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Log Error Help

Junior Spellweaver
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Hi, please help me what is my problem show my log:

[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:00.585549 3086744128]: 2.open user 10 [8190750] (
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:15.357756 3086740384]: [##ERROR##] DB ERROR(MSG) : [unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]Login incorrect.
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:15.392959 3086740384]: [##ERROR##] DB ERROR(CODE) : 20014
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:15.403864 3086740384]: [##ERROR##] DB ERROR(VAR_INFO) :
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:15.404619 3086740384]: [##ERROR##] DB ERROR(SQLSTATE) : 28000
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:15.404910 3086740384]: [##ERROR##] DB ERROR(STM_TEXT) :
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:15.404999 3086740384]: [##ERROR##] Database Connect Fail (uid=celeronsamg;pwd=intel2;dsn=CabalGame24)
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:15.405803 3086740384]: [##ERROR##] check 'pDB' fail
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:15.405930 3086740384]: [##ERROR##] 'OnIPCCensusNation' fail (Database/Nation.cpp:9)
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:15.405984 3086740384]: [##ERROR##] UsrMap Fail : MainCmd(57) Ret(9:0:9) Addr(
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:16.434528 3044780960]: [##ERROR##] DB ERROR(MSG) : [unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]Login incorrect.
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:16.434714 3044780960]: [##ERROR##] DB ERROR(CODE) : 20014
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:16.434771 3044780960]: [##ERROR##] DB ERROR(VAR_INFO) :
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:16.439661 3044780960]: [##ERROR##] DB ERROR(SQLSTATE) : 28000
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:16.440515 3044780960]: [##ERROR##] DB ERROR(STM_TEXT) :
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:16.440581 3044780960]: [##ERROR##] Database Connect Fail (uid=celeronsamg;pwd=intel2;dsn=CabalGame24)
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:16.440636 3044780960]: [##ERROR##] check 'pDB' fail
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:16.440680 3044780960]: [##ERROR##] 'OnIPCCensusNation' fail (Database/Nation.cpp:9)
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:16.440729 3044780960]: [##ERROR##] UsrMap Fail : MainCmd(57) Ret(9:0:9) Addr(
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:17.443356 3055270816]: [##ERROR##] DB ERROR(MSG) : [unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]Login incorrect.
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:17.443580 3055270816]: [##ERROR##] DB ERROR(CODE) : 20014
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:17.444332 3055270816]: [##ERROR##] DB ERROR(VAR_INFO) :
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:17.444387 3055270816]: [##ERROR##] DB ERROR(SQLSTATE) : 28000
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:17.444432 3055270816]: [##ERROR##] DB ERROR(STM_TEXT) :
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:17.444476 3055270816]: [##ERROR##] Database Connect Fail (uid=celeronsamg;pwd=intel2;dsn=CabalGame24)
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:17.444606 3055270816]: [##ERROR##] check 'pDB' fail
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:17.445548 3055270816]: [##ERROR##] 'OnIPCItemSerial0' fail (Database/ItemSerial.cpp:12)
[Sun Jul 27 2008 00:29:17.445612 3055270816]: [##ERROR##] UsrMap Fail : MainCmd(50) Ret(C:0:12) Addr(
Junior Spellweaver
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Please what is my problem, i open the port 1433 of connection local and i use the password and account create in sql server 2000 (i don't use the sp4, is problem????) please i don't understand for that is problem in te moment of coneccion. i need help please, what is the solucion from this problem???? please read my log thanks.:juggle:
Upvote 0
Experienced Elementalist
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
Your database not connected to your server, maybe in /etc/odbc.ini you not change the ip to your database ip, or you not install freetds-unixodbc........... Cek your installation from the first time...
Upvote 0
Junior Spellweaver
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
ok i'm use in the obdc my ip (in this pc my ip is lan and my ip is 192.168 .1.101) and the rest of files use the ip of the centos ... i install all in the moment of ingress the unixOBDC, freet... etc... i install all, is posibility of the freet is bad???? and where are download??? i use the files of dark.... :S all server running... but this error show in the log is the problem :S sorry for my bad english.... please respond :(:poster_ss
Upvote 0
Experienced Elementalist
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
Have you see the movie from MAHI how to create PS CABAL?
Have you install freetds-unixodbc.........rpm which you can copy from full cabal server folder in root folder. then you copy to your linux root folder, then user putty, in root write rpm -Uvh freetds-unixodbc......rpm...
What's your centos ip? Have you bridge your ip with vmware? Or just disable your firewall in centos and in windows for test purpose....
Upvote 0
Junior Spellweaver
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
ok, i use my centos in nat connection and my ip in centos is , i use the guide of MAHI for up the server and installation but the problem is in the moment of connection show the log :S i install the freet..... i do not the problem .... ammm :S all connections of the DBAgent, etc... is OK :S and Stop and is OK... please respond i do not see the problem :S :eek6:
Upvote 0


Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
Please what is my problem, i open the port 1433 of connection local and i use the password and account create in sql server 2000 (i don't use the sp4, is problem????) please i don't understand for that is problem in te moment of coneccion. i need help please, what is the solucion from this problem???? please read my log thanks.:juggle:

I'm having the same problem bud, let me know if you fix it. :)
Upvote 0
Junior Spellweaver
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
I did not even solve the problem, this line has something to do with this problem?

SQL Server driver = (); server = localhost; UID = sa; PWD = 648213l;

if you have to do something that could be done?
Upvote 0


Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
I did not even solve the problem, this line has something to do with this problem?

SQL Server driver = (); server = localhost; UID = sa; PWD = 648213l;

if you have to do something that could be done?

I was thinking it had something to do with wrong config in Obdc.ini, Since all the other logs connected with CentOS's IP.
Upvote 0
Junior Spellweaver
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
AMM ... therefore see my obdc but is well configured: S Release do not understand what is the problem of the server: S

Driver = FreeTDS
Address =
Port = 1433
Database = GAMEDB
TDS_Version = 8.0

Driver = FreeTDS
Address =
Port = 1433
Database = ACCOUNT
TDS_Version = 8.0

Driver = FreeTDS
Address =
Port = 1433
Database = CabalCash
TDS_Version = 8.0
Upvote 0


Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
To my understanding:

SQL Server driver = (ServerNameShouldBeHere); server = localhost; UID = sa; PWD = 648213l;
Upvote 0
Newbie Spellweaver
May 18, 2008
Reaction score
Leave the uid and pwd blank , don`t type anything....also it seems to be an incorect login , but at least u know that now connects to database DB ERROR(MSG) : [unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]Login incorrect. Watch that vid again and take a closer look at the time the user is made and configured in sql and the .ini files in /etc/cabal
Upvote 0
Experienced Elementalist
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
Ok i see, you use nat.... Then you must use nat in vmaware and delete host network and don't use bridge. Or if you want another way, you can add hardware at windows in control panel for network adapter called loopback adapter.. And you will have another virtual adapter... so you change loop adapter as bridge, not your ethernet.. Share your internet from you ether network adapter and use loopback adapter as your nat. And then you must set your centos ip (same range as loopback adapter ip, example your loopback adapter ip,then your centos ip is or or ....... and gateway (loopback adapter ip). If you centos can use internet then your nat is succesfully... Then try again set your server...

I have two server, 1 in windows and install vmare and use nat...
And another one use centos use nat too (i use vmware for linux then install windows in linux)
Upvote 0


Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
Ok i see, you use nat.... Then you must use nat in vmaware and delete host network and don't use bridge. Or if you want another way, you can add hardware at windows in control panel for network adapter called loopback adapter.. And you will have another virtual adapter... so you change loop adapter as bridge, not your ethernet.. Share your internet from you ether network adapter and use loopback adapter as your nat. And then you must set your centos ip (same range as loopback adapter ip, example your loopback adapter ip,then your centos ip is or or ....... and gateway (loopback adapter ip). If you centos can use internet then your nat is succesfully... Then try again set your server...

I have two server, 1 in windows and install vmare and use nat...
And another one use centos use nat too (i use vmware for linux then install windows in linux)

You don't happen to have MSN.. do you? Send me a PM if you don't mind :)
I think I get what you are saying, but msn will provide a faster form of communication.

Upvote 0
Junior Spellweaver
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
ok already solved the problem with freetds now I get the following in the log ... but if not now, nor where is the problem: S I could assist with aid?​

