Guide on how to make your MU server 100% complete-
Table of Contents:
I. Experience
II. Drop Rate
III. Monster HP
IV. Guilds
IVa.Guild create/destroy
V. SQL and SQL Scripts
VI. Websites
VII. Shops
I. Experience and Drop Rate:
first, ask yourself a couple of questions-
1. What amount of experience makes a good, longlasting server?
2. What amount of experience would my players like?
3. I have a high/low experience rate, do i want a high/low drop rate?
4. i have a low drop rate, should i have BB on or off?
those are only a few questions mind you
ok here we go.
to change the experience rate of your server, you first must think about those questions, then, depending on where you extracted your server files, go to C:\ or D:\muserver\data\commonserver.cfg
in this document, youll find a lot of options to edit your server, right now we are only focusing on experience and drop rate.
this probably all just looks like a lot of mumbo-jumbo, and it kinda is
but to find things easier use the search function (ctrl+f)
search for this in your commonserver.cfg-
it should come to a line that looks like this-
AddExperience = XXX ; How much experience is added to each killed monster
XXX= amount of experience, change this number to anything you would like, but remember the highest is 9999
II. Drop Rate:
just like with experience, think of those questions, and go to your commonserver.cfg
use search again (ctrl+f)
serach for this-
a line will show up looking like this-
ItemDropPer = xx ; % of Item drops
xx being 1-99
for more money and less items, make it less
and for more items and less money, make it more.
III. Monster Health
ask yourself yet another question-
1. I have high/low experience, do i want the monsters to have high/low health
staying with the commonserver theme
use search AGAIN (you better make friends with this, youll use it a lot)
search for-
youll get a line like this-
MonsterHp = xx ; Hp of monster [0 = 100% hp] , 80 = monster with less 80% of hp ( meaning 20% )
seems easy enough right? WRONG.
if you want monsters to have 100% health, make the number 0.
and if you want it to have like, 5% health, make it 95
you get the idea right?
IV. Guilds
no questions
commonserver still
search (ctrl+f) again
search for-
you get a line like this-
GuildCreateLevel = xxx ; Minimum level required to create a guld ( Between 1 and 350 )
well, pretty self explanitory
the default is 100, which is a good nmber, so i recommend it
IVa. Guild Create and Guild Destroy
this piece is right underneath GuildCreateLevel so no searching, but if you REALLY want to
search this-
youll get this-
GuildCreate = 1 ; Allow creation of guilds ( 1=On / 0=Off )
again, pretty self explanitory, so i wont explain it
id keep it on 1 or people will complain
V. SQL and scripts-
open the SQL query analyzer, and copy tese scripts into the text box thing and hit excecute(or f5 i think)
after that, just exit and dont save, then youll have these features. (feel free to edit these at your own will)
Auto Reset-
DL (99+):
Automatic backup:
Auto Stats fix:
Zen Bug Fix:
Auto PK reset:
and thats it for SQL
VI. Websites-
ill provide a link to a good website that i think is the best:
as you can see, thats muweb .4 with and without MD5
now for the webservers
i wont tell you how to set these up, you can find guides on RZ
this is what you want to have in a website-
1. Registration
2. Reset (lvl and pk)
3. stats adder
4. link to the forum
5. player warp
6. admin cp
7. cutenews
make sure your website name is easy to remember so players can get there easily
VII. Shops-
1. I have a high/low experience server, should i have pro/noob shops?
2. Should i have BB on or off?
3. Should my prices be high or low?
think of these questions and youll have great shops
here is a link to a shop editor:
to turn on BB, when you put bless in shops, maker its dyrability 255
also, make sure your GM shop is out of reach of normal players, 6 119 119 is always a good spot for the shop
Credits: ThePumpkinKing, if you see this guide here without my name in it, tell me and ill beat them up
this is all i could think of for now, you can add your own portion and ill add it to the first post(ill also credit you for it)
thanks for reading
Table of Contents:
I. Experience
II. Drop Rate
III. Monster HP
IV. Guilds
IVa.Guild create/destroy
V. SQL and SQL Scripts
VI. Websites
VII. Shops
I. Experience and Drop Rate:
first, ask yourself a couple of questions-
1. What amount of experience makes a good, longlasting server?
2. What amount of experience would my players like?
3. I have a high/low experience rate, do i want a high/low drop rate?
4. i have a low drop rate, should i have BB on or off?
those are only a few questions mind you

