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MAXimum customizations [WIP]

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Jan 28, 2009
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Branch off from another thread, I left T5 skills due to lack of developers (too big project for one person). However it does not mean I will never back to it.

Originally I was planing to do more than 5103 combinations but I lots myself in possibilities, so now I am using only original PT components.
Nobody uploaded me rare DA122 so I guessing that nobody have it, anyway it will not be included.
So far so good, everything fit well together (see YT video) and I added only 3 manual fixes, for first two armours (knees) and phoenix boots (official files (mech) have bubble gum sticked to them o_O). I hope other classes will be as obedient as mech ;) Now I need to sit more with code before I will got any further. I am leaving you guys/gals alone with YT video:
(watch in HD! on YT)

Custom Title Activated
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May 26, 2007
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DA122 = "Dragon Armor" and is in my client... but I have no idea what you want from it?
Custom Title Activated
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May 26, 2007
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Vormav has the client showing different armour parts on the model of a character. So you can see, not only what main armour a player is in, but also what Boots, Gloves and Bracers they have on. :wink:

It's pretty cool, even if it is a normal part of most graphical RPGs for the last decade or two. XD
Skilled Illusionist
Jun 16, 2007
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Vormav wanna dev the same other game. When you have boot in character inventory. Your Skin only Boot of Character. I think so
Custom Title Activated
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Jan 28, 2009
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Thanks guys. Yes its split/visualisation for items. PT left this feature as if something was wrong with it so partly my work is done by PT itself, there is a lot to do but things are going smoothly, for now ;)

I mean da122 like in this post ~~~> http://forum.ragezone.com/f286/question-problem-items-280064/

BTW. its possible to mix some bodys "on the fly" like armour parts o_O
Not all work together but mech skills will work with fighter and knight body, same with ata and archer.
So your female fighter based on ata/archer (priestess? Or too hardcore? XD)
is quite possible. Or it can be used to force fighter to wear archer armor... I can image his hands sticking out from that thing XD

Here are few examples I found during client hacking:

Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums

Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums

Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums

Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums

Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums

Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums

Bodys are from knight and fighter, head and skills from mech (no file editing).

I can use it for mixing armor parts between characters (if your armlets are fs spec. they will look like armlets for FS) but for now I will leave it alone.
So bobsobol, feel like making female fighter now? ;)

PS. its ARMOUR or ARMOR? My dictionary tells me armoUr but for google translator both are forms correct, any difference?
Custom Title Activated
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May 26, 2007
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Yes, but I presume you want the meshes and textures associated with that item, and I don't know how to work out what files in tmABCD relate to what item. (I guess this is essentially what you are working on)

PS. its ARMOUR or ARMOR? My dictionary tells me armoUr but for google translator both are forms correct, any difference?
This is similar to the differences between European Poruguese and Brazilian Portuguese that I mention with regard to Google Translate. It doesn't take any notice of sub-dialects.

Are you from the US or the UK? In the UK it's "Armour" in the US it's "Armor". In an "American" English dictionary "Armour" isn't a word. It doesn't exist. The same applies for the word "Armor" in the British English dictionary. No such thing. :eek:tt1:

Drives me crackers in the "European" releases of "English" games... especially when they expect me to actually type the word wrong. :grr:

Another prime example in "English" RPGs is the word "Honor" which my spell-checker is already "telling me off" for. It's spelled "Honour". :lol:

I quote "American", (from the phrase "American dictionary") because Canadians are, undoubtedly, "American"... however, they often know how to spell. :lol: (By which I mean their dictionary tells them to spell words much more like our British dictionary tells us to, than how the "American" dictionary tells U.S. "Americans" to spell :wink:)

Clear as mud? ^_^
Custom Title Activated
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May 26, 2007
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Yea, that phrase really doesn't need [sarchasm] codes does it. :wink:

I'm sure if you used Google translator on it you'd think it had misunderstood something though. XD
Custom Title Activated
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May 26, 2007
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You don't know what "mud" is? O'magosh. Well, if you mix soil (or "Dirt" in U.S. English) and water, you have "mud". :lol:
It's also an acronym for the oldest form of MMO-RPG, a "Multi-User Dungeon". :wink:
We used to play via Telnet. The server ran different text terminals for each player, and it was rather like a text adventure game (or "interactive fiction", as we now call them), except many of the people you met where not part of the script, but other players.

