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Kings autoupdate CPW

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 3, 2009
Reaction score
Time is such a thing that makes the ball climb in sometimes very precious thing. And in this we see more and more. One of the supporting evidence was a free publication of CPW.

I also could not resist the time, which led to another opening for himself, and in gratitude that I also publish.
I've seen, but I do not know how make cup update files for official autoupdate. Without any information, simply knocked on the head and go!
I want to teach you to do cup update files for offitsilnogo autoupdate.

[Objective] - Make CUP
What do we need?

B) pwpack.exe

Our task consists of two steps.

Step One.
Suppose we make the next update client version 17, we are updating to 20.
Using autoupdate create our upgrade, we'd love to run the traditional way and for some comfort cup file.
Recall that in the cup file does not have an update for pathcer, launcher, only element.
Did the update CPW, and we are ready to upload files to the server.
We turn to the folder ... / CPW / element /
Before us is another element folder and files, including version - it will be in the cup file.
The contents of the folder ... / CPW / element / copy for closer to pathcer.exe

Step Two.
It remains only to pack copied =)
Yes, everything is very simple cup file - just pck containing a ... / CPW / element /
Packs files so that in the root folder the directory is located right element and those files with the version.
Rename format pck in cup - we have prepared our patch cup =)

P / S: Of course I did everything it could think about how to digitally sign files differ cup. But here, too easy. The signature is stored in the file list files.md5 and v-*. inc

Guide is made in Russia entirely of me, please keep the copyright, it is very important.

Posted Axesas, enjoyable use

On Russian-language forum will publish an untranslated version of himself.
Experienced Elementalist
Apr 24, 2010
Reaction score
I was reading a tutorial of CPW, it is necessary to send any client to the folder / new? Or I can offer a customer ready, and just put what I want to upgrade?
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 3, 2009
Reaction score
You have to put in the folder /new files are prepared for the upgrade. All client files do not want to put in order to make a cup.
Then make a patch with CPW.
Created files in the folder CPW .../CPW/element/ use to create a cup patch.
Experienced Elementalist
Apr 24, 2010
Reaction score
Let me get this straight,

The current game client folder normal / CPW
Let the new files in the folder / new

And I create a patch with the command. / Cpw and version updates?

The patch files will be played / CPW with a new version and files / new are reset?

Sorry so many questions, I was in doubt in use or not, but I'm unzipping the files in for testing.