Making your Server 100% complete

Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
magic mushroom land
Guide on how to make your MU server 100% complete-

Table of Contents:
I. Experience
II. Drop Rate
III. Monster HP
IV. Guilds
IVa.Guild create/destroy
V. SQL and SQL Scripts
VI. Websites
VII. Shops

I. Experience and Drop Rate:

first, ask yourself a couple of questions-
1. What amount of experience makes a good, longlasting server?
2. What amount of experience would my players like?
3. I have a high/low experience rate, do i want a high/low drop rate?
4. i have a low drop rate, should i have BB on or off?

those are only a few questions mind you :P

ok here we go.

to change the experience rate of your server, you first must think about those questions, then, depending on where you extracted your server files, go to C:\ or D:\muserver\data\commonserver.cfg

in this document, youll find a lot of options to edit your server, right now we are only focusing on experience and drop rate.

this probably all just looks like a lot of mumbo-jumbo, and it kinda is :P
but to find things easier use the search function (ctrl+f)

search for this in your commonserver.cfg-


it should come to a line that looks like this-

AddExperience = XXX ; How much experience is added to each killed monster

XXX= amount of experience, change this number to anything you would like, but remember the highest is 9999 ;)

II. Drop Rate:

just like with experience, think of those questions, and go to your commonserver.cfg

use search again (ctrl+f)

serach for this-


a line will show up looking like this-

ItemDropPer = xx ; % of Item drops

xx being 1-99

for more money and less items, make it less
and for more items and less money, make it more.

III. Monster Health

ask yourself yet another question-

1. I have high/low experience, do i want the monsters to have high/low health


staying with the commonserver theme :P

use search AGAIN (you better make friends with this, youll use it a lot)

search for-


youll get a line like this-

MonsterHp = xx ; Hp of monster [0 = 100% hp] , 80 = monster with less 80% of hp ( meaning 20% )

seems easy enough right? WRONG.

if you want monsters to have 100% health, make the number 0.

and if you want it to have like, 5% health, make it 95

you get the idea right?

IV. Guilds

no questions :P


commonserver still :D

search (ctrl+f) again

search for-


you get a line like this-

GuildCreateLevel = xxx ; Minimum level required to create a guld ( Between 1 and 350 )

well, pretty self explanitory

the default is 100, which is a good nmber, so i recommend it :P

IVa. Guild Create and Guild Destroy

this piece is right underneath GuildCreateLevel so no searching, but if you REALLY want to

search this-


youll get this-

GuildCreate = 1 ; Allow creation of guilds ( 1=On / 0=Off )

again, pretty self explanitory, so i wont explain it
id keep it on 1 or people will complain :P

V. SQL and scripts-

open the SQL query analyzer, and copy tese scripts into the text box thing and hit excecute(or f5 i think)
after that, just exit and dont save, then youll have these features. (feel free to edit these at your own will)

Auto Reset-

 UPDATE Character
SET clevel = 1, Experience = 0, LevelUpPoint = 350 * (Reset + 1), Money = Money - (50000000), Strength = 18, Dexterity = 18, Vitality = 15, Energy = 30, Inventory = NULL, MagicList = NULL, MapNumber = 0, MapPosX = 130, MapPosY = 130, PkTime = 0, PkCount = 0, PkLevel = 0, Reset = Reset + 1
FROM Character JOIN MEMB_STAT ON Character.AccountID=MEMB_STAT.memb___id
COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI
WHERE ((class = 0) OR (class = 1)) AND (clevel >= 350) AND (Money >= (50000000)) AND (ConnectStat = 0) AND (Reset < 50);

UPDATE Character
SET clevel = 1, Experience = 0, LevelUpPoint = 350 * (Reset + 1), Money = Money - (50000000), Strength = 28, Dexterity = 20, Vitality = 25, Energy = 10, Inventory = NULL, MagicList = NULL, MapNumber = 0, MapPosX = 130, MapPosY = 130, PkTime = 0, PkCount = 0, PkLevel = 0, Reset = Reset + 1
FROM Character JOIN MEMB_STAT ON Character.AccountID = MEMB_STAT.memb___id
COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI
WHERE ((class = 16) OR (class = 17)) AND (clevel >= 350) AND (Money >= (50000000)) AND (ConnectStat = 0) AND (Reset < 50);

