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Loyal Member
Apr 30, 2008
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So I've been browsing for a while now and I've realized a lot of people here are.. soo into technology lol. So I'm just wondering like what's all of your majors?

And isn't it boring just sitting behind a computer all day long coding?

For me I think technology is a waste of time. Sure it helped a lot but it makes people so much more closed. Technology has more downs than ups I feel like, and its corrupting the world!!
Apr 9, 2005
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I saw dead people and parts of them.

Medicine is fun. There's this issue of sleep deprivation, little to no time for your social life, gastritis, stress, but it's fun.

For me I think technology is a waste of time. Sure it helped a lot but it makes people so much more closed. Technology has more downs than ups I feel like, and its corrupting the world!!

I am sorry, but did you send your message from a typewriter?
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 30, 2008
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I saw dead people and parts of them.

Medicine is fun. There's this issue of sleep deprivation, little to no time for your social life, gastritis, stress, but it's fun.

I am sorry, but did you send your message from a typewriter?

Yes. Got a problem with that? lol

Business Administration w/ minor in Economics. Going to get my MBA then get rich.

Oh wow my school is pretty big on business too. Which uni do you go to?
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2005
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I still cant get my head around the differences in education across the globe lol, but I have a degree in Photography. Kinda wish that I did something scientific alongside that so that I could get into forensics, but hey, I can just take up my other dream of travelling the world and documenting it.
Divine Celestial
Aug 29, 2011
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I got a year left of high school then I'm heading to Stanford University to do my foundation and higher education for Business Administration and Accounting, I am also thinking of taking computer science.
Jan 27, 2007
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Computer science, sorry if it's too boring for you =p

I think it's a little naive to say that technology is a waste of time, do you realize how important it is in your life? It goes hand in hand with science and without both of those the world would be terrible.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 30, 2008
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I still cant get my head around the differences in education across the globe lol, but I have a degree in Photography. Kinda wish that I did something scientific alongside that so that I could get into forensics, but hey, I can just take up my other dream of travelling the world and documenting it.

Wow. Very interesting. Why don't you go back to school and get a degree in forensics or something? But traveling the world and documenting it sounds awesome and fun hah.

Took up HRDM, Blood pressure always over 9000.
HRDM? what do they do? :huh:

I got a year left of high school then I'm heading to Stanford University to do my foundation and higher education for Business Administration and Accounting, I am also thinking of taking computer science.
Damnn Stanford.. You must be a smart man brotha, keep it up you probably got a bright future ahead of you sir.
Mythic Archon
Loyal Member
Nov 9, 2008
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Criminal Justice Major :D
Future Supreme Justice !
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 26, 2010
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I am a biology major and environmental science minor. I'm debating whether to enter my college's pre-medical program in case i decide to go to Med school and focus on some sort of medicine.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Computer science, sorry if it's too boring for you =p

I think it's a little naive to say that technology is a waste of time, do you realize how important it is in your life? It goes hand in hand with science and without both of those the world would be terrible.

Haha I was thinking of computer science also, my junior/senior year of highschool. And then I realized that it's not really for me, the whole behind the computer/in a cubical writing up codes on a computer for hours and hours.
Well I'm taking anthropology and like we don't really need technology. Sure it helps with like managing things and stuff, but also it's making social life more closed, and making the world go faster, making it a lot more complicated.

Criminal Justice Major :D
Future Supreme Justice !

Criminal Justice? That's pretty cool. My roommate is also doing that too, you trying to be a cop?

I am a biology major and environmental science minor. I'm debating whether to enter my college's pre-medical program in case i decide to go to Med school and focus on some sort of medicine.

I heard pre-med is like one of the toughest. Especially the class organic bio-chem. I was thinking of going into nursing but idk if I'm all that of a science person. So you're trying to go into like pharmacy? That shits going to be tough!! But good luck!
Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Nothing for me but my brother is big on technology and is going to college for mechanical engineering, possibly for the air force. He's really into technology and absolutely can't wait until the future, unfortunately. He doesn't care about his natural human existence and his time as a human and seems as though he only sees the bad things about being a human, so he wants to 'transfer his conscious' and his brain into a robot body basically becoming a robot and no longer being a human being, what he was born as. He doesn't enjoy the time he has now and takes it for granted since literally all he cares about is technology and being some heartless robot.

