Ascent [Members] Atomic wow is looking for YOU

Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
Hello all,

I am the owner of well know server Atomicwow. (peek 365, population 250)

We are looking for skilled SQL,Lua devs. For our upcoming Battleground realm.

The benfeits of Joining this team

The respect, gratitude and admiration of the Atomic WoW community and players.
The gratitude and thanks of the Atomic WoW staff.
Acces to Atomic WoW's Svn
The ability to practice and extend your skills while helping the Atomic WoW community.
But most importantly; the biggest private server player base and community to understand, appreciate and hopefully admire your work and dedication. It's well-and-good to fix, design and develop your own stuff, but if only a handful of people ever see it, it simply does not compare to the many players that Atomic has online each day!

For more info add me on Msn,