UPDATE Character
SET clevel = 1, Experience = 0, LevelUpPoint = 350 * (Reset + 1), Money = Money - (50000000), Strength = 22, Dexterity = 25, Vitality = 20, Energy = 15, Inventory = NULL, MagicList = NULL, MapNumber = 0, MapPosX = 130, MapPosY = 130, PkTime = 0, PkCount = 0, PkLevel = 0, Reset = Reset + 1
FROM Character JOIN MEMB_STAT ON Character.AccountID = MEMB_STAT.memb___id
COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI
WHERE ((class = 32) OR (class = 33)) AND (clevel >= 350) AND (Money >= (50000000)) AND (ConnectStat = 0) AND (Reset < 50);

UPDATE Character
SET clevel = 1, Experience = 0, LevelUpPoint = 350 * (Reset + 1), Money = Money - (50000000), Strength = 26, Dexterity = 26, Vitality = 26, Energy = 26, Inventory = NULL, MagicList = NULL, MapNumber = 0, MapPosX = 130, MapPosY = 130, PkTime = 0, PkCount = 0, PkLevel = 0, Reset = Reset + 1
FROM Character JOIN MEMB_STAT ON Character.AccountID = MEMB_STAT.memb___id
COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI
WHERE (class = 48) AND (clevel >= 350) AND (Money >= (50000000)) AND (ConnectStat = 0) AND (Reset < 50);

DL (99+):
UPDATE Character
SET clevel = 1, Experience = 0, LevelUpPoint = 350 * (Reset + 1), Money = Money - (50000000), Strength = 26, Dexterity = 26, Vitality = 26, Energy = 26, Inventory = NULL, MagicList = NULL, MapNumber = 0, MapPosX = 130, MapPosY = 130, PkTime = 0, PkCount = 0, PkLevel = 0, Reset = Reset + 1
FROM Character JOIN MEMB_STAT ON Character.AccountID = MEMB_STAT.memb___id
COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI
WHERE (class = 64) AND (clevel >= 350) AND (Money >= (50000000)) AND (ConnectStat = 0) AND (Reset < 50);

Automatic backup:

USE [Muonline]

Declare @dateBackup Varchar(100)
Set @dateBackup = 'C:\MuOnlineBackups\muonline_' +
Convert(varchar, datepart( year , Getdate() )) + '-'+
Convert( varchar , datepart( month , Getdate() ) ) + '-'+
Convert( varchar, datepart( day , Getdate() ) ) + '.bak'
--saving backup with name and date.
BACKUP DATABASE [Muonline] TO DISK = @dateBackup WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'Muonline-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10

Auto Stats fix:
UPDATE Character
SET Strength = '32766'
WHERE Strength < '1'

UPDATE Character
SET Dexterity = '32766'
WHERE Dexterity < '1'

UPDATE Character
SET Vitality = '32766'
WHERE Vitality < '1'

UPDATE Character
SET Energy = '32766'
WHERE Energy < '1'

Zen Bug Fix:
UPDATE Character
Set Money=('2000000000')
WHERE Money<0

Auto PK reset:
Update Character
SET PkLevel = ('0'), PkTime = ('0'), Pk Count = ('0')
Where PkLevel>2

and thats it for SQL :D

VI. Websites-

ill provide a link to a good website that i think is the best:


as you can see, thats muweb .4 with and without MD5

now for the webservers


i wont tell you how to set these up, you can find guides on RZ

this is what you want to have in a website-
1. Registration
2. Reset (lvl and pk)
3. stats adder
4. link to the forum
5. player warp
6. admin cp
7. cutenews :D

make sure your website name is easy to remember so players can get there easily :)

VII. Shops-


1. I have a high/low experience server, should i have pro/noob shops?
2. Should i have BB on or off?
3. Should my prices be high or low?


think of these questions and youll have great shops :D

here is a link to a shop editor:

to turn on BB, when you put bless in shops, maker its dyrability 255 :)

also, make sure your GM shop is out of reach of normal players, 6 119 119 is always a good spot for the shop ;)


