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MD5 Registration Page S6 Ep3 Script

Experienced Elementalist
Jul 3, 2020
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Hello can someone give me a script with who i can make a account i need only the query pls i have try a lot but i have a problem cant register sure of use of the md5 .... i dont know how to make it pls help i have this one but NOT WORKS

INSERT INTO MEMB_INFO (memb___id, memb__pwd, mail_addr, sno__numb, ctl1_code, bloc_code) VALUES ('$ps_loginname','HashBytes('MD5',$ps_loginname+$ps_password+1234567890)','$ps_email', '1','1','0')

I also try with

INSERT INTO MEMB_INFO (memb___id, memb__pwd, mail_addr, sno__numb, ctl1_code, bloc_code) VALUES ('$ps_loginname','[dbo].[fn_md5]($ps_loginname,$ps_password)','$ps_email', '1','1','0')

dont work again ...

I want to make it work on this server files
Oct 8, 2006
Reaction score
First, what's the error? "Not working" is not good enough for us to give you hints about your problem.

This is a function which returns a string which should be encrypted in MD5 (only if that's really an MD5 encryption function):

Search for "HashBytes" function definition in your PHP files and see what's inside of it.
Not all the PHP base MD5 encryption functions are working with old PHP versions so it could be one of the many causes why isn't it working.

First, make sure your string in SQL database is MD5. It should look like this, that could mean it works, but not necessarily.

Your server files should have an MD5 enabling flag somewhere in a config file. Find it and set it to 1.

Also, make sure you have the same encryption/decryption string used in your server files because of this:

"$ps_loginname+$ps_password+1234567890" - this is concatenating the login, password and the string 1234567890,
so the encryption string is "ps_loginname+ps_password+1234567890".

If your server files have no idea how you encrypted it like this ("$ps_loginname+$ps_password+1234567890"), the MD5 won't be decrypted correctly when you're in-game logging in.

MD5(user+password+1234567890)[B] IS NOT EQUAL[/B] with MD5(password).

I'm suggesting you to search for open source Mu Online CMS and get an encryption based on that. Most of the server files are using the same encryption/decryption as far as I know but it could be different as well, depending on your server files.

Server administrators have Mu Online Core Developers which would help doing/changing the MD5 encryption in the source codes in the server files according to the website requirements.

And also, why don't you read your config files with more attention? (IGCDS.ini - DataServer)
## IGC_MD5 - varchar(32) - for x86/x64 SQL, uses md5($pass) from PHP
PasswordEncryptType = 2

Solution: So the encryption MUST be md5($pass).
Do it yourself: Find an MD5 encryption and make sure your it's encrypting it.

Good luck.
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