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Mod distance in stat for travianX

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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 28, 2012
Reaction score

##              -= YOU MAY NOT REMOVE OR CHANGE THIS NOTICE =-                 ##
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
##  Filename       overview.tpl                                                ##
##  Developed by:  Dzoki                                                       ##
##  License:       TravianX Project                                            ##
##  Copyright:     TravianX (c) 2010-2011. All rights reserved.                ##
##                                                                             ##

$displayarray = $database->getUserArray($_GET['uid'],1);

$varmedal = $database->getProfileMedal($_GET['uid']);

$profiel=explode("".md5(skJkev3)."", $profiel);

$varray = $database->getProfileVillages($_GET['uid']);
$totalpop = 0;
foreach($varray as $vil) {
	$totalpop += $vil['pop'];
<h1>Player profile</h1>

if($_GET['uid'] == $session->uid) { include("menu.tpl"); } ?>
<table id="profile" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" >
        <th colspan="2">Player <?php echo $displayarray['username']; ?></th>

        <td class="empty"></td><td class="empty"></td>
        <td class="details">
            <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<?php if($displayarray['access']==BANNED){ echo "<tr><td colspan='2'><center><b>Banned</b></center></td></tr>"; } ?>


                <td><?php echo $ranking->searchRank($displayarray['username'],"username"); ?></td>
                if($displayarray['tribe'] == 1) {
                echo "Roman";
                else if($displayarray['tribe'] == 2) {
                echo "Teutons";
                else if($displayarray['tribe'] == 3) {
                echo "Gauls";
				else if($displayarray['tribe'] == 4) {
                echo "Nature";
                }else if($displayarray['tribe'] == 5) {
                echo "Natars";
                }				?></td>

                <td><?php if($displayarray['alliance'] == 0) {
                echo "-";
                else {
                $displayalliance = $database->getAllianceName($displayarray['alliance']);
                echo "<a href=\"allianz.php?aid=".$displayarray['alliance']."\">".$displayalliance."</a>";
                } ?></td>
                <td><?php echo count($varray);?></td>

                <td><?php echo $totalpop; ?></td>
			//Date of Birth
            if(isset($displayarray['birthday']) && $displayarray['birthday'] != 0) {
			$age = date('Y') - substr($displayarray['birthday'],0,4);
				if ((date('m') - substr($displayarray['birthday'],5,2)) < 0){$age --;}
				elseif ((date('m') - substr($displayarray['birthday'],5,2)) == 0){
					if(date('d') < substr($displayarray['birthday'],8,2)){$age --;}
            echo "<tr><th>Age</th><td>$age</td></tr>";
            if(isset($displayarray['gender']) && $displayarray['gender'] != 0) {
            $gender = ($displayarray['gender']== 1)? "Male" : "Female";
            echo "<tr><th>Gender</th><td>".$gender."</td></tr>";
            if($displayarray['location'] != "") {
            echo "<tr><th>Location</th><td>".$displayarray['location']."</td></tr>";
                <td colspan="2" class="empty"></td>
				<?php if($_GET['uid'] == $session->uid) {
                echo "<td colspan=\"2\"> <a href=\"spieler.php?s=1\">» Change profile</a></td>";
                } else {
             echo "<td colspan=\"2\"> <a href=\"nachrichten.php?t=1&id=".$_GET['uid']."\">» Write message</a></td>";
			<!--<tr><td colspan="2"><a href="nachrichten.php?t=1&id=0"><font color="Red">» Report Player</font></a></td></tr>-->
							<td colspan="2" class="desc2">
								<div class="desc2div"><?php echo nl2br($profiel[0]); ?></div>

