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- Moderator Application For GunZ Online -

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Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Hello and welcome to my Application. To show my dedication towards my objectives and goals I have spent quite a bit of time on this Application proof-reading, correcting mistakes and making sure it's user-friendly while at the same time getting the main idea across about each Question. Now, before my Application or my elegibility gets discredited due to my Registration date, I'd like to inform you I've been with RaGEZONE much longer than that, I've actually been with RaGEZONE for 2+ years (Known about it for around 3 but I never got around to registering at first) Well, anyways, I'll start it off with a couple of basic things;

You can call me Nate

I'm 18 years old

United States, Lansing Michigan

Contact Information:
I'd like to keep my MSN private so random people don't add me, but if you'd like my MSN feel free to PM me. Alternatively there is always Private Messaging and Visitor Messages :)


Background Information:
I'll take this opportunity to inform you a little bit about myself. I'm currently un-employed, my last job I had I got fired from because I dropped dirty. (But oh-well it was just basically like a crash-course for when I decide to get a Stable job) I live at home with my Mother, my Brother and my Dog, I'm actually taking care of my Mother while she is recovering. During the time that I am not with my Girlfriend or not doing House/Yard-Work I am either online or working out, so usually 6 days out of the Week I'm online for anywhere between 5-10 Hours. I consider myself to be a Decent person, my parents raised me to use my head and have to have Common Sense and they both believed in the 'Old-School disciplinary system' so I definitely listened to everything they said, aka I'm very disciplined.

I don't want to drag out a 5 Paragraph story about me and my life, so I'll just close this part with I love to help people, I always think of others before myself and put their needs before my own. I love to make others happy so I try to help to the best of my knowledge, I know what it is like to be helpless and I wish that upon nobody so as long as I am breathing I will always be going the extra mile to help another person with his/her issue. I have a great sense of humor (I was the class-clown in Middle School =D) and I'm not arrogant nor am I a smart-butt. (Unless you of-course were being a smart-butt with me first ;)) I pride myself on my work etiquette, and I never lose sight of any task or request that has been given to me, especially by my superiors.


So anyways, enough about me,

What are you applying for? And why.:
I'm applying to be a Moderator for the GunZ Online section. I've been playing GunZ for about 7 years, and I've been developing for roughly 6 years. I have a ton of experience when it comes to both playing, and developing for this game. I've worked at many, many servers throughout these 6 years and I've covered pretty much every staff position there is, Game Master, Administrator, Sub-Administrator, Developer, GFX Team, GFX Team Leader, Forum Moderator, Event Hoster, Co-Owned as well as Owned multiple servers (I've owned 3 Servers, only one of them actually established any kind of community; nothing big but it was a moderate 30-50 users online daily) I myself ran and created all 3 of these servers (With help from the GunZ Online section when I needed it) as-well as maintained and created things for the Client.

When it comes to the contribution aspect, my main specialty I'd say would have to be Map Making, although I can do many other things when it comes to Developing. But I'm applying for Moderator, not Developer so I'd like to say that being Forum Moderator, Co/Owner, Administrator etc. have all brought me experience in dealing with Moderating threads/the community and I've also developed a nice 'Moderation Method' as I like to call it. I can assure you that I would never ever abuse any Privileges/Powers etc. given to me in any way shape or form, well, not intentionally I can't say that I will be perfect and never make a mistake but I'm only human and we all make mistakes. Now, I'm applying for the Moderator spot because I'd love to help out more than what I already have. Phoenix and Dawson are not online constantly and there are times when Moderation is needed and there is no-one there, and I'd love to be there when it's needed. I'd love to offer my Moderation experience/skills to this section to also help maintain a very friendly environment while at the same time getting what needs to be done, done.

I've developed an alright name for myself with this section, and I have no problems with anyone in this section, in-fact if it's alright I've asked a couple of my friends from this section to post validating my eligibility. Also yes I know there are already 4 Mods to this section but only 2 associate with GunZ, Dell and Mu (I know they are supervisors) but as far as I know they have no association with GunZ, furthermore explained in a previous post;​

The FlyFF section really needed new moderators, instead you just putted existing moderators, with no knowledge on the development at all to moderate the section. No approval mark!

