Linking User Command to GM Command in QFunction Mir2 

i could be wrong but i dont think you can at the moment. i dont think TD has coded it in (since i believe it got added after the original source files). I am trying to get him to add it among other things. but i think we will just have to be patient
why would you start at usercmd 5? if you already have 1 to 4, then you would know how to do it, if u want normal players to be able to use GM commands, then change the requirement from 10 to 0,

std mode (clickable things)
call npc 'like' scripts in the questdiary,market folder


#call[\\market\expscroll.txt] @expmain

then in the market folder as above have a script called expscroll.txt with

CHANGEEXP + 400000
You have received 400000 exp

then make an item in ur db, stdmode 31,, and anicount 1,

the anicount relates to the [@StdModeFunc1] so if you had another item, that was

#call[\\market\whatever.txt] @whatever

then the anicount would need to be 2 for that item and so on. Is this making sense lol? i dont know

maybe you already know this, and im way off the mark
ok, here goes

in your mir200 folder (the one with M2 in) there is a usercmd.txt file

in here add

event 1
towntele 2
ect 3
ect 4
and so on 5
and on 6

each command has a consecutive number!
then in your marktdef folder there is a qfunction-0.txt file

add to this

then the npctype script u want for for players when they type @event

and so on

give townteleport 1

then the npctype script u want for for players when they type @event

and so on.

i havnt tried it, but apparantly, u can use the call command i mentioned in the earlier thread.

might be worth a try, to keep your qfunction tidy
the usercmd?
ahhh maybe right, i remember having to get another dll, zplugofengine or something,,
maybe worth asking TD for his opinion on if it works in current or can work in future releases
from what i have read thats a no go on ur commands unless ur using 1.9 which you arent.

@shunt (jasp) where do you keep all this info m8 ur a knowledge base for all things mir :D

@Elvin/Mephisto from you m8,, just i get up earlier and post 1st, therefore get all the credit :p

@virUs Might try and see if it works tonight, currently with the files before this full set released.