Iweb custom stat modifying (Hex)

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 25, 2016
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http://forum.ragezone.com/f781/fw-hex-generator-991593/ <- Is where I got the original info. All credit belongs to FerocityFW for the original post detailing the hex info.

These are my findings based on the original findings made by FerocityFW.

(Don't mind the name of the equipment, or whether or not it's a weapon/armor/fashion/ring/offhand/etc. codes can be applied to any piece of worn equipment.)

Fortify Level |00000000| -- This controls how fortified your equipment is. (Most go 0/12 - 12/12)
Attack |00000000| -- Minimum attack.
Attack |00000000| -- Max Attack.
DEFENSE |00000000| -- Defense.
HEALTH |00000000| -- Health.
MANA |00000000| -- Mana.
ACC |00000000| -- Accuracy.
EVA |00000000| -- Evasion

|000000| -- I'm not sure what this is.

Gear Quality |00| <- This determines the quality of the gear [0 grey, 1 white, 2 green, 3 blue, 4 purple, 5 gold, 6 red, 7 gold-red, 8 light-blue, 9 light-purple]

|0000 0000| -- These are the top two IDs on your equipment. "Warded Wise / Precise Stout" for example.

|00| -- This determines the amount of Identified attributes a piece of gear can have, up to 4.

|0000 0000 0000 0000| -- This is for the identified attributes. Can input up to 4 IDs here.

|00 00 00 00| -- Unused rune slots from what I assume are the unused Arcanist job.
|0000 0000 0000 0000| -- The runes themselves. (Not soul power runes.) You can place up to four.

|000000000000000000000000| I'm unsure what this set of code is.

Equip gear |c81e| -- I'm unsure if other values will work, but c81e has never not worked for me.

|00 00| -- I believe this controls how long an item exists for. If blank, it's permanent.

|01 01 01 01| -- Handles how many gem slots for embedding gems (Ragefire, Goldspark) can be placed in gear. Allows up to 4.

|0000 0000 0000 0000| -- These decide what gem is in your gem slots. Refer to the Elements.data file for their IDs.
Be sure to convert their ID into the proper hex/octet codes.

|0000 0000| -- This is what decides how much minimum / maximum durability your gear has.

|7e33743379330000| -- I'm not sure what this is. It seems to be important, however.

Chroma Saturation|00| -- This is what decides how much chroma is in the piece of armor, by default.

|0000 0000| -- I believe this is a counter that measures how many times a piece of gear has been fortified by an item such as a Gem of Tytan.

|0000| -- This is an extra attribute that I found while tinkering with the hex/octets.

|000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000| -- I'm not sure what this is. I think some of it has to do with elemental bonuses, as I've accidentally gotten "Light Transmutation" before as a gear bonus.

Here is an example of what I believe to be a mostly default hex/octet code. I mostly use it when I want normal looking fashion.


iq2UkN2 - Iweb custom stat modifying (Hex) - RaGEZONE Forums

Here is an example of a piece of equipment with the following: 8 Accuracy, with 5 evasion IDs, Gem Slots open, and 128 durability.


bTu9oVa - Iweb custom stat modifying (Hex) - RaGEZONE Forums

Here is an example of a piece of gear spawned using a completely blank (All 0) or missing octet code.

dIQeiGD - Iweb custom stat modifying (Hex) - RaGEZONE Forums

The codes are entered on your sendmail.jsp page. If you don't know what that is, or how to use it, I'm fairly sure that http://forum.ragezone.com/f783/fw-v496-updated-servervm-client-1158929/#post8930643 has the info you need.

Some useful sites/programs I've used while tinkering with hex codes:
Programmer mode of the calculator.


And last, but certainly not least, a warning: Improperly using hex codes when spawning equipment can be dangerous to the server. In my experience, it can crash realms/server, and according to a post made by Willy Oller in http://forum.ragezone.com/f781/fw-hex-generator-991593/
And playing around with hex and items is a fast way to corrupt a database, not what u should play around with on a live server
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Bumping this thread to let some folks know I've updated it to try and make it easier to understand. If anything is unclear, do let me know. Or if anyone has anything to contribute, that'd be great.