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Looking for 2.4.3 repack

Initiate Mage
Aug 20, 2013
Reaction score
Please, just post a link or a name of the repack, that works.

Thanks :)
Initiate Mage
Aug 20, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks, didnt see that one, I'm total noob :p I'll try it and I hope this repack works :)
Initiate Mage
Aug 20, 2013
Reaction score
Repack was OK, I was able to install it and run it , configure it, but while I was playing, when I attack mobs, everything stops for 5 seconds, I can move but I cant attack the mobs and they stop moving. This happens every few seconds :p

And also when I typed in .commands it didn't display available commands in chat window
Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
Running a server and the client on the same machine uses alot of resources...you'll need upwards of 16 gb of RAM and a good processor to do it.

What are your computer specs?
Lord of the Legion
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Running a server and the client on the same machine uses alot of resources...you'll need upwards of 16 gb of RAM and a good processor to do it.

What are your computer specs?

Only with some pop load. A single connection shouldn't use too many resources or be slow really at all unless you have a seriously underpowered computer. Although intermittent freezing like that sounds like you're maxing out your processor or memory, although it could just be a server issue. A half-decent store bought prebuilt should be able to handle running both daemons and an active connection just fine.

Unfortunately, I don't know that much about Amber, but if you can access the configs (Which I do believe the GUI provides access to), set the server (Not auth or realmd) logging to whatever option is just under debug mode (Can't use debug mode unless server is compiled in debug) and check the daemon for errors when it freezes. If there are any, post them here and if it's too long, post it on and link it here.

Edit: On second though, I doubt it's a power issue since you are still able to move but everything else is frozen. Sounds like the server is having issues, like desynchroniziation. The client is sending packets but the server is dropping them. When it becomes unstuck, does anything strange happen, like you take a large burst of damage as if the client is synchronizing back with the server or does it just resume like nothing happened?
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Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
I never used one of Amber's 2.4.3 repacks but I did run a 3.3.5 repack of Amber's for 6 months public and it ran great...never quite broke the 200 player ceiling but averaged 50-100 players online most of the time.
Junior Spellweaver
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Running a server and the client on the same machine uses alot of resources...you'll need upwards of 16 gb of RAM and a good processor to do it.

What are your computer specs?
And I've been playing laggfree with 30 people on the server when I host it on the same machine (2.8ghz dual core, PENTIUM4! and 2gb of ram) so your argument is invalid.
Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
thesaka24 - Looking for 2.4.3 repack - RaGEZONE Forums

Let talk some truth...

You have been lurking these forums for 4 years and have made 256 posts simply expressing your opinion,albeit I'll give you credit sometimes you are spot on.

You have made one release and that was someone elses work on the internet that you in no way gave credits to them for.


What again have to contributed to this community?
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Lord of the Legion
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

Doesn't quite fit this scenario perfectly, but use your imagination. Him having not contributed does not in any way, shape or form imply anything of his intelligence. You were quite wrong. I will reiterate, paraphrasing, what I stated: The daemons to run a Warcraft server are not resource hogs unless you have a significant population load. An average, consumer-level PC of today (And for the past 5 or so years for that matter) can handle a decent number of players. I cannot answer definitively how many players would break the, say, 5GB of actively used (Not reserved) memory threshold since that would be impossible and differ from machine to machine (As no 2 pieces of hardware are identical).

I should define my use of significant: 10,000+. Yes, 10,000. That's just a ballpark but I can say a very high number because system resources have absolutely zero bearing on if your PC can handle a server. Your uplink speed is what matters because chances are, unless you have Google Fiber, you will max out your bandwidth well before ever, ever, coming near maxing out your hardware. Unless of course, you have a fuckton of malware.

I have personally hosted many game servers for various games across the genre market, most often reaching a decent number of players, relative to the number of people who actually play the official servers, which was often a pretty low number. With the exception of a few really crappy cores, I've never maxed out my hardware resources. Off topic, but do you know how pissed off people get in FPS games when you start maxing out your bandwidth?
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