ok here we go.
to change the experience rate of your server, you first must think about those questions, then, depending on where you extracted your server files, go to C:\ or D:\muserver\data\commonserver.cfg
in this document, youll find a lot of options to edit your server, right now we are only focusing on experience and drop rate.
this probably all just looks like a lot of mumbo-jumbo, and it kinda is

but to find things easier use the search function (ctrl+f)
search for this in your commonserver.cfg-
it should come to a line that looks like this-
AddExperience = XXX ; How much experience is added to each killed monster
XXX= amount of experience, change this number to anything you would like, but remember the highest is 9999

II. Drop Rate:
just like with experience, think of those questions, and go to your commonserver.cfg
use search again (ctrl+f)
serach for this-
a line will show up looking like this-
ItemDropPer = xx ; % of Item drops
xx being 1-99
for more money and less items, make it less
and for more items and less money, make it more.
III. Monster Health
ask yourself yet another question-
1. I have high/low experience, do i want the monsters to have high/low health
staying with the commonserver theme

use search AGAIN (you better make friends with this, youll use it a lot)
search for-
youll get a line like this-
MonsterHp = xx ; Hp of monster [0 = 100% hp] , 80 = monster with less 80% of hp ( meaning 20% )
seems easy enough right? WRONG.
if you want monsters to have 100% health, make the number 0.
and if you want it to have like, 5% health, make it 95
you get the idea right?
IV. Guilds
no questions

commonserver still

search (ctrl+f) again
search for-
you get a line like this-
GuildCreateLevel = xxx ; Minimum level required to create a guld ( Between 1 and 350 )
well, pretty self explanitory
the default is 100, which is a good nmber, so i recommend it

IVa. Guild Create and Guild Destroy
this piece is right underneath GuildCreateLevel so no searching, but if you REALLY want to
search this-
youll get this-
GuildCreate = 1 ; Allow creation of guilds ( 1=On / 0=Off )
again, pretty self explanitory, so i wont explain it
id keep it on 1 or people will complain

