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Lord of Ages [Webgame Server/php/swf] Files WebGame 

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May 15, 2009
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Well it was thrown out there before but none wanted to share this so here i am releasing it.
The files are run on linux all the bash history is there everything that was on there server is inside
the archive.

Now as for instructions i dont run linux so i cant tell you exactly how to run it all i know is it uses a java based server all php files are there some admin files as well in .jsp to be honest there is a poop tone of poop some probably not even needed but hey its a full release

here are some screens
screen1loa - Lord of Ages [Webgame Server/php/swf] Files - RaGEZONE Forums screen2loa - Lord of Ages [Webgame Server/php/swf] Files - RaGEZONE Forums screen3loa - Lord of Ages [Webgame Server/php/swf] Files - RaGEZONE Forums
Download link
loa-upload.zip (1.08 GB)

Password = ragezone

Enjoy remember to like.


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Experienced Elementalist
Jun 8, 2011
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I have Oracle VM VirtualBox ( I just don't knowed if it can be used on normal PC)

edit: 1GB Oo ?

edit2: This game is too big for me. So i quit
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Initiate Mage
Jul 12, 2012
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How to rut this?
I have: web, loa, raccoonx and oss folders!
May 15, 2009
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@lovebol 2.9 gig was oringinal i removed all billing and sql logs i could upload them but tere not needed as sql is still all there.

as i said i dont run linux someone figure it out and tell everyone else
Orang Asli - Semai - 华人
Loyal Member
Jan 28, 2012
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wow !!! nice game !!
thx for share it bro

i want to ask
this game version is latest version from official ??
this server only for linux ??? not windows ??
May 15, 2009
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this is a leak of offical from late 2012 just look at last update folder it has date in it
so far its linux only as all the .sh files use linux commands you proberly can get to work on windows but some files would need converting im willing to start decompiling flash if anyone wants to get a serer up and running i just dont have time to run a server myself sorry
cats addicted
Loyal Member
Apr 1, 2010
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ANyone knows if this game needs FMS/AMS ?

I just ask because its a software that is incompatible with all my linux servers.

... you proberly can get to work on windows ...

Why someone whould like to use files that are compiled for a good and secure OS on a totally unsecure OS ? Doesnt make sense at all.

Looks like there are several things missing. Parts of the configs want stuff from /usr folder. Havent further looked what is missing there. Could be stuff like JDK and such things.
For Ubuntu it needs those packages ( this are just the ones i found so far ):

apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server php5-mysql ia32-libs openjdk-6-jdk tomcat5.5 tomcat5.5-admin tomcat5.5-webapps make gcc
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May 15, 2009
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di prefer to get someone to make it work on linux i tried but i am not so good with linus at all it dose has somewhere a list of everything installed begining with os and after
look at /root/install.log i think this is all os install
then look at the .bash_history all the files they get you can still download ;) i checked every wget

the only ones that dont work are the lordafages.tar.gz i have it but its exactly same as whats in /web dir as they i assume wget it to grab all the web files as bash history shows it ,racconx is there, pretty much everything they did in bash history is there except the OS usr is there when you install OS
the OS they used was centos 5
i think its as follows dont quote me as it confuses me id like someone pro to maybe help get running
home/ ->contains the folders
home/loa -> this is think is server files has all the stuff to run server
home/oss _> not sure if db stuff is here
home/racconx is i think main java server for LOA has the loa jar files some sort of java based thing i dont really know
home/web is everything that came out of lordafages.tar.gz it was 500+ mg would made 1.5+gig size too much if need be ill upload it seperatly and add link to start but should be no need as i check and its all the same and in web dir
root/ OS install.log and other bash history info
soft/ -> memchahed files

best thing i can say is read all install .logs and .bash_history this is the key to getting running
if i knew linux i would have it running myself i released in hope someone will work it out and we can start working on decompiling flash changing things ect ect maybe even run a private server
May 15, 2009
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as i said i cant cause i dont know what to do in linux to get it working releasing the files for you guys deserves at least someone to figure it out and give us a tutorial on how to do it.

i will try get it running my self again but with my knowlege of linux it may take a while sorry
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 29, 2013
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Wish i could help but i don't have a clue how to get it working either

It looks like it could be a replacement for waroflegends files we had (that we don't now) its almost the same game from the looks of the pics never played it tho
cats addicted
Loyal Member
Apr 1, 2010
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Linux isnt that hard as you think. Its much easier than setting up stuff on windows ( its just not the same :wink: )
So if you need linux help, lemme know.

There are still things missing from /usr folder which could make it a hard thing to get it running perfectly. But when im not wrong, its a simple java based webapplication so all thats needed to run the game itself should be a running tomcat server ( with the correct version ! ) ... how to get one is already in my last post.
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Erm would need an other mirror, mega sais is 15 minutes to copy for themself and it freezes about 6 mins, and nothing i can do... -.-'
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