I hate it, he thinks technology is the answer for everything in the universe and believes in 25-50 years we'll 'be able to live forever' and pretty much do anything we want anywhere we want. I agree with you haxor about how technology makes us closed in, once you get into it you eventually become blind by it and believe that it can do anything. Technology has only drawn my brother farther away from what he is above all, a human being. I mean he's always talking about how we can replicate human DNA and make computers out of it, or about how we can eventually not only transfer our brain out of our body into a robot, but also our conscious. He's very vain to put it briskly. And all he does is read a bunch of internet articles which is the worst part, he sits online all day reading bs articles and now he thinks he knows everything, like Sheldon from the big bang theory. What it boils down to is he puts technology over human beings in every aspect, when technology wouldn't even exist without human beings.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 30, 2008
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I have a degree in Math.

Degree in math. :eek:. Hmm what you planning to do with it? Math professor? I never knew what you can do with a math degree. :p

Nothing for me but my brother is big on technology and is going to college for mechanical engineering, possibly for the air force. He's really into technology and absolutely can't wait until the future, unfortunately. He doesn't care about his natural human existence and his time as a human and seems as though he only sees the bad things about being a human, so he wants to 'transfer his conscious' and his brain into a robot body basically becoming a robot and no longer being a human being, what he was born as. He doesn't enjoy the time he has now and takes it for granted since literally all he cares about is technology and being some heartless robot.

I hate it, he thinks technology is the answer for everything in the universe and believes in 25-50 years we'll 'be able to live forever' and pretty much do anything we want anywhere we want. I agree with you haxor about how technology makes us closed in, once you get into it you eventually become blind by it and believe that it can do anything. Technology has only drawn my brother farther away from what he is above all, a human being. I mean he's always talking about how we can replicate human DNA and make computers out of it, or about how we can eventually not only transfer our brain out of our body into a robot, but also our conscious. He's very vain to put it briskly. And all he does is read a bunch of internet articles which is the worst part, he sits online all day reading bs articles and now he thinks he knows everything, like Sheldon from the big bang theory. What it boils down to is he puts technology over human beings in every aspect, when technology wouldn't even exist without human beings.

Why don't you have a major yet?? Gotta think of something you want to do!
I don't think I'd be too fond with the whole "robot ruling the world" concept.. That's too much I think.

And last year, I heard my grandfather got alzheimer's, so like I try to live my life to the fullest. And hearing that going into a robot thing is kind of ridiculous. Technology is good in a sense that our medicine is always improving and we are finding a lot more things about this world, but in a sense there should be a limit of usage. Some people abuse technology (like your brother) who basically wants to give up his life for the digital world, but I think that's kind of dumb because the world offers so much more than technology can ever offer.

Computer Programming. Dropped out because I couldn't handle the general classes.

I love sitting behind a computer and coding all day. :blushing:

Dropped out? Damn my friend did that too. I'm not too sure how he's doing right now, but idk.. I feel like you should've stayed in school and just experiment a bit more. That's what I did. I wanted to also just stay behind a computer and code all day, but I found out. Wow this isn't for me and I should do something more, something more exciting.

But I guess everyone is different.
Ginger by design.
Loyal Member
Feb 15, 2007
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That's pretty cool. What are you planning on doing with your math degree? And what kind of math degree? Associates? Bachelors? Masters? Doctors?

Bachelors, was about half way to a Masters when I decided to stop school.

I'm currently a software engineer and that's probably what I'll continue doing forever. I'm one of the few actual software engineers on this forum (the only?).
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Bachelors, was about half way to a Masters when I decided to stop school.

I'm currently a software engineer and that's probably what I'll continue doing forever. I'm one of the few actual software engineers on this forum (the only?).

That's pretty cool. I'm still undecided. Planning on going into psych or something with public service. Something with people. Still a freshman in college so still wondering. So many decisions!!