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[Lithium Based] v111 - Game Server Issue

Initiate Mage
Feb 19, 2010
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Alright, I know this forum is saturated with posts similar to these. However, the threads all consist of people asking bad questions and others giving even worse advice.

We all know that this is bugged. For some reason, the fix to this isn't public at the moment.

Here's a background story of mine. I'm a server administrator with a decent background in programming, including Java. I wanted to make a MapleStory private server for just 2 people to enjoy, nothing too extreme. I ran into a tutorial that sponsored a Lithium source for MapleStory v111. Now, I'm in the same boat as the majority of those who have also attempted to use this source.

I'm going to dedicate this line to mention, there is nothing wrong with my ports.
I'm going to dedicate this line to mention, my unlimited JCE policy files are in the correct places.

That should take care of the majority of those who spam threads like these, giving useless information and cluttering legitimate help threads.

My current situation:
As of now, the batch file used to launch the server completes successfully every time. I'm able to connect to my login server using the loopback address ( and my WAN IP. The MySQL server is in working order, and is able to do the functions required to run the database (connect, add data, remove data).

For those of you who do not know what this error looks like, I will provide a picture:
omniux - [Lithium Based] v111 - Game Server Issue - RaGEZONE Forums

You might say, "What triggers that error?". The error occurs right after entering the correct security pin. Why do I say correct? It's because it will give you an error when entering an incorrect one.

With that said, I'm curious. Where is the pin actually stored in the database?

For those of you who have a solution, it would be widely appreciated if you'd lend a hand.
For those of you who have useful information, your help would be appreciated as well.

If a solution isn't available, I guess that leads us to troubleshoot. Am I correct?

I will begin by giving a suggestion.
Is there a way to disable the pin? I wonder how much further you'd go into the login process if you somehow managed to skip this step.

On a final note, try to keep this thread free from spam. If you cannot do that, that's fine. Just remember, you are a bad person, and you should feel bad.

Good luck, and thanks to those who actually contribute to this thread. :laugh:
Initiate Mage
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
I have exactly same situation doing v0.83.

I also try this v1.11 Lithium base too, but mine it just stop working whenever I try to click ok when I done with setiing name and outfits for the charactor.

I also try these in differnt p.c. My gut feeling is that I might have to do something with my internet.

@top could you please explain about using the loopback address ( and my WAN IP to me?
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Initiate Mage
Feb 19, 2010
Reaction score
@top could you please explain about using the loopback address ( and my WAN IP to me?
When hex editing the client, commonly referred to as the localhost, I've used both the loopback address and my WAN IP.

Both addresses succeeded, connecting to my login server without any issues. With that said, connection to the server itself proved to be possible. Knowing this, I can conclude that there are no faults with how my server (machine) is configured (firewalls, ports, internet connectivity, etc). The problem is now narrowed down to the Lithium source itself.
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