V. SQL and scripts-
open the SQL query analyzer, and copy tese scripts into the text box thing and hit excecute(or f5 i think)
after that, just exit and dont save, then youll have these features. (feel free to edit these at your own will)
Auto Reset-
UPDATE Character
SET clevel = 1, Experience = 0, LevelUpPoint = 350 * (Reset + 1), Money = Money - (50000000), Strength = 18, Dexterity = 18, Vitality = 15, Energy = 30, Inventory = NULL, MagicList = NULL, MapNumber = 0, MapPosX = 130, MapPosY = 130, PkTime = 0, PkCount = 0, PkLevel = 0, Reset = Reset + 1
FROM Character JOIN MEMB_STAT ON Character.AccountID=MEMB_STAT.memb___id
COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI
WHERE ((class = 0) OR (class = 1)) AND (clevel >= 350) AND (Money >= (50000000)) AND (ConnectStat = 0) AND (Reset < 50);
UPDATE Character
SET clevel = 1, Experience = 0, LevelUpPoint = 350 * (Reset + 1), Money = Money - (50000000), Strength = 28, Dexterity = 20, Vitality = 25, Energy = 10, Inventory = NULL, MagicList = NULL, MapNumber = 0, MapPosX = 130, MapPosY = 130, PkTime = 0, PkCount = 0, PkLevel = 0, Reset = Reset + 1
FROM Character JOIN MEMB_STAT ON Character.AccountID = MEMB_STAT.memb___id
COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI
WHERE ((class = 16) OR (class = 17)) AND (clevel >= 350) AND (Money >= (50000000)) AND (ConnectStat = 0) AND (Reset < 50);
UPDATE Character
SET clevel = 1, Experience = 0, LevelUpPoint = 350 * (Reset + 1), Money = Money - (50000000), Strength = 22, Dexterity = 25, Vitality = 20, Energy = 15, Inventory = NULL, MagicList = NULL, MapNumber = 0, MapPosX = 130, MapPosY = 130, PkTime = 0, PkCount = 0, PkLevel = 0, Reset = Reset + 1
FROM Character JOIN MEMB_STAT ON Character.AccountID = MEMB_STAT.memb___id
COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI
WHERE ((class = 32) OR (class = 33)) AND (clevel >= 350) AND (Money >= (50000000)) AND (ConnectStat = 0) AND (Reset < 50);
UPDATE Character
SET clevel = 1, Experience = 0, LevelUpPoint = 350 * (Reset + 1), Money = Money - (50000000), Strength = 26, Dexterity = 26, Vitality = 26, Energy = 26, Inventory = NULL, MagicList = NULL, MapNumber = 0, MapPosX = 130, MapPosY = 130, PkTime = 0, PkCount = 0, PkLevel = 0, Reset = Reset + 1
FROM Character JOIN MEMB_STAT ON Character.AccountID = MEMB_STAT.memb___id
COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI
WHERE (class = 48) AND (clevel >= 350) AND (Money >= (50000000)) AND (ConnectStat = 0) AND (Reset < 50);
DL (99+):
UPDATE Character
SET clevel = 1, Experience = 0, LevelUpPoint = 350 * (Reset + 1), Money = Money - (50000000), Strength = 26, Dexterity = 26, Vitality = 26, Energy = 26, Inventory = NULL, MagicList = NULL, MapNumber = 0, MapPosX = 130, MapPosY = 130, PkTime = 0, PkCount = 0, PkLevel = 0, Reset = Reset + 1
FROM Character JOIN MEMB_STAT ON Character.AccountID = MEMB_STAT.memb___id
COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI
WHERE (class = 64) AND (clevel >= 350) AND (Money >= (50000000)) AND (ConnectStat = 0) AND (Reset < 50);
Automatic backup:
USE [Muonline]
Declare @dateBackup Varchar(100)
Set @dateBackup = 'C:\MuOnlineBackups\muonline_' +
Convert(varchar, datepart( year , Getdate() )) + '-'+
Convert( varchar , datepart( month , Getdate() ) ) + '-'+
Convert( varchar, datepart( day , Getdate() ) ) + '.bak'
--saving backup with name and date.
BACKUP DATABASE [Muonline] TO DISK = @dateBackup WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'Muonline-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
Auto Stats fix:
UPDATE Character
SET Strength = '32766'
WHERE Strength < '1'
UPDATE Character
SET Dexterity = '32766'
WHERE Dexterity < '1'
UPDATE Character
SET Vitality = '32766'
WHERE Vitality < '1'
UPDATE Character
SET Energy = '32766'
WHERE Energy < '1'
Zen Bug Fix:
UPDATE Character
Set Money=('2000000000')
WHERE Money<0
Auto PK reset:
Update Character
SET PkLevel = ('0'), PkTime = ('0'), Pk Count = ('0')
Where PkLevel>2
and thats it for SQL

VI. Websites-
ill provide a link to a good website that i think is the best:
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
as you can see, thats muweb .4 with and without MD5
now for the webservers
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
i wont tell you how to set these up, you can find guides on RZ
this is what you want to have in a website-
1. Registration
2. Reset (lvl and pk)
3. stats adder
4. link to the forum
5. player warp
6. admin cp
7. cutenews

make sure your website name is easy to remember so players can get there easily

VII. Shops-
1. I have a high/low experience server, should i have pro/noob shops?
2. Should i have BB on or off?
3. Should my prices be high or low?
think of these questions and youll have great shops

here is a link to a shop editor:
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
to turn on BB, when you put bless in shops, maker its dyrability 255

also, make sure your GM shop is out of reach of normal players, 6 119 119 is always a good spot for the shop

Credits: ThePumpkinKing, if you see this guide here without my name in it, tell me and ill beat them up
this is all i could think of for now, you can add your own portion and ill add it to the first post(ill also credit you for it)
thanks for reading
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