MUX server and client

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Breshit bara Elohim
Mar 25, 2007
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MUX server and client full sources

I decided to release this game

New version of MU online in Chinese

I naver build MUX server, so I am not sure it works or not




Server bin

tools bin

full sources


cWQ2Y - MUX server and client - RaGEZONE Forums
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what , the CRACK!!

dude , if those are working - you just give us something that actually WORTH something!.

well , this is amazing - those are official server files - and from when ?

shit , = need password for ftp...
well , thanks ..

i see , its mysql db..

so its like the old mu ? but a new engine ?

you should post it in mu section too :)

sounds really good anyway :) .

Thanks alot for sharing again.
what do you think holchan?

of course I have so many sources... more than 100 games
but I have no plan to release them
because I already released many full sources here
and.. no one want to advance the sources
people are so selfish
I think that not are Mu X

Here Official Website of this game:

No... are MuX, but client like for created for another game.
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what do you think holchan?

of course I have so many sources... more than 100 games
but I have no plan to release them
because I already released many full sources here
and.. no one want to advance the sources
people are so selfish

True, but not all of them ;)

ZbErA - MUX server and client - RaGEZONE Forums

Have Missing Files on MapServer
215lu - MUX server and client - RaGEZONE Forums

I Can start the mapserver if i remove lines for config for theses files.

but, after i select character. give error 1001 (probably cant connect with gs)
No, the terrains on client file are .nif files.

But, can conect mapserver with no problem. i need only to remove the strings for config on mapserver.

i think that this problem are on AssignServer, because if i put on config. give a lot of errors, and if i put LanIP or my IP, not closed console, but not start.

some npc's and mounts
JCdUl - MUX server and client - RaGEZONE Forums
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what do you think holchan?

of course I have so many sources... more than 100 games
but I have no plan to release them
because I already released many full sources here
and.. no one want to advance the sources
people are so selfish

it's not the fact that a lot of people are selfish, it's because a lot of people can't. Still not a reason not to release em, keeping them to yourself is selfish.

anyway can someone upload the client to another uploader?

and yea it does look interesting.
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