• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

LGGunz = invite only now.

Initiate Mage
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
LGKeiz has made it official just a little while ago.

[4:42pm] <~LGKeiz> 1] Close Registration
[4:42pm] <~LGKeiz> 2] Make EXP 25x for one day
[4:42pm] <~LGKeiz> 3] Wipe all accounts/characters
[4:42pm] <~LGKeiz> 4] Make it email registration, give the email account to the public; put up a auto registration page for GM's to register users accounts
[4:42pm] <~LGKeiz> 5] There ya go.
I saw the website and it hurt me when I saw that it got closed because of freaking hackers. I just want to know how I can still play LG Gunz because this is confusing to me and I really loved this server. D;

My IGN was Desu. If anybody knows me, then they'd know I'm a good trustworthy player.
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Yeah there WILL be less people. But in the long-run, less hackers :D

Anyway, good job Keith and thanks for everything you did so far...it's been fun.
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@iamtheownage: When the server is ready, Keith(LGKeiz) will give out an e-mail address to the public, and the public will e-mail him to make an account for them.
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damn hackers...
@LGK plis buy more RAM!!!! your server does not have enough my home computer has 2gb. other than that good decision and good server. Plis add more dual wielded stuffzZz. (my speculation) Hopefully with less hackers that will leave LGK with more time to work on updates lol.
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iamtheownage - learn to read wait for more details and atm there are enough mods etc..
so dont ask but wait

check for updates.
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cant belive it damn hackers UR DA BOMB LG i hope i get back in any ways iv seen 3-2 hackers in that server with in a 2day distents the admins own them there like EXIT THE ROOM IF U EVER USE IT AGAIN ILL BANN U lol and sweet stuff like that one was a hacker with mas another was wall the last was inf hp
figers basic hacks those basterds but they where friendly but they should know better then to hack in a p server i told one of them who got owned by the admin that they should stop hacking by that night there like fine np so then i asked if he could plvl me real fast before it [WTF IM NO BETTER THEN THEM GOSH]:]> i should know better but i always hack officle gunz but hacking p server IS WORG DONT DO IT LG WILL FIND OUT AND BANN YOU FOOL LG OWNS also i was jsg3 in the game tobad see ya tonight i HOPE i think lg mite let people play tonight
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cant belive it damn hackers UR DA BOMB LG i hope i get back in any ways iv seen 3-2 hackers in that server with in a 2day distents the admins own them there like EXIT THE ROOM IF U EVER USE IT AGAIN ILL BANN U lol and sweet stuff like that one was a hacker with mas another was wall the last was inf hp
figers basic hacks those basterds but they where friendly but they should know better then to hack in a p server i told one of them who got owned by the admin that they should stop hacking by that night there like fine np so then i asked if he could plvl me real fast before it [WTF IM NO BETTER THEN THEM GOSH]:]> i should know better but i always hack officle gunz but hacking p server IS WORG DONT DO IT LG WILL FIND OUT AND BANN YOU FOOL LG OWNS also i was jsg3 in the game tobad see ya tonight i HOPE i think lg mite let people play tonight

Just a tip ima_a_toy, try keeping your posts clean and grammatically correct. Otherwise no one will bother to read what your saying, if i can't read it in a glance then its not worth reading at all.
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