cud be.......DarkBahamut said:Doubt its a real GM... :/
WARTONTO2 said:cud be.......
DarkBahamut said:like i said i doubt it, they barely have enough time to fix patches or sort out problems with their customers so its very doubtful that they would come to RZ..
Spunkeh said:very good point but i gotta say they r ingame more than ever...
DarkBahamut dreamin spam man because the only GM ingame is ALARIA showing off her lack of typing skills and then new "evilmir" set
and then u have SabreFury he comes at 1AM does 3 shoutouts then logs...
Hmmm Yep ingame alot
Spunkeh said:well its more than usually mayb the gm's have a life n they have to sort out the patches n stuff
DarkBahamut dreamin spam man because the only GM ingame is ALARIA showing off her lack of typing skills and then new "evilmir" set
and then u have SabreFury he comes at 1AM does 3 shoutouts then logs...
Hmmm Yep ingame alot
NeoSparky said:it's called dyslexia, and there's nothing wrong with her. she's ok
would like to see you be online every day after a few weeks on a server like euromir, or even ragezone...![]()
thisguy said:You were usually online as a GM or someone was.. didn't seem too hard for yah to be and you guys weren't paid for it and did a great job..
NeoSparky said:it's called dyslexia, and there's nothing wrong with her. she's ok
would like to see you be online every day after a few weeks on a server like euromir, or even ragezone...![]()
DarkBahamut said:1.Alaria is male
2. Alaria is not dyslexic, he makes out to be but isnt after having a wordy convo with Caliden(w/e his name is lol) he spilled the beans, he can type korean etc. but not much english
3. You were ub0r GM![]()
thisguy said:Alaria's a guy???![]()
Anyway, I agree Neo was a great GM.. I also liked Don as GM... Great events were had even though I never took place -too busy leveling ffs-.
Three cheers for Neo and Sam :tp:
Capricorn said:Alaria is not male, she's female.
Trust me on that one *Mirstock*
MentaL said:dont talk about alaria plz...