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lvl 120 ...sorta

Supreme Arcanarch
Loyal Member
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
ok thanks to some really COOL ppl, i now have kptserverv2 in lvl 120.


the editor to make lvl 120 dont work.

119 does but 120 doesnt.

any help?
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
ok thanks to some really COOL ppl, i now have kptserverv2 in lvl 120.


the editor to make lvl 120 dont work.

119 does but 120 doesnt.

any help?

can u change the lvl to 120 manually?

if someone did, plz send me the chardata file.
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
man ive been away from this community for a few weeks... lol had poop loads of other server related work to tend to (me and a currenty small team are trying to develop our own game from scratch) the concept is anime and related
its working of a new concept we came up with (well i dont think its ever been done before)
the base for the game is that everyone who signs up gets designated their own unique game id number like most and that unique numbers gets matched with another unique gamers id of the oposite gender and throughout the story of your game, the two peoples range of quests will mount up to meeting each other for either an end battle or a saviours expedition depending on the way u play the game
this incorporates love stories, action stories etc, but still with the good ole lvl for power and supremecy concept

anyway back on topic have u tried manually changing it with CU(MasterID)
works for everything else ive done but i do not have lvl 120 on my server, so i cant really test if it can incorporate this