[community repacks]
Original Client
this clean client is need for all private servers
Tutorial how to set up the server
how to set up Kal Server
Private Server tools
These are all tools needed to modify your server/client Files.
Private Server Tools
Clean Server files by PACD
This repack is about the same a int. servers only higher xp/droprate
Download link:http://forum.ragezone.com/showthread.php?t=239260/
Vladi Repack
this repack has lots of custom features so is different the int. server for all features look here :
* New D1 (Ad d2 size) with new spawns + new monsters on hall3
* New kalcash System (new look with img and quest)
* KalCash charge
* F1 System
* New BeadOfFire Talismans System (events item drop in hall3)
* New teleports npcs (new look with img)
* New Buffs NPC (new look with img)
* 3 New Islands maps (2 of them are the new)
* New monsters (lizards and demons and much more)
* New spawn on 1 new island
* Pvp Area
* New G62 Gold armor (the offical)
* Some New Custom drop rate
* Elders new spawn (with new effect)
* Area Of God (Dwarfpicker)
* New Lost animals Island (soul666 modifed by me)
* New weapons (Dwarfpicker + Keppi)
* New armors
* Area Of God (Dwarfpicker)
* Lvl 60-70 Quest + job change (Dwarfpicker)
* New egging area on new duel map (made by dwarf edited by me)
* Alot of new items
* No NULL on items and weapons (unlimited polishing)
* Critical bug fixed!
* Item overflow bug fixed ("8590")
* Dupe bug won't work
* Some more little bugs fixed
Pacd Repack Thread :Vladi Repack
Solidus repack V2.0
this repack has more custom features so is different the int. server.
All features of v2.0
KalCash Merchant
Talisman Merchant
G10 Speed Up
Big Medicine
All Armor Merchants
All Weapon Merchants
No Null's
Temp Teleport
Dungeon Teleporter
All Trainer in Temp
Event Item Merchant
G70 Warlord's Armor [Knight]
G70 Enigma Armor [Mage]
G70 Demon Stalker Armor [Archer]
G75 Destiny [2h]
G75 Blazefury [1h]
G75 Doomfinger [Wand]
G75 Hearstriker [Bow]
Death Valley (Elder Doggebi)
Mix System working
Battle Island [FIXED]
Letter Event NPC
New Icons
Stone Merchant
PK Password : JKSYEHAB#9052
Solidus repack thread: Solidus Repack
KalmaX V4 Repack
Features :
Vista-32bit Fix added to engine (KOCP Supported).
G70/75/80/85 Armors Added.
G46/50/55/60/70/75/80/85 BoF Armors Added.
White Event BoF G85 Armor also added.
Custom GM Armors/Weapons Added.
Kal Banker Added.
Custom Buffs Added.
Custom Trinkets,Rings,Belts Added.
Custom Speeds G1 to G9 Added.
Custom HP/MP Meds Added.
Account Control Added.
Custom Shops Added.
Custom Golden Eggs Added.
Custom TempFort with PVP Area Added.
Custom Monsters added.
Custom NPCs Added.
Custom Items Added.
Upto date Maps Added.
BoF Custom Npc Added.
Custom Fish Shop Added.
Custom Egg Shop Added.
Custom BoF NPC Shop Added.
Custom Trinket,Ring,Belt,Buffs Npc shop added.
Custom Speed Shop Added.
Secret Code Reg Page & DB Added.
KalMax Repack Thread: KalMax Repack
1- remaking InitItem.txt 100%
2- Adding New Weapon Repack 100%
3- Starting NPC (items and stats) 100%
4- Adding PvP system 100%
5- Removing unused shits 100%
6- Renewing the Drop List 100%
7- Protect the engnie.exe(Armadillo/VISTA/Zoom) 100%
8- making the client update 100%
9- Adding Job Changer 100%
10-Adding F1 System 100%
11-Adding BOF 50%
12-Adding Upgrade Armos/Weapons 100%-0%
13-Adding High lvl Area 1 (70) 100%
14-Adding High lvl Area 2 (80) 0%
15-Adding High lvl Area 3 (85) 0%
16-Adding High lvl Area 4 (90) 0%
17-Adding High lvl Area 5 (95) 0%
18-Adding High lvl Area 6 (100) 0%
19-Adding KOSP 100%
20-Adding KOCP(MD5+New Crypt) 100%
21-Costomizing some MAPs 0%
22-Editing MainSrvT (ASM) 10%
pk password : SYR4EVER#9515
Lotus Repack
Note! : this repack is old and doesnt include all fixes and updates but could be usefull to advanced users
becuase it has some usefull information and tools but dont use it as an base for a server unless you want to fix all things by yourself
WebAdim v.2 Repack
New Areas
new Death Valley , High Level Area , Traitor Mage Area
Area of God , Elder Island , Highland Area
Support Island , Lizard Valley I-II , Deadly Forrest
Sacred City , Queen Vault ...