        <td class="desc1" >
            <div><?php echo nl2br($profiel[1]); ?>

</table><table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" id="villages">
        <th colspan="4">Villages</th>
    function getDistance($coorx1, $coory1, $coorx2, $coory2) {
   $max = 2 * WORLD_MAX + 1;
   $x1 = intval($coorx1);
   $y1 = intval($coory1);
   $x2 = intval($coorx2);
   $y2 = intval($coory2);
   $distanceX = min(abs($x2 - $x1), abs($max - abs($x2 - $x1)));
   $distanceY = min(abs($y2 - $y1), abs($max - abs($y2 - $y1)));
   $dist = sqrt(pow($distanceX, 2) + pow($distanceY, 2));
   return round($dist, 1);
    $wref2 = $village->wid;
    $coor2 = $database->getCoor($wref2);
    foreach($varray as $vil) {
    	$coor = $database->getCoor($vil['wref']);
    	echo "<tr><td class=\"nam\"><a href=\"karte.php?d=".$vil['wref']."&c=".$generator->getMapCheck($vil['wref'])."\">".$vil['name']."</a>";
        if($vil['capital'] == 1) {
        	echo "<span class=\"none3\"> (capital)</span>";
        echo "</td>";
        echo "<td class=\"hab\">".$vil['pop']."</td><td class=\"aligned_coords\">";
        echo "<div class=\"cox\">(".$coor['x']."</div><div class=\"pi\">|</div><div class=\"coy\">".$coor['y'].")</div></td>";
        echo "<td class=\"hab\"><center>".getDistance($coor2['x'], $coor2['y'], $coor['x'], $coor['y'])."</center></td><tr>";

if(!is_numeric($_SESSION['search'])) {
	echo "<p class=\"error\">The village <b>".$_SESSION['search']."</b> does not exist.</p>";
    $search = 0;
else {
	$search = $_SESSION['search'];
<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" id="villages" class="row_table_data">
					<th colspan="6">The largest villages</th>
			function getDistance($coorx1, $coory1, $coorx2, $coory2) {
				$max = 2 * WORLD_MAX + 1;
				$x1 = intval($coorx1);
				$y1 = intval($coory1);
				$x2 = intval($coorx2);
				$y2 = intval($coory2);
				$distanceX = min(abs($x2 - $x1), abs($max - abs($x2 - $x1)));
				$distanceY = min(abs($y2 - $y1), abs($max - abs($y2 - $y1)));
				$dist = sqrt(pow($distanceX, 2) + pow($distanceY, 2));
				return round($dist, 1);
			$wref2 = $village->wid;
			$coor2 = $database->getCoor($wref2);
		$multiplier = 1;
			if(is_numeric($_GET['rank'])) {
				if($_GET['rank'] > count($ranking->getRank())) {
				$_GET['rank'] = count($ranking->getRank())-1;
				while($_GET['rank'] > (20*$multiplier)) {
					$multiplier +=1;
			$start = 20*$multiplier-19;
			} else { $start = ($_SESSION['start']+1); }
		} else { $start = ($_SESSION['start']+1); }
        if(count($ranking->getRank()) > 0) {
        	$ranking = $ranking->getRank();
            for($i=$start;$i<($start+20);$i++) {
            if(isset($ranking[$i]['wref']) && $ranking[$i] != "pad") {
                	if($i == $search) {
                    echo "<tr class=\"hl\"><td class=\"ra fc\" >";
                    else {
                    echo "<tr><td class=\"ra \" >";
                    echo $i.".</td><td class=\"vil \" ><a href=\"karte.php?d=".$ranking[$i]['wref']."&c=".$generator->getMapCheck($ranking[$i]['wref'])."\">".$ranking[$i]['name']."</a></td>";
                    echo "<td class=\"pla \" ><a href=\"spieler.php?uid=".$ranking[$i]['owner']."\">".$ranking[$i]['user']."</a></td>";
                    echo "<td class=\"hab\">".$ranking[$i]['pop']."</td><td class=\"aligned_coords \" ><div class=\"cox\">(".$ranking[$i]['x']."</div><div class=\"pi\">|</div><div class=\"coy\">".$ranking[$i]['y'].")</div></td>";
                    echo "<td class=\"hab\"><center>".getDistance($coor2['x'], $coor2['y'], $ranking[$i]['x'], $ranking[$i]['y'])."</center></td><tr>";
         else {
        	echo "<td class=\"none\" colspan=\"5\">No villages found</td>";


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