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Mu Core 1.0.8 Change Class & Change Nickname modules.

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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Dec 5, 2009
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Hello RageZoners.

Today i'm going to release Change Class & Change Nickname Mu Core 1.0.8 modules, coded by me.
Not much to say, has been tested for a long time.

Ok let's go

Change Class module Preview

2009x2014 - Mu Core 1.0.8  Change Class & Change Nickname modules. - RaGEZONE Forums

[IMG]https://forum.ragezone.com/ima...odules_v2.rar]4FUNer MuCore Custom Modules v2

by Martin a.k.a 4FUNer (c) 2013, Enjoy :]
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-( . ) ( . )-
Loyal Member
Mar 28, 2012
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Sir can you modify this change to put some special characters? or this release has a possible for that special characters for the change name and +rep for you martin and appreciate all of your work thank you and good bless..
-( . ) ( . )-
Loyal Member
Mar 28, 2012
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i have some question to you sir martin what if the players have a Guild?? they can change there name also even they have a Guild or what is the disadvantage for this?

this is my report for this release when i change my name in site and my char have a Guild. there was a bug on it.
the bug was when you go to switch characters your char have a guild for example your char was a Guild Master it will appear on character select and when you go in game your character have no guild. and this is the pictures.
working and great for me this release but the there was a bug on it i hope sir martin can fix it..
2009x2014 - Mu Core 1.0.8  Change Class & Change Nickname modules. - RaGEZONE Forums

2009x2014 - Mu Core 1.0.8  Change Class & Change Nickname modules. - RaGEZONE Forums

2009x2014 - Mu Core 1.0.8  Change Class & Change Nickname modules. - RaGEZONE Forums
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Dec 5, 2009
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Sir can you modify this change to put some special characters? or this release has a possible for that special characters for the change name and +rep for you martin and appreciate all of your work thank you and good bless..

Use on your own risk

go to page_modules/user_cp -> open change_nickname.php

and comment out those lines
[B]//[/B]	elseif ($newname != check_nick($_POST['newname'], "")) {
[B]//[/B]	echo msg('0', 'Chosen nickname contains characters that are not allowed or is empty.');
[B]//[/B]	}

Now nickname will be accepting special characters, however you can block some of them by adding in

for example

$non_all = array (
'', //empty

i have some question to you sir martin what if the players have a Guild?? they can change there name also even they have a Guild or what is the disadvantage for this?

Like you can see, in code, it support guilds
	Update Guild set G_Master ='$newname' where G_Master ='$name';
	Update GuildMember set Name ='$newname' where Name ='$name';

this is my report for this release when i change my name in site and my char have a Guild. there was a bug on it.
the bug was when you go to switch characters your char have a guild for example your char was a Guild Master it will appear on character select and when you go in game your character have no guild. and this is the pictures.
working and great for me this release but the there was a bug on it i hope sir martin can fix it..

That's not a bug, it's visual, guild will appear after server restart.
2009x2014 - Mu Core 1.0.8  Change Class & Change Nickname modules. - RaGEZONE Forums

also remember what i said, if your db store nicknames in additional places
such as marry system, custom event ranks etc, upgrade change_nickname.php to work with ur db perfectly
(just add to the query Update TABLE_NAME set COLUMN ='$newname' where COLUMN ='$name'; )
in original release nickname will be changed in default places like you can see in code (char/game id/guild/optdata/friends)

Awesome Martin, you earned a +rep & like from me, keep it up bro! :thumbup:
Awesome thanks for the useful released

Thanks, Enjoy :)
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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 6, 2007
Reaction score
i have some question to you sir martin what if the players have a Guild?? they can change there name also even they have a Guild or what is the disadvantage for this?

this is my report for this release when i change my name in site and my char have a Guild. there was a bug on it.
the bug was when you go to switch characters your char have a guild for example your char was a Guild Master it will appear on character select and when you go in game your character have no guild. and this is the pictures.
working and great for me this release but the there was a bug on it i hope sir martin can fix it..

My guess, it's not changing the char's nickname on Guild column, you need to review the code, and add a section for this....

