lucid dreaming

Experienced Elementalist
Nov 20, 2006
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has any 1 ever experienced this kind of dream

for people that dont know what it meens. it meens when you have a dream which you are totally control off if you wanted sex you could have it.
has any 1 ever experienced this kind of dream

for people that dont know what it meens. it meens when you have a dream which you are totally control off if you wanted sex you could have it.

If you want to have a lucid dream to have sex I think you should first sort out your life before you enter the realm of lucid dreaming.

There is also a website available which might give you certain suggestions that would be helpful for you see: LD4all - your online guide on lucid dreaming, dream control and conscious dreams

And as for the answer on your question: Yes, more then once but I do not share the details as it is special to me.
ok i have been hypnotised just now and i felt relaxed and i did exactly what he said
seriously? well there prob old timer threads but i will be sure to take a look :)
thanks josh but since then new members have joined up so lets see there point of view on this matter rather than bumping a old post
i could post it on here if you wish?

and it works it is posted on the forum which i got it from
I actually have lucid dreams quite often, and have been told it may have something to do with my sleep paralysis (or vice versa). It doesn't always happen, but when it does its usually pretty cool. I haven't had many dreams where I didn't know it was a dream, and the ones where I can direct the action... well... think of the possibilities :wink_5:
@pieman i duuno if it was you but i seen a post in another forum where this guy was in a gta like city and started flying around like neo
I haven't had to chance to get one myself .. I guess bad luck. But also my dream recall sucks! From January I can only remember.. 3 dreams and not even very clear. And from this month.. Only one..
First off...this is the first post I read in the "off topic" section and if this is what I should expect from this site.................................................................................................................... ........................... Then I think am home. :biggrinth I love completely random topics.

I have trouble remembering my dream 30 minutes after I have it most of the time. :sad_1: But for that 30 minutes...I remember how awesome some lucid dreams are. Sometimes I am able to go back asleep even after opening my eyes and continue the dream. But if I actually move, I lose the ability and then the "virtual world" is gone and it is just thoughts without pictures.

I do remember one of my nightmares, which usually ends up in me getting run over by a truck infront of my old house, I ended up getting up and run out of the way...that was one of the best lucid dreams I've had. :tongue: Most of my lucid dreams involve me becoming a superhero...that drives a normal car...and me using my power selfishly such as dominating everyone in CSS because of my extreme reflexes or ability to slow down time. Or being in the military as a sniper and I always get stabbed while sniping but I heal instantly and scare the enemy off.

ANYWAYS...I love BK's Hersey Pie...omg so delicious.