item ID codes

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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 2, 2008
Reaction score
hey im new at making a rose server and i was wondering if anyone had a list of item ID codes in a text file that i could use

please and thank you
Well as for the stl files you need a stl reader to view the info inside them and what item is what so search around for a stl viewer or editor.

Next lvl cap depends on what type of rose you are using irose, osirose, evo.

But as of right now only server i know about that has changed the lvl cap is InfernoRose :) for irose style server.
Here is a nice comprehensive list of pretty much all the available tools to use with rose.

get a VFS editor from the VFS section, extract it to your rose installation folder and run it. Some of them will give you the option to "extract all". Click it and tell it where to extract to. Make a folder and call it "extracted" is my advice.
You will now have all the files from the VFS. All the STBs (3Ddata/STB/), all the meshes and skins used on all the items in the game, the Artificial inteligence and quest scripts. Everything.

Now get a STB/STL editor (use mine if you have microsoft excel installed) otherwise there are some other nice ones.

If you use mine, just go to the STB tab, click the button to open the control panel (let me know if this errors. Some people's PCs are lacking an activeX component that stops it working. I can give you a fix really easy)
Open the STB you want (maybe LIST_BACK.STB for wings and stuff)
Now open the corresponding STL (LIST_BACK_S.STL)
Now make sure you click the correct radio button for your file mode. the choices are evo, irose and pre-evo (STBs are in slightly different format)
Now click the button on the right of the control panel labeled "Copy names to STB"
All the names from the STL will now be placed in the left column of the STB where all the korean crap previously was.

If you like you can now save the STB and the names will stay there instead of the usual gibberish.
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