EDIT: i reviewed the code, and i believe error is the following:

Update Guild set G_Master ='$newname' where G_Master ='$name';
Update GuildMember set Name ='$newname' where Name ='$name';
Error must be there, you need to theck if your Guild Info is stored on those columns, and/or change them to fit your DBs, he already stated this was working 100% WITH WEBZEN's DB STRUCTURE, meaning if your DB is different to WebZen's, you'll need some corrections.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Dec 5, 2009
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read my reply, it's just visual for guild ^^, like 99 % db use same table/col for guild, after server restart all will be fine

2009x2014 - Mu Core 1.0.8  Change Class & Change Nickname modules. - RaGEZONE Forums
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 6, 2007
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read my reply, it's just visual for guild ^^, like 99 % db use same table/col for guild, after server restart all will be fine

2009x2014 - Mu Core 1.0.8  Change Class & Change Nickname modules. - RaGEZONE Forums

Nice, I thought he may have a different database structure, as far as I know, it's same structure on all files for guild, but you can never be 100% sure....maybe some team code it in a different way ^^, just pointing a possibility here.

Guess we both sent our reply with just a few minutes difference, so I just saw it ^^. As usual, great work Martin =).
echo "Expert";
Loyal Member
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
thanks martin. This could be great if only VIP can use this function :)

like this

//VIP Verification
$sql_vip_check = $core_db -> Execute("SELECT Vip from MEMB_INFO where memb___id=?",array($user_auth_id));
$vip_check = $sql_vip_check->numrows();
$vip = $sql_vip_check->fetchrow();
if($vip[0] == '0'){
echo msg('0','Only for VIP member!!!');

:) what yah think martin?
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Dec 5, 2009
Reaction score
thanks martin. This could be great if only VIP can use this function :)

like this

//VIP Verification
$sql_vip_check = $core_db -> Execute("SELECT Vip from MEMB_INFO where memb___id=?",array($user_auth_id));
$vip_check = $sql_vip_check->numrows();
$vip = $sql_vip_check->fetchrow();
if($vip[0] == '0'){
echo msg('0','Only for VIP member!!!');

:) what yah think martin?

Lol Twisteraj from HG code ^^

Anw if you/other ppl want only for vips, you can modify in change_class.php / change_nickname.php


    if ($core[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]cc[/COLOR][/B]['OnOff'] == '0') {
        echo msg('0', 'For the moment this page is closed. Please come back later.');
   } else {

to this one

	$vip = $core_db2 -> Execute("Select [B]VipColumn[/B] from MEMB_INFO where memb___id=?",array(
	   if ($core[COLOR="#FF0000"][B]cc[/B][/COLOR]['OnOff'] == '0') {
     echo msg('0', 'For the moment this page is closed. Please come back later.');
	 elseif ($vip->fields[0] == 0) {
	echo msg('0', '[B]Your vip msg[/B] .');
   } else {

where VipColumn = Name of ur Vip column & MEMB_INFO = table where vip column is stored

for change_nickname $corecn['OnOff'] instead of $corecc['OnOff']

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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Dec 5, 2009
Reaction score
haha sweet. Thanks!

it can be used in the other module right? oh by the way do you have some modules like Character profile martin??

You saw inven view & sig one ^^

and yea can be used for other

let's take clear_inventory for example

if ($active == '0') {
    echo msg('0', text_sorry_feature_disabled);
} else {

$vip = $core_db2 -> Execute("Select VipColumn from MEMB_INFO where memb___id=?",array(
if ($active == '0') {
    echo msg('0', text_sorry_feature_disabled);
elseif ($vip->fields[0] == 0) {
	echo msg('0', 'Your vip msg .');
} else {
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-( . ) ( . )-
Loyal Member
Mar 28, 2012
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there was a possible to be not visual guild will appear after server restart.??? because every players will change there names the server will be restarted
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 6, 2007
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there was a possible to be not visual guild will appear after server restart.??? because every players will change there names the server will be restarted

Well, people shouldnt be changing their nickname very often....you can state on the module that they'll have to wait for guild fix, and set up some server-restarting script fox every x hours/days (i used to do this, with a .bat script setted to run once a week and restart the whole server side......just a suggestion...

as far as i know, guilds are handled by WzExDB...i dont think you can make it update w/o restarting it.
-( . ) ( . )-
Loyal Member
Mar 28, 2012
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but it is nicer if there will be not server restart after they change there names.. thnk you for answering all my questions and nice release martin... i hope more release will come.. good luck and god bless...
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Dec 5, 2009
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once you change name your guild will disappear also

IGCN use same tables for guild ? if yea then you talk about visual, it's normal, after server restart guild info will be reloaded, if you would read topic then you would find that info.

i'll repeat once again, it was tested for a long time (to be honest 2 years++) and never experienced a prob,
users asked why it's like this with g, but that wasn't big deal, since easier to change nickname than delete whole char.
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