• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[KOR][RED]Cliente Ver 12029 Season 19

Newbie Spellweaver
May 25, 2021
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labmu - [KOR][RED]Cliente Ver 12029 Season 19 - RaGEZONE Forums

Cliente (Kor) 1.20.29 Ver: 12029

  • BR : Segue para download o cliente coreano puro da webzen em instalador .exe contendo o main.exe 1.20.29 (Ver : 12029 ) sendo um cliente season 19 no site oficial.
  • ES : Aquí está para descargar el cliente coreano puro de webzen en el instalador .exe que contiene el main.exe
  • 1.20.29 (Ver : 12029) ser un cliente de la temporada 19 en el sitio web oficial .
  • EN : Here is for download the pure korean client from webzen in .exe installer containing the main.exe 1.20.29 (Ver : 12029
  • ) being a season 19 on the official website.



Google Drive :


  • Senha para extrair: labmu
  • Password to extract: labmu
  • Contraseña para extraer: labmu

  • BR : Para mais informações ou detalhes temos nosso site em 3 idiomas para ajudar comunidade MuOnline, não somos concorrentes , estamos aqui para somar e manter os arquivos e historias vivas. Conto com ajuda de todos!
  • ES : Para obtener más información o detalles, tenemos nuestro sitio web en 3 idiomas para ayudar a la comunidad de MuOnline, no somos competidores, estamos aquí para agregar y mantener vivos los archivos y las historias. ¡Cuento con la ayuda de todos!
  • EN : For more information or details we have our website in 3 languages to help the MuOnline community, we are not competitors, we are here to add and keep the archives and stories alive. I count on everyone's help!

Créditos por Webzen, Ongam Otsugua
any one try install this client?
i was try ut i get some error that is KR language and i do not know what is there :)
thank you so much i will be grate full for that link because like for now both of them are installation version.

Here's the pure Season 19 client zipped
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Hello bro,

How can i download MuServer which run to client connect to the game?

I did not see that link bro, i have already downloaded the client which in first post, but i dont see muserver link.

Could you have me link?

did you read the title ?? of that thread ?? because looks like you just jump in and expect all on gold plate.
did you read the title ?? of that thread ?? because looks like you just jump in and expect all on gold plate.
So sorry bro. Infact i have alread readed all the description of this post, i dont find any muserver link for this client.
I am newbie, so i dont know how yo download coresponding muserver.
and for now no one release server for S19. maybe some day someone will, but will be with lot bug. so don't worry soon or later someonw will release server for that version. for now need wait.

if you really want server for that version you can buy from IGCN or other "DEV" team
but i dont think you will do this From €530.00 + monthly fee €50+
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