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MAXimum customizations [WIP]

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Jul 24, 2006
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I've seen screen shots before, and I'm really annoyed I can't find them now... I can dig the skin files out and post those but that isn't quite the same.

Something like this ?
Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums

Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums

Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums

Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums

But it was bugged, when the 3 hours were up your head fell off lol XD
Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums
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May 26, 2007
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No. Very different.

That's what I mean about the heads not changing. The mesh is the same, only the texture changes.


Okay... so your mech is displaying TmhA02, TmhA14t and failing to show TmhA17t. But how do you use TmhA15t and TmhA16t? The screenshots I've seen show them on the "normal" head mesh. Not the "Child" big head. :wink:

(blond Mech only)
Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums
Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums
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Feb 22, 2008
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I think that we are "misunderstanding" the actual purpose of this game. All I see in BR pservers are Age + 30, FULL PVPs server, level +250...
Now this fun faces.. I'm not a big fan of these changes, really... But the work vormav is doing in this thread is really what I'd like to see in every pt pservers. not age +30 lol, all we are doing is bugging our clients and then we start to make threads

"why is mine games.exe crasshing when I go to ric??//? some1 help me???"

or even that recent thread, "how to raise max attack limit"..
It doesnt need to be an expert to guess that he'd try to raise - even more - the attack of the weapons, bugging even more the game with too much attack power and making skills useles.
Why would I use the Defence Skill of KS ( e.g ) if without it I have 4k of defense? you know what I mean? things are becoming "unbalanced", IMHO.
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May 26, 2007
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I do agree, and I don't want to distract Vormav for his original project.

I only originally mentioned it, because it's another "feature" which (unlike starting at level 150 and silly amounts of damage) is already in PT, but I've only seen an official implementation once.

Those aren't "new" faces that I made up. They are in the official Thai client. (or where, before Suba took them over) But I've not seen them anywhere else.
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May 26, 2007
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I can answer some of that. Sandurr apparently had an equivalent working in one of his clients. There is a secondary executable or dll which loads a voice chat interface. (jPT has some of the imagery for the interface)

It's a "push to talk" system. When you press a button, the mic image lights up, and you are recording to a .wav file in your /savedata/TalkWav folder. When you release the button the .wav file is uploaded to the PT server, and your party / clan then download it, and their client plays it back.

It's a bit clumsy and not very responsive. But it works. :):
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May 26, 2007
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I do know. But that is definitely not how PT is designed. That much is very clear, even without the missing code. :wink:

Honestly, using or is much more responsive than in-built PT method, which is probably why it was never completed. However, many of the hacking and key-logging protection systems in the official clients disable the use of these tools when playing PT. (nothing is allowed to capture keyboard and mouse input but PT while PT is running)
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Jan 28, 2009
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Sending & receiving item information working but I need to change it a bit... boots taking place of head... not that bad bug... last one was: everyone who logged to game was spinning in crouching position and could not walk. So its huge improvement ;)

I wonder how mix/age color work. It would be nice if I could age every part and get nice glow >=P
This might be too disturbing so I wonder if PT can age only some "colors" on armor like 80d armor golden parts are glowing at night.

This wave chat is interesting but I would use it for announcements or some "radio npc", everyone who win sod/bc can control what song/station is playing in some spot (not in town, too laggy ;))

Yeah I don't get why add more lvls (this would be OK if we had more items) or increase gold limit, if you have gold limit 100KK... best items will cost 100KK, you have limit 500KK... best items will cost 500KK well...more or less. MMORPGs prefer gold + barter :) and I think thats perfect.

Bigger heads helps see expressions on those heads... but this creep me out, heads that look like balloon :)
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May 26, 2007
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There are filters for making shine or glow effects in DX9, but I don't think it would be "easy" to use them on the existing PT client code.

I would be happier to see all the kit individually without ageing or mixing effects. WoW implemented a "changing room" feature, where by players could "inspect" other players, and see their "paper doll" to inspect the stats of the items they where wearing. (useful if you are going to PvP someone to ascertain strengths and weaknesses before partying for an inst)

Some of the additional UI features I've seen pServers use could have something similar to this, even if inventory of another player was only listed in a "help" style text window.
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Jan 28, 2009
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Is there a way to pack two random numbers into one and than unpack them?

e.g. number from 00h to 7Fh + number from 00h to 7Fh
I need to pack 4 numbers like that into 2.
I can't remember if there was some match formula for it.

I have bug: items informations that I am sending are in the same packet as weapon/shield... there is some other space but I do not want to touch it (might be something else e.g. age/mix info or ring etc.). So weapon/shield writes on my items informations and vice versa. Result is that my items are sticking out of my head and all Hopys are turned into mechs without head that are attacking with respawn animation...

