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Magic_attack Op code - wierd issue

Junior Spellweaver
Apr 15, 2010
Reaction score
Another Issue that I am having - Twister Spin works fully, and all - ON a GM the Dmg is applied to a monster, On a non GM it is not ( looking a bit deeper atm )

**semi solved, wondering if theres a better solution that this**

I use this as my Recv Op: MAGIC_ATTACK = 0x50

If i change it to 0x51 - Twister spin, and Teleport mastery do damage., and bam skills, but no other skills do damage ( dark gene doesnt do dmg, but other bam skills do).

If i leave it as is, All Magic skills work except Twister spin / Teleport mastery

- BY not work, I mean dmg is client sided, I see the numbers, but monsters dont take it.

My ParseDMGM
 public static final AttackInfo parseDmgM(LittleEndianAccessor lea, MapleCharacter chr)
/*      */   {
/* 1066 */     AttackInfo ret = new AttackInfo();
/* 1067 */     lea.skip(1);
/* 1068 */     ret.tbyte = lea.readByte();
/*      */ 
/* 1070 */     ret.targets = (byte)(ret.tbyte >>> 4 & 0xF);
/* 1071 */     ret.hits = (byte)(ret.tbyte & 0xF);
/* 1072 */     ret.skill = lea.readInt();
/* 1073 */     if (ret.skill >= 91000000) {
/* 1074 */       return null;
/*      */     }
/* 1076 */     lea.skip(9);
  switch (ret.skill) {
            case 24121000:// mille
           // case 24121005://tempest
            //case 5101004: // Corkscrew
            //case 15101003: // Cygnus corkscrew

            case 5201002: // Gernard
            case 14111006: // Poison bomb
            case 4341002:
            case 4341003:
            case 5301001:
            case 5300007:
            case 31001000: // grim scythe
            case 31101000: // soul eater
            case 31111005: // carrion breath

                ret.charge = lea.readInt();
                ret.charge = 0;
/*      */ 
/* 1096 */     ret.unk = lea.readByte();
/* 1097 */     ret.display = lea.readUShort();
/* 1098 */     lea.skip(4);
/* 1099 */     lea.skip(1);
/* 1100 */     if ((ret.skill == 5300007) || (ret.skill == 5101012) || (ret.skill == 5081001) || (ret.skill == 15101010)) {
/* 1101 */       lea.readInt();
/*      */     }
               if(ret.skill == 24121005){
/* 1103 */     ret.speed = lea.readByte();
/* 1104 */     ret.lastAttackTickCount = lea.readInt();
                 if ((ret.skill == 12111007) || (ret.skill == 32121003) ||(ret.skill == 22161005) ||(ret.skill == 32111010) ||(ret.skill == 2111007) || (ret.skill == 2211007) || (ret.skill == 2311007)) 
/* 1105 */     lea.skip(8);
/*      */ 
/* 1107 */     ret.allDamage = new ArrayList();
/*      */ 
/* 1109 */     if (ret.skill == 4211006) {
/* 1110 */       return parseMesoExplosion(lea, ret, chr);
/*      */     }
/*      */    
/* 1114 */     /*if (ret.skill == 24121000) {
/* 1115 */      // lea.readInt();
/*      */    // }
/* 1117 */     for (int i = 0; i < ret.targets; i++) {
/* 1118 */       int oid = lea.readInt();
/*      */ 
/* 1125 */       lea.skip(18);
/*      */ 
/* 1127 */       List allDamageNumbers = new ArrayList();
/*      */ 
/* 1129 */       for (int j = 0; j < ret.hits; j++) {
/* 1130 */         int damage = lea.readInt();
/*      */ 
/* 1132 */         allDamageNumbers.add(new Pair(Integer.valueOf(damage), Boolean.valueOf(false)));
/*      */       }
/* 1134 */       lea.skip(4);
/* 1135 */       ret.allDamage.add(new AttackPair(Integer.valueOf(oid).intValue(), allDamageNumbers));
/*      */     }
/* 1137 */     ret.position = lea.readPos();
/* 1138 */     return ret;
/*      */   }
/*      */

Took a Long shot and changed Passive_Energy from Closerangeattack to MagicDamage.

When logging tp mastery, It poppuped as magic dmg all the time, and passive energry was not being called

Atm, they are working along side each other again. - as well as Power Reflection
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