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Leicestershire at a standstill (near enough)

*still exists*
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
Well.... yes its snowing......

I got let out of work at 4 today so i could get home b4 it got really bad.... 5 hours later and im back :s. My busses were cancelled n i eventually got a lift from my m8 back home.

My mum is stuck in northhampton with no way of getting home. My dad cant get to her very easy coz the road he normally goes up has a hill..... now this hill is so icy that he tries to go up it... gets about half way n then slides back down again. Same with all the other cars (inluding 4X4's). So hes had to turn round and go back to the M1 (of which there has been a 8 car pile-up on) and got TOTALLY stuck on it. Its actually gridlocked. Its now ten passed 10 and they are still not home.

My other m8 ryan (aka Foo if u remember him) is currently in a gridlock at the lutterworth M1 junction. Hes been on his way home since 3:30 and still isnt back.

Now im sorry but stuff like this has gota be happening all over the country right?
*still exists*
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
ya say bastards... but the amount of ppl that have prolly died around here aint nice. Seriously! my bosses wife saw 2 articulated lorries get totally KO'd infront of her. wiped out... all over the road :(
*still exists*
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
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evilkitten said:
theres loads of traffic jams nr me as i live really close to the M1 :s

lol... you could actually get to where i live just by getting into a car and going down the M1 till u reached the lutteroworth junction then... simple as haha
*still exists*
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
Exclamatio said:
lol rang u b4 m8 but u dont know it waaas us cos we sanf run to the hills, iron maiden :))

Actually i do know it was you (due to the fact it said your name on my phone). And yeah i could tell u were singing run to the hills lol. Yup u were waisted :D.