nother' coder are working on an emulator for Planetside. We've had experience with the Rose Online Emulator (Which we helped/leaded in programming) (Project Cascada). Anyways, this should be a routine project, but we can't do it alone. We have the encryption keys so far, (Or part of them), and need more coders than just us. We need people to go through the packets and help decode. We need players who are willing to record packets from just Planetside and do EVERYTHING they can, Ride in BFRs, drop gens, hack terminals, teabag the enemy's corpse, everything. We also need reverse-engineers.

If you're interested, well, send me a PM or go to the website that I will post the link to as SOON as it is up, as we have a host. Just need to get everything up.

Godspeed. - Kamikosis(Mischief)
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