Selfmade Spawns & Drops
new Raid Bosses with Armor & Weapon Drops ( G60 - G90)
G90 Dropped by Doggebi Lord & Demon Queen
Armor & Weapons
G70 Phoenix Armor / Weapons of Phoenix
G80 Armor of Apocalypse / Weapons of Pain
G85 Armor of GoD / Weapons of GoD
G90 Armor of Devil / Weapons of Dragon
Upgrade Items
New Mana & Heal Meds
New Speed-Up
Critical-Hit Medicines
Money Bags
new Quest Items
Halloween Masks
new Talismans
new G50 - G80 Accessoires
PVP-Event Items
Special Wooden Boxes
Golden Eggs
NPC's & Events
selfmade & safety NPC's ( 32 Bit Overflow Fixed )
Halloween Merchant , High-Grade Merchant , KalCash-System
CP-Manager , BoF-Merchant , Bank-Manager
JobChange NPC ( 3rd Job isnt spawned, if u want it,
add a new NPC with s600529 )
Valentine Event (with Romeo & Juliet Souls)
UEFA 2008 Event
18 new Quest Merchants with Rewards,CP & SU Points ( Level 60-90 )
balanced PvP-System ( added Thunder Grade 3-10 )
with selfmade armor stats ,
but no security , if u add 3rd Job
Thread Download
Pyramids V2 Repack
Exp rate 50 x without Exp event.....
1- Server side protect ( KOSP + AHS3 ) ....and client side KOCP
2- engine Support Windows Vista 32 with Zoom unlock
3- New Armors G70 , G80 , G90 , G100
4- BoF system for G60 , G70 , G80 , G90 , G100 Armors
5- new D6 , D7 , D8 , D9 , D10 , D11 , D12 , D13 Fight Area
6- New wepons G65 , G70 , G75 , G80 , G90 , G100 , G105
7- New look for Fort Castel
8- some nice items like ( super speed , Super eel , potion of critical hit , ....)
9- Custom Trinkets,Rings,Belts Added
10- Banker system ( change money for 1 Money Box item )
11- Job Change NPC for lvl 30 , 50 Job
12- New NPC's (animal NPC)
13- F1 kalcash system
14- alot of New Mobs ( also have Dragon island Mobs )
15- Helper NPC give u informations about most server drops
16- D1 safe zone
Thread Download
Chillakal Repack
The Repack is based on Webadim V2.
BIGGEST CREDIT GOES TO BLACKI!! (tyvm for you n1 repack!!)
What i've edited:
PK PAssword, Engine PAssword :
Original Client
this clean client is need for all private servers
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
Tutorial how to set up the server
how to set up Kal Server
Private Server tools
These are all tools needed to modify your server/client Files.
Private Server Tools
Clean Server files by PACD
This repack is about the same a int. servers only higher xp/droprate
Download link:http://forum.ragezone.com/showthread.php?t=239260/
Vladi Repack
this repack has lots of custom features so is different the int. server for all features look here :
* New D1 (Ad d2 size) with new spawns + new monsters on hall3
* New kalcash System (new look with img and quest)
* KalCash charge
* F1 System
* New BeadOfFire Talismans System (events item drop in hall3)
* New teleports npcs (new look with img)
* New Buffs NPC (new look with img)
* 3 New Islands maps (2 of them are the new)
* New monsters (lizards and demons and much more)
* New spawn on 1 new island
* Pvp Area
* New G62 Gold armor (the offical)
* Some New Custom drop rate
* Elders new spawn (with new effect)
* Area Of God (Dwarfpicker)
* New Lost animals Island (soul666 modifed by me)
* New weapons (Dwarfpicker + Keppi)
* New armors
* Area Of God (Dwarfpicker)
* Lvl 60-70 Quest + job change (Dwarfpicker)
* New egging area on new duel map (made by dwarf edited by me)
* Alot of new items
* No NULL on items and weapons (unlimited polishing)
* Critical bug fixed!
* Item overflow bug fixed ("8590")
* Dupe bug won't work
* Some more little bugs fixed
Pacd Repack Thread :Vladi Repack
Solidus repack V2.0
this repack has more custom features so is different the int. server.
All features of v2.0
KalCash Merchant
Talisman Merchant
G10 Speed Up
Big Medicine
All Armor Merchants
All Weapon Merchants
No Null's
Temp Teleport
Dungeon Teleporter
All Trainer in Temp
Event Item Merchant
G70 Warlord's Armor [Knight]
G70 Enigma Armor [Mage]
G70 Demon Stalker Armor [Archer]
G75 Destiny [2h]
G75 Blazefury [1h]
G75 Doomfinger [Wand]
G75 Hearstriker [Bow]
Death Valley (Elder Doggebi)
Mix System working
Battle Island [FIXED]
Letter Event NPC
New Icons
Stone Merchant
PK Password : JKSYEHAB#9052
Solidus repack thread: Solidus Repack
KalmaX V4 Repack
Features :
Vista-32bit Fix added to engine (KOCP Supported).
G70/75/80/85 Armors Added.