[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:19:03.507628 3086064544]: SIGTERM
3086068288: work_pending_i: Interrupted system call
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:19:03.854842 3054594976]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Terminated [3054594976]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:19:03.858835 3044105120]: [##ERROR##] getq fail (108)
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:19:03.858987 3044105120]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Terminated [3044105120]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:19:03.866945 3086064544]: [##ERROR##] getq fail (108)
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:19:03.867559 3086064544]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Terminated [3086064544]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:19:03.868060 3075574688]: [##ERROR##] getq fail (108)
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:19:03.868558 3075574688]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Terminated [3075574688]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:19:03.882476 3065084832]: [##ERROR##] getq fail (108)
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:19:03.882871 3065084832]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Terminated [3065084832]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:21:52.803816 3086539328]: open log file '/var/log/cabal/DBAgent_24.log'
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:21:52.815657 3086539328]: LOG LEVEL: 3
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:21:52.820811 3086539328]: Start DBAgent_24 Server
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:21:52.830114 3086539328]: try listening 38181 port
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:21:52.834013 3086535584]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3086535584]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:21:52.835953 3076045728]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3076045728]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:21:52.837022 3065555872]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3065555872]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:21:52.845062 3055066016]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3055066016]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:21:52.847027 3044576160]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3044576160]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:21:55.998558 3086539328]: accept success 8(
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:21:56.006741 3086539328]: 1.open user 8 [8B17098] (
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:21:59.452232 3086539328]: accept success 10(
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:21:59.454236 3086539328]: 2.open user 10 [8B25770] (
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:22:28.587387 3086539328]: 2.close user 10 [8B25770] (
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.079618 3086613056]: open log file '/var/log/cabal/DBAgent_24.log'
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.080346 3086613056]: LOG LEVEL: 3
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.082916 3086613056]: Start DBAgent_24 Server
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.091326 3086613056]: try listening 38181 port
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.092434 3086613056]: [##ERROR##] listen 38181 port fail (Address already in use)
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.093492 3086613056]: [##ERROR##] active fail
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.094623 3086609312]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3086609312]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.095899 3086609312]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Terminated [3086609312]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.097424 3076119456]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3076119456]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.097917 3076119456]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Terminated [3076119456]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.098955 3065629600]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3065629600]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.099367 3065629600]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Terminated [3065629600]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.100341 3055139744]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3055139744]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.101399 3055139744]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Terminated [3055139744]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.102965 3044649888]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3044649888]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.103391 3044649888]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Terminated [3044649888]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:26.524945 3086539328]: accept success 10(
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:26.527042 3086539328]: 2.open user 10 [8B25770] (
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:26.548992 3086539328]: 2.close user 10 [8B25770] (
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:28.784613 3086539328]: accept success 10(
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:28.787543 3086539328]: 2.open user 10 [8B25770] (
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:33.812746 3086539328]: 2.close user 10 [8B25770] (
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:53.600123 3086723648]: open log file '/var/log/cabal/DBAgent_24.log'
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:53.600910 3086723648]: LOG LEVEL: 3
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:53.604547 3086723648]: Start DBAgent_24 Server
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:53.614042 3086723648]: try listening 38181 port
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:53.615920 3086723648]: [##ERROR##] listen 38181 port fail (Address already in use)
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:53.617102 3086723648]: [##ERROR##] active fail
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:53.618867 3086719904]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3086719904]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:53.619878 3086719904]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Terminated [3086719904]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:53.621494 3076230048]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3076230048]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:53.621943 3076230048]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Terminated [3076230048]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:53.622980 3065740192]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3065740192]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:53.623452 3065740192]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Terminated [3065740192]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:53.624512 3055250336]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3055250336]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:53.624976 3055250336]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Terminated [3055250336]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:53.625947 3044760480]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3044760480]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:53.626453 3044760480]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Terminated [3044760480]
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:55.071291 3086539328]: accept success 10(
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:55.074240 3086539328]: 2.open user 10 [8B25770] (
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:55.092565 3086539328]: 2.close user 10 [8B25770] (
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:57.713048 3086539328]: accept success 10(
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:30:57.714035 3086539328]: 2.open user 10 [8B25770] (
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:31:02.848660 3086539328]: 2.close user 10 [8B25770] (
Upvote 0
The Cat in the Hat
Oct 26, 2005
Reaction score
I should have watched my mouth and not said/talked poop to DeadlyData telling him things like your are not welcome here because then I become the one who is truly not welcome here.
Upvote 0
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Start DBAgent_24 Server
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.091326 3086613056]: try listening 38181 port
[Sun Jul 27 2008 20:29:25.092434 3086613056]: [##ERROR##] listen 38181 port fail (Address already in use)

Running too many cabal service at once?
1. service cabal stop
2. delete logs
3. service cabal start.
4. copy logs
Upvote 0
The Cat in the Hat
Oct 26, 2005
Reaction score
I should have watched my mouth and not said/talked poop to DeadlyData telling him things like your are not welcome here because then I become the one who is truly not welcome here.
Upvote 0