So would be nice if there is formula or else I will have to think about some other way (I do not want modify client that much).
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May 26, 2007
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0x00 - 0x7F is a single byte... so if you have a DWord, you can pack 4 of them into it via:-
Integer = (byteA << 24) & (byteB << 16) & (byteC << 8) & byteB;
Then reverse the process to get them back.

Is that any use?
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Jan 28, 2009
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last one should be byteD not B

Not really sure about it. If you have DWORD than you splitting it into 4 BYTES

DWORD 0x11051A15

byteA 0x15
byteB 0x1A
byteC 0x05
byteD 0x11

I need something like this.
DWORD 0x11051A15

WORD 0x15 0x05
       +    +
     0x1A 0x11
and method to take out 4 original values and turn them back to DWORD.

I have space to send information as WORD but I need DWORD :/

HM... I will try to mask them in bits.
Your posts are like massage to my brain... forcing me to think ;)
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Jan 28, 2009
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I am sure I wrote something... rollback?
Anyway I found myself good place in packet to send that extra information for now I don't see bugz, but maybe some packet experts can tell me if this spot is always 00 00 00 00.
By bugz I mean:
Vormav - MAXimum customizations [WIP] - RaGEZONE Forums
I really need to do all bloopers I had when I finish this project ;)

84 00 00 00 14 00 47 48 01 00 00 00 9b 09 00 00 74 00 00 00 13 00 47 48 66 2a 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 c0 00 00 00 a4 01 a4 01 00 00 00 00 03 00 02 00 00 24 00 00 64 f0 00 01 00 00 00 00 4c f6 0b 00 53 9b 00 00 61 8a c0 ff 10 54 00 00 00 00 eb 10 00 00 0b 00 8d 01 ff ff 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 e0 8a 47 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

So what you guys think is it safe?
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Jan 28, 2009
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I am sending items information in the "red" DWORD, just before it you have armor, weapon and shield information, also this packet contain informations about your position XYZ and angle (but this is in most of packets), I did not check rest.
This packet is perfect for me, but I am not sure about "place", I can't tell if anything is ever send in those 00 00 00 00.
I spend some time testing and for now players don't act strange, spasming without control or spinning in circles but I am afraid that something might be there, so thats why I am asking. :)
Is anything ever there?
I wonder whats 20 00 00 00 e0 8a 47 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, but its not important, not as much as place before it.
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May 26, 2007
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That missed the question Sheen. XD

I can't imagine that anything is transmitted which has no use, but I can imagine that some things are transmitted whos' use is depreciated to the point where it is mostly irrelevant.

Can I ask where you are writing this information into the packet?

Because, if you know where the packet is composed before encoding and then transmission, you could either modify the encoding of "wastefully stored" information, (a DWord that only needs a Word (and that happens) or you could possibly add a DWord to the "size" of the packet?

Either way, the only things I have suspected of being a buffer for packet encode and write are the general player stats, (savegame.dat) and I still suspect that of being copied to a new memory block and possibly modified a little before transmission.
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Jan 28, 2009
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Yeah Sheen you missed by 4 bytes, but thanks. Now I know to not touch packet size ;)

bobsobol find this sequence if commands:

1st function you get from top, I don't know when 2nd (similar) is executed.
I adding my code to the bottom. Packet information are scattered all over memory, its composed into one packet somewhere else, not sure where.

Those packets are not encoded or decoded, this is raw data, only name and packet size is coded since it don't make sense to me, you can simply add "bobsobol like pie" into packet and it will never be encoded, everyone can get that packet and say "I knew it" ;) At least player name is encoded.

The space I am using to send my DWORD is right after weapon and shield information and for me it look like puzzle piece for unfinished addition.

PS. anyone know author of code?

FindPattern shenanigans. This has been C&P'd so many times that
crediting the author would be a pointless exersize.
I added a struct for this ok
BOOL DataCompare( PBYTE pbData, PBYTE pbMask, char * szMask ){
        for( ; *szMask; ++szMask, ++pbData, ++pbMask )
                if( *szMask == 'x' && *pbData != *pbMask )
                        return FALSE;
        return ( *szMask == NULL );

Very useful, but wherever I look nobody knows who wrote that.
So probably I will add "written by anonymous".


PS.2 can we do something to speed up packet sending & receiving, (to 1ms ;))? PT is doing it too slow, can it have FPS speed? ;)
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Loyal Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Sending and receiving items information on place that I pointed out is working:

So far I don't see bugs, maybe one but you have to put item on and take another item really really fast (gloves, armlets, boots... armor is too far to do this bug) and it will be as you never send this information that you took off next item (only others will see it), Its hard to reproduce this bug so its hard for me to trace it, for now I will add it to KNOWN BUGS, hopefully it will fix itself ;).
Speed is good to, you would not see difference with naked eye, however PT is really slow with sending packets, maybe there is some way to speed it up, to shorten delay (probably server doing something, on client everything is fast)?

So stay tuned for more ;)
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