Now obviously it's not the FlyFF section I'm applying for but this is just explaining what I previously said.

Have you contributed to this section at all?
Yes I have contributed many things and I plan on contributing much much more. I can't say that my work is 1337FuXpRoAwEsOmE1337Godly, but it's not horrible work. Anyway, here are some links to things that I have contributed over the years;


I have 2 Expired infractions

Last Comments:
Thanks for reading my application and I hope I've provided the correct information. Now, some of you may know me to be a 'solid-debater', yes I have argued my beliefs when it came to a Debate (9/11, Economy, etc.) but I assure you I was not arguing in a vindictive/demeaning manner, and I won't take that attitude out of the Debate Section/Debate Topics. I may have come off as an butt-hole or immature in those posts but as I said I was just backing up my beliefs/opinion and I meant no harm to anyone. Well, on a closing note I'd like to say that I will keep on contributing to GunZ Online whether I am accepted or not, and if I am accepted my attitude/view towards anyone will not change just because I have a Green name and Moderator Powers.
God Bless!
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Feb 4, 2010
Reaction score
Re: Moderator Application - GunZ Online

Well mate, both Phoenix and I keep the section on a tight lock, and the section is starting to die down, I don't see you having a shot at this unless I magically got fired :[ sorry. Nice application though, its lengthy but you added too much humor into it for it to be professional.

Have you contributed to this section at all?
Yes I have contributed many things and I plan on contributing much much more. I can't say that my work is 1337FuXpRoAwEsOmE1337Godly, but it's not horrible work. Anyway, here are some links to things that I have contributed over the years;

Thats a big nono in my books I don't know how the higher ups of RZ see things but if I saw that in an application to mod in any of my forums? Nope.

Maybe if myself or Phoenix eventually leave the section for whatever reason that may be apply again when it needs one?
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
he helped me lots Profound is rly nice he would make GREAT mod !! hey man DawsonByrd he online when u and Pheonix not sometime and helps with people problems sometimes you guys are not in when Gunz section needs one mod to be on so he should be accept !
Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Ah yes I understand there are already 4 Mods for this section, but only 2 (Dawson and Phoenix) associate with GunZ, and there have been multiple occasions where a Thread needed to be moderated and there was no-one online to do it, instead of just hiring in a whole nother mod I could be a replacement for Dell or Mu for this section, thanks btw =]


Just wonderin' here but how did I add too much humor Dawson? o.o
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Divine Celestial
Loyal Member
Jun 26, 2011
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Nice app, but you have to a be a member of RZ for more than a year.
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
I'd say you know your poop too, albeit in a different way :p:
And yeah, great application, don't let the registration date get you down :wink:
Nobody would want a 2010 troll over a 2011 contributor, right?
i sell platypus
Loyal Member
Jun 26, 2009
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Ah yes I understand there are already 4 Mods for this section, but only 2 (Dawson and Phoenix) associate with GunZ, and there have been multiple occasions where a Thread needed to be moderated and there was no-one online to do it, instead of just hiring in a whole nother mod I could be a replacement for Dell or Mu for this section, thanks btw =]


Just wonderin' here but how did I add too much humor Dawson? o.o

Supervisors wont get replaced unless they leave.
Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
Nice app, but you have to a be a member of RZ for more than a year.

There ya go bolded it for ya in the OP ;)

I'd say you know your poop too, albeit in a different way :p:
And yeah, great application, don't let the registration date get you down :wink:
Nobody would want a 2010 troll over a 2011 contributor, right?

Thanks man appreciate it

Supervisors wont get replaced unless they leave.

Alright my bad didn't know. But that still means only 2 of the 4 mods are knowledgeable when it comes to GunZ, but I understand what you guys are saying ;\
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Elite Diviner
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Nice app, but like Dawson said, him and Phoenix really have got the section running well. If you see unmoderated threads, report them :).
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
Can't say anything bad about a application like that. neither do I see anything wrong with humor, hell speeches start of with that! :lol:

+1 from me.
We are Maverick!
Loyal Member
Feb 27, 2009
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Technically we aren't even hiring moderators right now + the section has sufficient moderators...
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