Item crash, Chat crash...

May 20, 2014
Reaction score
Im using "".

When i am in game. if i try to type in the chat, pick up a item, change backpack etc, WarZ crashes...

Is there any fixes that does not require source code fixes? "There is no source code in this relese for some reason."

R3 Log

--- Log started at Tue Jul 01 03:38:39 2014

000000.002| CrashSender.exe is not found in the specified path.
000000.236| ComputerID: 0xbfccdd7bb81
000000.237| Game Version: WarZ v1.0 (build: Oct 26 2013 23:26:51) - final
000000.237| Available memory: 5602 MB
000000.305| r3dFS: version:October 28, 2013 1:07, 24730 files
000000.459| r3dFile: can't open local.ini
000000.459| Can't open file "local.ini"
000000.459| readGameOptionsFile: found INI at C:\Users\Jacob\Documents\Arktos\WarZ\gameSettings.ini
000000.460| r3dFile: can't open local.ini
000000.460| Can't open file "local.ini"
000000.460| writeGameOptionsFile: Saving settings to C:\Users\Jacob\Documents\Arktos\WarZ\gameSettings.ini
000000.486| readInputMap: found file at C:\Users\Jacob\Documents\Arktos\WarZ\inputMap.xml
000000.486| writeInputMap: Saving settings to C:\Users\Jacob\Documents\Arktos\WarZ\inputMap.xml
000000.488| userSettings: found file at C:\Users\Jacob\Documents\Arktos\WarZ\userSettings.xml
000000.488| userSettings: Saving settings to C:\Users\Jacob\Documents\Arktos\WarZ\userSettings.xml
000000.489| SOUND: initializing sound system
000000.524| SOUND: '1' sound drivers found
000000.525| SOUND: sound caps = 0xF8, speakermode= 2
000000.525| SOUND: sound driver 'Speakers and Headphones (IDT High Definition Audio CODEC)'
000003.017| SOUND: sound system ready
000003.017| FMOD: LoadSoundEffects: Loading from Data\Sounds\Sounds.fev
000005.357| Input Devices enabled: Mouse, Keyboard
000005.534| VMEM As seen through DDRaw: 481
000005.534| VMEM As seen through WMI: 0
000005.534| Setting mode: 640x480x32 Flags=0
000005.536| Could not initialize NVApi.
000005.536| Adapter: AMD Radeon HD 7420G
000005.536| aticfx32.dll
000005.538| Monitor: \\.\DISPLAY1 (1920x1080)
000005.555| r3dRenderLayer::SetMode(x=640,y=480,bpp=32,windowed=0,hz=60)
000005.557| Creating d3d device
000006.240| GPU supports D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMP
000006.240| D3D hack support = NullRT: 1, hwPCF: 1, IntZ: 1, ResZ: 1
000006.241| We have 3024 MB texture memory
000006.244| r3dFont: Creating Verdana 10pt
000006.247| r3dFont: Finished creating Verdana 10pt
000006.250| Loading shaders...
000007.906| Finished loading shaders (1.655834 sec)!
000008.053| r3dFont: Creating Tahoma 12pt
000008.059| r3dFont: Finished creating Tahoma 12pt
000008.059| r3dFont: Creating Verdana 10pt
000008.059| r3dFont: Finished creating Verdana 10pt
000008.202| Creating render targets
000008.258| r3dFont: Creating Verdana 8pt
000008.262| r3dFont: Finished creating Verdana 8pt
000008.288| Loaded 12 of 12 grass settings locations from the glist file
000008.290| Loaded 12 grass settings files
000024.204| SetHomeDir: Levels\WZ_FrontEndLighting
000024.204| We have 2899 MB texture memory
000025.260| r3d: device is lost
000026.658| r3dapp: SysCmd: f120
000026.713| d3d: starting to reset device
000026.739| released
000027.686| reseted
000027.764| restored (1). reset ok
000032.202| r3d: device is lost
000072.207| r3dFile: can't open Levels\WZ_FrontEndLighting/wind.cfg
000072.207| Loading 'Levels\WZ_FrontEndLighting/LevelSettings.xml'
000072.213| r3dFile: can't open data/shaders/texture/cclut3d/
000074.844| Unloaded 0.0 MB STATIC decal textures
000074.844| Unloaded 0.0 MB DYNAMIC decal textures
000074.844| Loading decal library Data\Decals\library.xml.
000074.845| Loading decal library Levels\WZ_FrontEndLighting\decals.xml.
000076.049| Loaded 1.7 MB STATIC decal textures
000076.468| Loaded 0.1 MB DYNAMIC decal textures
000076.469| LoadLevel_MatLibs...
000076.469| LoadLevel_Objects...
000099.303| LoadGrassLib()...
000100.075| g_pGrassMap->Load...
000100.102| LoadLevel_MatLibs...
000100.103| Building skeleton cache..000100.167| Building obstacles cache..000100.168| done.000100.168| Loading 'Levels\WZ_FrontEndLighting\collections\collections.xml'
000100.168| r3dFile: can't open Levels\WZ_FrontEndLighting\collections\elements.bin
000100.168| COLLECTIONS: Could not open 'Levels\WZ_FrontEndLighting\collections\elements.bin'
000100.168| World loaded
000100.168| Total load time: 28.92
000125.065| r3dapp: SysCmd: f120
000125.203| d3d: starting to reset device
000125.205| released
000126.192| reseted
000126.326| restored (2). reset ok
000135.219| r3d: device is lost
000135.270| Acquired base profile data for 111.138626
000207.670| r3dapp: SysCmd: f120
000207.771| d3d: starting to reset device
000207.776| released
000208.727| reseted
000208.831| restored (3). reset ok
000219.019| r3dNetwork: Creating client
000219.122| IP:
000219.122| IP:
000219.122| IP:
000219.122| r3dNetwork: connecting
000226.062| r3d: device is lost
000227.797| d3d: starting to reset device
000227.800| released
000228.210| reseted
000228.356| restored (4). reset ok
000233.843| r3d: device is lost
000354.092| r3dapp: SysCmd: f120
000354.215| d3d: starting to reset device
000354.218| released
000355.105| reseted
000355.301| restored (5). reset ok
000372.708| obj_Zombie::FreePhysSkeletonCache:000372.708| done in 0.00 seconds
000372.714| r3dNetwork: Deinitialize
000372.787| obj_Zombie::FreePhysSkeletonCache:000372.787| done in 0.00 seconds
000372.792| Deleting render targets
000372.925| WARNING: pd3ddev have 10 reference counts
Elite Diviner
Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score
i upload a fix wait a sec but i dont know if the will work for u

Put warz.exe and Kuchence.dll in ur warz folder
and replace in ur server folder the other stuff i hope it works

( try this or search for the source and rebuild all. i said it so many times )

dem english xDDDDDDD
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