G46/50/55/60/70/75/80/85 BoF Armors Added.
White Event BoF G85 Armor also added.
Custom GM Armors/Weapons Added.
Kal Banker Added.
Custom Buffs Added.
Custom Trinkets,Rings,Belts Added.
Custom Speeds G1 to G9 Added.
Custom HP/MP Meds Added.
Account Control Added.
Custom Shops Added.
Custom Golden Eggs Added.
Custom TempFort with PVP Area Added.
Custom Monsters added.
Custom NPCs Added.
Custom Items Added.
Upto date Maps Added.
BoF Custom Npc Added.
Custom Fish Shop Added.
Custom Egg Shop Added.
Custom BoF NPC Shop Added.
Custom Trinket,Ring,Belt,Buffs Npc shop added.
Custom Speed Shop Added.
Secret Code Reg Page & DB Added.
KalMax Repack Thread: KalMax Repack
1- remaking InitItem.txt 100%
2- Adding New Weapon Repack 100%
3- Starting NPC (items and stats) 100%
4- Adding PvP system 100%
5- Removing unused shits 100%
6- Renewing the Drop List 100%
7- Protect the engnie.exe(Armadillo/VISTA/Zoom) 100%
8- making the client update 100%
9- Adding Job Changer 100%
10-Adding F1 System 100%
11-Adding BOF 50%
12-Adding Upgrade Armos/Weapons 100%-0%
13-Adding High lvl Area 1 (70) 100%
14-Adding High lvl Area 2 (80) 0%
15-Adding High lvl Area 3 (85) 0%
16-Adding High lvl Area 4 (90) 0%
17-Adding High lvl Area 5 (95) 0%
18-Adding High lvl Area 6 (100) 0%
19-Adding KOSP 100%
20-Adding KOCP(MD5+New Crypt) 100%
21-Costomizing some MAPs 0%
22-Editing MainSrvT (ASM) 10%
pk password : SYR4EVER#9515
Lotus Repack
Note! : this repack is old and doesnt include all fixes and updates but could be usefull to advanced users
becuase it has some usefull information and tools but dont use it as an base for a server unless you want to fix all things by yourself
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
WebAdim v.2 Repack
New Areas
new Death Valley , High Level Area , Traitor Mage Area
Area of God , Elder Island , Highland Area
Support Island , Lizard Valley I-II , Deadly Forrest
Sacred City , Queen Vault ...
Selfmade Spawns & Drops
new Raid Bosses with Armor & Weapon Drops ( G60 - G90)
G90 Dropped by Doggebi Lord & Demon Queen
Armor & Weapons
G70 Phoenix Armor / Weapons of Phoenix
G80 Armor of Apocalypse / Weapons of Pain
G85 Armor of GoD / Weapons of GoD
G90 Armor of Devil / Weapons of Dragon
Upgrade Items
New Mana & Heal Meds
New Speed-Up
Critical-Hit Medicines
Money Bags
new Quest Items
Halloween Masks
new Talismans
new G50 - G80 Accessoires
PVP-Event Items
Special Wooden Boxes
Golden Eggs
NPC's & Events
selfmade & safety NPC's ( 32 Bit Overflow Fixed )
Halloween Merchant , High-Grade Merchant , KalCash-System
CP-Manager , BoF-Merchant , Bank-Manager
JobChange NPC ( 3rd Job isnt spawned, if u want it,
add a new NPC with s600529 )
Valentine Event (with Romeo & Juliet Souls)
UEFA 2008 Event
18 new Quest Merchants with Rewards,CP & SU Points ( Level 60-90 )
balanced PvP-System ( added Thunder Grade 3-10 )
with selfmade armor stats ,
but no security , if u add 3rd Job
Thread Download
Pyramids V2 Repack
Exp rate 50 x without Exp event.....
1- Server side protect ( KOSP + AHS3 ) ....and client side KOCP
2- engine Support Windows Vista 32 with Zoom unlock
3- New Armors G70 , G80 , G90 , G100
4- BoF system for G60 , G70 , G80 , G90 , G100 Armors
5- new D6 , D7 , D8 , D9 , D10 , D11 , D12 , D13 Fight Area
6- New wepons G65 , G70 , G75 , G80 , G90 , G100 , G105
7- New look for Fort Castel
8- some nice items like ( super speed , Super eel , potion of critical hit , ....)
9- Custom Trinkets,Rings,Belts Added
10- Banker system ( change money for 1 Money Box item )
11- Job Change NPC for lvl 30 , 50 Job
12- New NPC's (animal NPC)
13- F1 kalcash system
14- alot of New Mobs ( also have Dragon island Mobs )
15- Helper NPC give u informations about most server drops
16- D1 safe zone
Thread Download
Chillakal Repack
The Repack is based on Webadim V2.
BIGGEST CREDIT GOES TO BLACKI!! (tyvm for you n1 repack!!)
What i've edited:
PK PAssword, Engine PAssword :
Last edited by a moderator: