Linux Server List

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Turns out, ragezone blocks that forum... so i posted the tutorial here.

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How to run Server (Easy Mode)
Packages needed to run: mono, mysql, mysql workbench (install these before doing any steps)

1. Download and extract zip to desired location. The example used for this tutorial will be ~/rotmg_server-linux.

2. Setting up the mysql:
2.1 Start mysql daemon using your distributions respective command. Examples:
sudo systemctl start mysqld
sudo service mysql restart
#NOTE "systemctl enable mysqld" or similar will cause mysql to start on boot
2.2 Change mysql root password to botmaker
mysqladmin -u root password botmaker
2.3 Open MySQL Workbench and add New Server Instance.
Connection Name: localhost
Connection Method: Standard TCP/IP
Hostname: Port:3306
Password: botmaker
#the rest of the steps for making server instance are client specific
2.4 Under Server Administation, click Manage Import/Export. Enter password botmaker if required
2.5 Select Data Import/Restore - Import from Self Contained - ~/rotmg_server-linux/rotmg-server-sy.sql
2.6 Start Import! After this is done you may close MySQL Workbench

3. Running Server + wServer
3.1 Run the ~/rotmg_server-linux/server-start script, entering in root/sudo password as necessary.
3.2 ALTERNATIVELY open two separate terminals and run the following commands respectively in each:
mono ~/rotmg_server-linux/server/bin/Release/server.exe
sudo mono ~/rotmg_server-linux/wServer/bin/Release/wServer.exe
#NOTE you can use "su root" to run wServer, aslong as it is done by root.

4. Run client ~/rotmg_server-linux/client.swf with your choice of browser or flash/whatever (wine using flashprojector works fine for this)

5. Login info:
Accounts: User, Donator, Moderator, Game Master, Admin, Server Owner
Password: 12345678
Server Owner/Admin have all chars lvl 20 max stats + top tier + untier.

Creating Server (Hard Mode)
These steps will allow you to configure your server and build servers from the GitHub updates.

Packages needed: mono, monodevelop (xbuild), mysql, mysql workbench (install these before doing any steps)

1. Download and extract the rotmg server from Trapped's GitHub. Once again, the example used for this tutorial will be ~/rotmg_server-linux.

2. Setting up the mysql:
2.1 Start mysql daemon using your distributions respective command. Examples:
sudo systemctl start mysqld
sudo service mysql restart
#NOTE "systemctl enable mysqld" or similar will cause mysql to start on boot
2.2 Change mysql root password to botmaker
mysqladmin -u root password botmaker
2.3 Open MySQL Workbench and add a New Connection.
Connection Name: localhost
Connection Method: Standard TCP/IP
Hostname: Port:3306
Password: botmaker
#the rest of the steps for making server instance are client specific
2.4 Under Server Administation, click Manage Import/Export. Enter password botmaker if required
2.5 Select Data Import/Restore - Import from Self Contained - ~/rotmg_server-linux/db/struct.sql
2.6 Start Import!
2.7 Edit Table Data of localhost to create Accounts/Characters etc. You may now close MySQL Workbench

3. Modify and build server
3.1 Edit the files ~/rotmg_server-linux/wServer/Vector2.cs and ~/rotmg_server-linux/terrain/Vector2.cs using your favourite editor OR
3.2 Alternatively, run monodevelop and open ~/rotmg_server-linux/server.sln and navigate to wServer-Vector2.cs and terrain-Vector2.cs
3.3 Change each instance of "Math.Sqrt()" to "System.Math.Sqrt()" in each of the files, there should be 6 instances in each file.
#NOTE if using monodevelop, attempting to build will make finding these errors alot easier.
3.4 Save and exit.
3.5 Now to build the server, In terminal:
cd ~/rotmg_server-linux/
xbuild ~/rotmg_server-linux/server.sln
3.6 Running xbuild twice reduces warnings... Hopefully this has worked so far...

4. Running Server + wServer
4.1 Open two separate terminals and run the following commands respectively in each:
mono ~/rotmg_server-linux/server/bin/Release/server.exe
sudo mono ~/rotmg_server-linux/wServer/bin/Release/wServer.exe
#NOTE you can use "su root" to run wServer, aslong as it is done by root.
4.2 Feel free to write your own launch script

5. Run client ~/rotmg_server-linux/client.swf with your choice of browser or flash/whatever (wine using flashprojector works fine for this)
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+ Added Starbound

Thanks to Lillnex for the good update and release

Full Vesion 1.2


-Server files are inside the client folder-

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