little problem with kal_db

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 19, 2013
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Hey guys,

I got a little problem with my kal_db ... it doesnt save lvl / exp ... i was trying everything possible and i thought i could maybe handle myself but after 5hours trying i decided to ask u yet cuz im out of ideas xD i would be rly happy if u could help me ... btw im using mssql 2005 so maybe if u dont even know too how to fix it u could upload me a working kal_db file also, but an explaination would be great too so i can understand why its not working cuz im on the way of getting crazy xD

urs hanssiiiiii

ps: sorry for bad english *_*
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did u tried with clean kal_auth,kal_db? or u made with kal_auth.bak_kal_db.bak?.

I used 3 different kal_auth / kal_db.bak from here ... all 3 didnt safe the lvl / exp so i think im doing sth wrong =/

It also doenst safes if u activate an exp / wealth stone f.ex. =/

edit: here's a screenshot of the player table design:

and i think i used this one atm:

Didnt have changed anything in players table or undo it afterwards again=/
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well, setting up the server isnt my problem its running all fine except that my database dont save char info ... lvl / exp / if exp stone is activated and so on atm im using kal_db - MSSQL 2005.bak from here :

... its not working ... im rly getting crazy xD

The curious thing is that when i lvl up ingame even the Admin tool doesnt show any changes in lvl / statpoints and so on ... so i think my game / server whatever doenst write anything which is in relation to char info into the database and i dont know why =/

If im changing f.ex stat points with admin tool it safes ... rly no1 can help me? xD

It doesnt safe talis on weapons etc too :S
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no1 can help me?i think there are enough guys around with mssql 2005 working dbs :S any1 can ss his design or upload his working db plz? rly want to work on my serv but it doesnt make sense to move on without a fully working db xD

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