It was quite like classic AD&D, but the server played the role of DM. (the "Dungeon Master")
The point is, "mud" is not clear, at all.
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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Yes, but I presume you want the meshes and textures associated with that item, and I don't know how to work out what files in tmABCD relate to what item. (I guess this is essentially what you are working on)
Yes, but I starting to think that it never existed, I think i seen SS of it but this might be just skin modification, anyway nvm. If I put drop items on myself they will end "flat", thats because the are flat, only boots are more "3D" but they are missing bottom.

Here its how it look like when you try to wear item that you dropping on floor:

Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums

Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums

Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums

Clear as mud? ^_^

Yes clear as
Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums
!! ;)
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 28, 2009
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I see that my thread hit bottom hard ;)

Here is new video showing how it works (359424 different combinations for one player):

whats done:
- putting items on/off, from floor/shop
- swap items
- saving your items configuration set on server
- recognizing NPC/MOB/myself

what need to be done:
- other classes items combinations
- sending/receiving configurations to other player
- recognizing myself/other players (partly working)
- exceptions
- probably something I forgot ;)

For now I am happy with speed (close to original). Memory usage will go up but whole game.exe should not take more than 1 GB of ram, nothing will change on server.
I will probably add option to off/on this whole mode, so players will have choice to show "what they are made of" or not ;)
Custom Title Activated
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May 26, 2007
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I will probably add option to off/on this whole mode, so players will have choice to show "what they are made of" or not ;)
And presumably what other players are made off. XD

Wicked demo, and kickin' backing track. Love the OldSkule D&B section. Can't wait to get a chance to play with this. A small thing that makes a major difference to the game.

Recently noticed that there are four variations of each "head" texture in the TPT clients. They come regular, crying, in love, and twinkle eyes. XD

I have no idea how this is implemented in the client. To me, it would make sense if you could select them by a "yahoo" type command, but that doesn't seem to be the method used.:?:

Anyway. GZ:thumbup:
Jul 24, 2006
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Recently noticed that there are four variations of each "head" texture in the TPT clients. They come regular, crying, in love, and twinkle eyes. XD

In ePT they are cash shop items (right click a potion and your head goes big) all they do is increase your attack power by like 15% for 3 hours or so.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 28, 2009
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To me, it would make sense if you could select them by a "yahoo" type command, but that doesn't seem to be the method used.
It is possible to implement that, but I would go even further. When someone type in his chat one of the faces in text than the appropriate head would appear.
e.g. >"I bumped my head T_T"
would turn your head into crying head.
When I think of it it would not be that hard, but how I can manipulate time for how long it will last without freezing PT? Thats only thing I can't imagine =P
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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 26, 2007
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In ePT they are cash shop items (right click a potion and your head goes big) all they do is increase your attack power by like 15% for 3 hours or so.
Isn't that the "Comic Character" or "Child" mode? I thought Hammer monsters gave that when the Child event is running? There is an Admin command to "Comic Character" players as well, so I'm sure that could easily be turned into a pot.

These are quite different.

I've seen screen shots before, and I'm really annoyed I can't find them now... I can dig the skin files out and post those but that isn't quite the same.

Anyway, that's all they are, no new mesh, head normal size, but with a new texture over it.

When I think of it it would not be that hard, but how I can manipulate time for how long it will last without freezing PT? Thats only thing I can't imagine =P
Oh, I would just do WoW emote style. /cry, /love, /grin, /norm
Don't leave a time-out, just use one of the emote commands to switch texture.

But if you are looking for emote mesh / animation, I'm sure "yahoo" would be an excellent example. You don't carry on doing a "yahoo" animation more than once... you just go back to stand_state.
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