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Making a server public [Solved]

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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 9, 2010
Reaction score
So ive followed the guide made by Audisbroder to make a Server. Works perfect, No errors that i cand find.
The files in Audisbroders guide is for the Blessed Server.

I can login just fine, But my friends cant.
We have tried both Hamachi and with my Regular IP

What I have done;
MYIP = I dont wanna show my IP to everyone, But i have obviously changed it to my global ip (Whatismyip.com)

AccountServer.ini | Edited IP
AddTail( -1, 1, "NO NEED TO CONFIG ME", "MYIP", 0, 1, 0 );
AddTail( 1, 1, "NO NEED TO CONFIG ME", "MYIP", 0, 1, 600 );

CacheServer.ini | Changed port to 15400
Core ""
Port 15400

LoginServer.ini | Edited IP
AddCache ( "MYIP" );

Ports, Yes they should be open.

Using a Thompson Router, Never had any problems opening ports before for other Servers or Games.

TCP 23000 - 23000 23000 - 23000 - -
UDP 23000 - 23000 23000 - 23000 - -
TCP 28000 - 28000 28000 - 28000 - -
UDP 28000 - 28000 28000 - 28000 - -
TCP 15400 - 15400 15400 - 15400 - -
UDP 15400 - 15400 15400 - 15400 - -

Success: I can see your service on [MYIP] on port (15400)
Your ISP is not blocking port 15400

Success: I can see your service on [MYIP] on port (23000)
Your ISP is not blocking port 23000

Success: I can see your service on [MYIP] on port (28000)
Your ISP is not blocking port 28000


We have tried changing the IP in Neuz.ini to Hamachi/Global
Tried changing the IP inside Neuz.exe to Hamachi/Global

Yes ive edited the Port in Neuz to match the one in CacheServer.ini

I have tried disabling my Windows Firewall, Nothing.
Tried running all Flyff Server files as Admin, Nothing.

AccountServer has "Allow External Connections" enabled.

Any help, What-so-ever would be very much appreciated!

Thanks in advance
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Loyal Member
May 13, 2011
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Re: Making a server public [Tried many things]

Oke since you that all of that. Then there is something else the comes in mind.

Are you using an Source if yes which one.
If no wich server files your using.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 9, 2010
Reaction score
Re: Making a server public [Tried many things]

No source, I know there is one place in a file where you can alter the IP. But since i dont have source thats a No-No
The files im using is from the guide made by Audisbroder, It uses the Blessed Client.
It has some v18 Features, Not sure who made these files. So thats all the info about that i can give you
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 22, 2011
Reaction score
Re: Making a server public [Tried many things]

delete my comment please :/
Loyal Member
May 13, 2011
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Re: Making a server public [Tried many things]

hmm i have looked at my server files i and other players can connect without any problems.
So lets start from the beginning.
Dont use hamachi yet instead use your own ISP Ip address.

First the ini files
What i have is this

AddTail( -1, 1, "****Flyff", "ISP IP-Address", 0, 1, 0 );
AddTail( 1, 1, "Channel 1-1", "ISP IP-Address", 0, 1, 600 );

Core ""
Port 15400

Account ""

Database ""

DB ""
Core ""

AddCache ( "" );

Account ""

Core ""
DB ""
Account ""

This is my setup and its working just fine. me and other players can connect to it without problems.
Be sure to check it.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 9, 2010
Reaction score
Re: Making a server public [Tried many things]

I did try change the files yesterday. Did not work.
So i downloaded the source and compiled it myself. Now it works.

But Blesssed is a bit Strange, Missing somewhat alot of Npcs

Card Master (The one that upgrades cards in Flaris)
Bobochan (Upgrades and such in Flaris)
Bozman (Sells low level gear for first class)

My guess is that they just removed them since the files have like 5000x Exp, 2000x Penya. So id say its a High lvl server with no interest in low/mid lvl things.. A bit sad since thats what i was hoping for.
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