Credits: ThePumpkinKing, if you see this guide here without my name in it, tell me and ill beat them up

this is all i could think of for now, you can add your own portion and ill add it to the first post(ill also credit you for it)

thanks for reading
Last edited:
Re: [Guide]Making your Server 100% complete

Nice, this will help many ppl who make the first time a server :)

Good Work dude
Re: [Guide] Making your Server 100% complete

Do this guide stuport router users? and do you got any good suggyestions of good server files?
Re: [Guide] Making your Server 100% complete

your guide is a lil messy, try to CODE all the scrpts that you have posted
Re: [Guide] Making your Server 100% complete

Why do i keep getting this messege when im trying to ompen mu shop?
.YourName - Making your Server 100% complete - RaGEZONE Forums

Translation: It's imposibole to idetefy teh program corekt (0xc0000135). klick here to clsoe the progrogram

another question: What is best muweb .4 with MD5 or whoute?
Re: [Guide] Making your Server 100% complete

your guide is a lil messy, try to CODE all the scrpts that you have posted

i wrote it in notepad :P

but i suppose i could fix it :P

btw, the muweb thing depends on if your version supports muweb + MD5 :P

fixed the guide, its a little easier to read now ;)
Re: [Guide] Making your Server 100% complete

Why do i keep getting this messege when im trying to ompen mu shop?

Translation: It's imposibole to idetefy teh program corekt (0xc0000135). klick here to clsoe the progrogram

another question: What is best muweb .4 with MD5 or whoute?

you need to install .Net FrameWork 2.0. go to microsoft web and download it
Re: [Guide] Making your Server 100% complete

I have the newest micrsoft net framework of 2.0 with all the updates and i still cant get the beta to work can you xplain y plz

what he said :P

ill get a link in a minute

EDIT: here it is :D
Re: [Guide] Making your Server 100% complete

Zen Bug Fix:

UPDATE Character
Set Money=('2000000000')
WHERE Money<1


nice zen bug fix.. i create new character, wait for sql and i got 2kkk on my char?.. well thx:D
Re: [Guide] Making your Server 100% complete

That code

UPDATE Character
Set Money=('2000000000')
WHERE Money<1

is wrong, I've tested it, and if u create char with 0 zen, code will ocurr and u will receive 2000000000 zen

code have to be like this

UPDATE Character
Set Money=('2000000000')
WHERE Money<0
Re: [Guide] Making your Server 100% complete

That code

UPDATE Character
Set Money=('2000000000')
WHERE Money<1

is wrong, I've tested it, and if u create char with 0 zen, code will ocurr and u will receive 2000000000 zen

code have to be like this

UPDATE Character
Set Money=('2000000000')
WHERE Money<0

it does work, but good eye, i fixed it
Re: [Guide] Making your Server 100% complete

i get this error when i add the autoreset code in sql query

Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'Character'.
Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'MEMB_STAT'.
How i Can get Account in my server?

Plss help me how i can get an account to my server 97d+99. I maid the server it is succses but the my problem is how i can REGISTER in my server and get an account plss help me or give me a guide to have an account tnx......
Re: How i Can get Account in my server?

Plss help me how i can get an account to my server 97d+99. I maid the server it is succses but the my problem is how i can REGISTER in my server and get an account plss help me or give me a guide to have an account tnx......
Easiest method would be to use an MUeditor... search around the forum. You should be able to get a download link for the utility. Good luck.
Re: [Guide] Making your Server 100% complete

Need a little help:
1. how can i set Blood Castle drop, i dont want chaos jewl.
2. how can i change GM Box drop?
3. how can i set white wizzard drop, i want him to drop bless or soul.
4. how can i set drop rate for marlon quest (ring of honor) and all other quests?
Re: [Guide] Making your Server 100% complete

Do this guide stuport router users? and do you got any good suggyestions of good server files?


this is just server configing lol, if u want season 2 use MMT season 2 files, if u want season 3 or season 4 files, use oski or lucianobar files xD. i cant spell his name ffs lol