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[Moderator Application] - Gaming Hotspot!

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Developer - JS
Jul 6, 2013
Reaction score
After a lot of consideration in the past to apply for moderator, I took a shot so here is my application for the Gaming Hotspot, my apologises for the grammar issues in the application, my english writing skills aren't that great.

Short info:

Real name: Benjamin Dendas
Age: 20 (06-03-1995)
Skype: buhidunno
Country: Belgium

I am applying for the section Gaming Hotspot!

Some specific information about myself aside from the quick info on top.

I'm currently studying for Applied Informatics in Belgium, I generally like to code, however its not always as smooth as it should be.

The stuff I learn :

1. C#
2. Java
3. SQL
4. Assambler
5. PHP
6. HTML & CSS (to bad I am not very great at design)
7. Javascript & Jquery
8. Windows & Linux

I'm a patient person that tries to remain professional as much as possible and tries to take new challenges with both hands as I think it gives a huge + towards a later career.

I speak 3 languages, English, French and Dutch but as my parents are actually from Germany, I can understand and talk myself out of a situation in German, however I can't write it.

I'm a technology guy, I follow quiet a lot that comes out new so I try to follow up the Keynotes and game releases when majors are coming out.


I can't really state an specific moment that I'm active as I browse Ragezone multiple times a day and get my notifications pushed to my phone #Tapatalk.

Did I contribute to this section and why am I applying for this section?

Let's be honest and answer the first question first.

No, I'm not very active within the Gaming Hotspot section and aside from just quickly looking over the subforum I haven't really taken any action into a conversation on that subforum.

However I honestly think that on a discussion minded subforum, as thats what most of the Gaming Hotspot looks like, a talkactive person like me would fit perfect into the picture as the Gaming Hotspot will have a moderator that will be actively around the section and will interact with the community around the Hotspot Section.

With limited to no real experience into moderating forum aside from some Shivtr pages and then the forum that I had when doing my own server it would be a decent section to start with as the rules that I've read on this section are already set and would need supervision to make sure everyone follows them.

Though, I'm willing to look into the board functions to master the functions and I'm open for feedback from other Moderators.

What are my contributions on RZ though?

As i'm active in the Perfect World section of Ragezone, I contributed there by writing guides on how to use tools and give feedback to people on how to set they're server.

Contributions aside from the feedback I gave on several topics:
And I think I've reported some "bad" posts earlier on.

I'm considering of posting basic challenges (C# and Java) on the Coders' Paradise but i'm not quiet sure yet about that as there are plenty of people that can program alot better then me, but I think it might be a good idea for people that are new to the language.

Why did I join Ragezone?

I got referred to Ragezone when I was working together with previous administrators of Private servers.

I first only looked around on the forum and did research about the setup of Private servers. After reading almost every thread in the Perfect World Section, i succesfully set up my first server in the prime days that I was member of Ragezone.

I'm currently 2 Year member of Ragezone and still log RZ daily to check out new posts & releases.

Infractions & Warnings?

Warning from Madison for an useless reply on a Application I think it was.

Why should you take me?

I know for sure, I'm not the most experienced person that would be moderator and I'm also aware that there most likely will be plenty of people that know it better then me...
But I've worked from plenty people (for free ofc) and none of them was disappointed into the things that I did for them, in the past and still now..

I'm willing to learn, but its up to you to give that chance.

Please feel free to ask questions.



Credit to Mucski for the application setup.
Last edited:
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
I always liked whoami (even though I still don't know who you are). Unfortunely, from my point of view, EVO as a whole is quite dead, and it really need a push up. Regardless, I have good faith in believe that you would, doubtlessly, fullfill moderator's duties and help improve not only Gaming Hotspot (in which you applied for), but EVO as a whole.

Needless to say... here goes my vouch :):

- Droppy
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Reactions: Ben
Apr 5, 2012
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I don't think I've ever come across you before on the boards so I don't have anything bad to say about you regarding any attitude or what. The activity is a concern for me personally, evo needs a dramatic boost in activity, gaming is also a section within that what is currently lacking the enthusiasm to drive it forward, you've essentially said in your application you think you'll fit into it, why haven't you shown an interest in the past?

You're saying you will become active AFTER you've become the mod in that section what is not good.


Developer - JS
Jul 6, 2013
Reaction score
I don't think I've ever come across you before on the boards so I don't have anything bad to say about you regarding any attitude or what. The activity is a concern for me personally, evo needs a dramatic boost in activity, gaming is also a section within that what is currently lacking the enthusiasm to drive it forward, you've essentially said in your application you think you'll fit into it, why haven't you shown an interest in the past?

You're saying you will become active AFTER you've become the mod in that section what is not good.

I'm completely aware of the fact that I'm not seen activity specificly on the gaming section but I can't change the past, however i was mainly focussing on other sections to give feedback on, but they are modded enough already.

Right now, I think most of the topics are outdated (4 months and barely any reply, so it'dd be bad to start necro'ing the current posts), it'll be a though job to get the activity up, thats for sure.

The only time you might have seen me was in Spamzilla few months ago.
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