Level Bug Help

Junior Spellweaver
Jan 5, 2007
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i setted my character to lvl 15 and i accidently suicide i lost exp as soon as i quit the game i was down to lvl 6 OMG!! how to fix this?? please and thank you.
it's formula.xml that expand the amount on xp loss and gained in the same time i think, is it your server? if yes go to sql express then databases>tables>dbo.character then open table then modify your level
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on its in formula? wut number i cahnge to inorder to not delevel so fast?

*Edit : hmm i dont see all i see is gettingexp, getting bounty and needexp...
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once again, if you set your characters level in the database you will not level up untill youre exp matches that of your level.

this also goes for loseing exp. if you lose exp you will go down to the level that matches your exp.

so to fix this you have to change the amout of exp you have in the database to corospond with your level.
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