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MSN Convo

*still exists*
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
Normally i wouldent do this... but it really is 2 funny for me not to post :lol:. Im luke on it btw... Used to be mates with him on counterstrike over 2 years or so ago hehe.


MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
sup witch
X luke says:
long time no talk
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
how u doing kid
X luke says:
.... ok

MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
how u doing
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
got a witch yet?
X luke says:
X luke says:
X luke says:
im at work atm lol
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
what do u do?
X luke says:
web designer
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
know any good porn sites
X luke says:
.... no belive it or not
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
X luke says:
how old r u?
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
shut up fool
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
and send me some porn
X luke says:
actually... think ill block u
X luke says:
we never talk
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
u witch
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
i;ll duck u up
X luke says:
yeah... on ya own
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
i can take u on my own
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
X luke says:
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
i will ruin u
X luke says:
i dont play CS anymore.... infact the last time i played it over a year or 2 ago
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
u gimp im talking about in real life u witch
X luke says:
so i really cant think of a reason to talk with u anymore o_0
X luke says:
well yes
X luke says:
but im hardely scared am i? lol
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
i will duck ur sister too
X luke says:
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
will u let me duck her tiny butthole?
X luke says:
X luke says:
im guessing your about... what..... 16?
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
ur gay
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
ur a geek
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
X luke says:
that says it for itself dont it lol
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
X luke says:
lol fair enough im a geek then
X luke says:
couldent care less what u think
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
u are stupid
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
stupid dummy
X luke says:
im a stupid web designer then
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
ur a rapist too
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
u rape dogs
X luke says:
yeah had your butt
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
nowi can take this convo to the police station
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
ui werido
X luke says:
X luke says:
seriously dude... get a hobby
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
tell me that when u have cops on ur doortsep
X luke says:
im off to the pub.. cya haha
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
u have just admitted to my rape
X luke says:
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
up to u
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
see u in court
X luke says:
i totally raped your butt
X luke says:
had to knock you out first
X luke says:
did it last weekend
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
dont try cover ur tracks by overexagerating
X luke says:
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
it wont work
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
ur in deeper poop than u think
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
X luke says:
X luke says:
seriously carry on plz
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
laugh now while u can
X luke says:
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
u have just confessed to a raping
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
funny isnt it?
X luke says:
yeah very funny
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
im glad u think so
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
lucky i have saved chat logs
X luke says:
actually... gona post this on the net
X luke says:
its 2 funny
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
ur mum is funny
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Feb 22, 2003
Reaction score
:rofl: 'confessed to rape' you know hes one of the people that call people who accomplish more things than them 'geek's so they say their gay....but how is pressing buttons more gay than getting sweaty with a bunch of guys and showering with them on sundays?
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Beckys witch
Loyal Member
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
tbh i agree with dan, the world is flat O_O

and lmao @ You just admitted to rape

MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
i will duck ur sister too
X luke says:
MrAss [58|l-Fellowship Of NoA, Good Movie! says:
will u let me duck her tiny butthole?

says it all really... :tp: