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Private Legal suggestions?

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 17, 2012
Reaction score
I have been coding a msps for some time now, and i am gearing up to go public. I am looking for advice on the legal end of things. Eg disclamers on cms' etc. I am looking for the best legal path. I am open to things such as retexturing the game, anything that will prevent nexon from taking legal action for as long as possible. Possibly even a way to legally be scott free, althoug i dont think its possible, i am hoping there is a yellow brick road leading me out of this forest of legal dread.

Looking for helpfull posts only, if your just going to reply along the lines of "not possible," or "you can't" then please dont bother.

Thanks in advanced!

- Bc1151
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Mar 14, 2010
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The only way you're safe from nexon is to make your own game. They own the rights to their game which you're using illegally. You're editing and distributing an edited client which is also illegal. Website is a website they didn't make it. Retexturing the game? You're gonna change every photo to of your own making? Highly unlikely and the .wz well is not theirs since I know of other games that used the format.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 17, 2012
Reaction score
So, what part would i have to recode? Client? Media? Content?
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
So, what part would i have to recode? Client? Media? Content?

Neckson can and will sue you for violating copyrights, no matter how you look at it. You're disturbing a modified client - that's for starters. Now, let's assume
you've created your own functioning MapleStory client (@retep998 much?), you'll still have to use the WZ files. Or NX, for that matter, which still contain copyrighted
content such as sounds, images, etcetera. If you're willing to go through such an adventure, then why not create your own MMORPG instead?

Also, your last sentence was pretty rude. Even if a comment doesn't satisfy you, it doesn't mean it's not helpful. We're eventually trying to help you, not the other way
around. Keep in mind that we're not lawyers, so you can't get a real advice. I suggest asking a professional lawyer about this if that's what you wish. Good luck.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 17, 2012
Reaction score

Neckson can and will sue you for violating copyrights, no matter how you look at it. You're disturbing a modified client - that's for starters. Now, let's assume you've created your own functioning MapleStory client (@retep998 much?), you'll still have to use the WZ files. Or NX, for that matter, which still contain copyrighted content such as sounds, images, etcetera. If you're willing to go through such an adventure, then why not create your own MMORPG instead?

Also, your last sentence was pretty rude. Even if a comment doesn't satisfy you, it doesn't mean it's not helpful. We're eventually trying to help you, not the other way around. Keep in mind that we're not lawyers, so you can't get a real advice. I suggest asking a professional lawyer about this if that's what you wish. Good luck.
Thank you very much :)
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
Right now everyone who host an MSPS is kind of YOLOing.

Well, this is kind of debatable. After all, the biggest question probably is why Neckson isn't doing anything about Extalia, (currently) the most popular MapleStory private server?
One side can come and state that they're not doing anything illegal, as their source code is not identical to Neckson's, or that they're not using anything else to connect to the
game other than publicly available methods (Loopback, Winsock hooks), or they haven't edited nor used any of the copyrighted images (unless credited, their website states -
"Some of the graphics belong to NEXON."). So yes, this is debatable. I would suggest to take actual law advice before attempting to open a serious server.

Better to be safe than sorry.
Apr 27, 2011
Reaction score
It is true but still something about extaliams still baffles me.

Isn't gayxon suppose to shutdown private server where it is so popular right now. Even though source code ain't identical it is still able to be taken down
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 28, 2011
Reaction score
Idk much about Extalia but they may be hosted offshore and the owners' identities are probably hidden pretty well. Nexon would need to find out their identities before suing them. I'm sure Nexon has had their sights on the large servers but just cannot find the contact information or something of that nature.

As for the original question, there is really no definitive way to stop legal action if you did not make the game from scratch and just altered MS. There are ways around the system but is a MS private server really worth it?
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Mar 14, 2010
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Idk much about Extalia but they may be hosted offshore and the owners' identities are probably hidden pretty well. Nexon would need to find out their identities before suing them. I'm sure Nexon has had their sights on the large servers but just cannot find the contact information or something of that nature.

We all know who the owners are. It's public information
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
Really? Like the real names and address?

I'm pretty sure the only known information about the owners is their first names and country. Other people might know more.

As far as I know, Extalia is hosted in California, U.S. A simple IP location tracker would be a solution to find an accurate hosting location, though.
I don't know much about american law, but Neckson is eligible to take legal action against Extalia (or any server that violates copyright laws).

Also, a few more notes.

1. This is from their terms of use:

UmbreonESK - Legal suggestions? - RaGEZONE Forums

2. This is an official note Neckson posted back in 2009 regarding private servers. Sounds pretty desperate to me.

UmbreonESK - Legal suggestions? - RaGEZONE Forums
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Experienced Elementalist
Jun 28, 2011
Reaction score
Nexon doesn't need the name to file the lawsuit but they need to be able to identify who it is they are suing. Nexon probably doesn't know the exact name of the owners/what they look like/where and how to find them. If more personal information on the owners are released/leaked, I would expect Nexon to file a lawsuit.

I'm pretty sure the only known information about the owners is their first names and country. Other people might know more.

As far as I know, Extalia is hosted in California, U.S. A simple IP location tracker would be a solution to find an accurate hosting location, though.
I don't know much about american law, but Neckson is eligible to take legal action against Extalia (or any server that violates copyright laws).

Also, a few more notes.

1. This is from their terms of use:

2. This is an official note Neckson posted back in 2009 regarding private servers. Sounds pretty desperate to me.

Nexon doing what Nexon does, scaring the people who are inexperienced with private servers trying to prevent them from going to private servers. Not working quite well :mellow: